
Pixie Z1

更新时间 2023-07-08 02:25:00 UTC 
Will the hub continue to run the watering schedule when there is no internet service? I am watering at a remote location where internet service is spotty, and I am not always there.
浏览: 919   回复: 1

Why no cycle soak setting?

更新时间 2023-07-08 19:56:33 UTC 
Why is there no cycle soak settings in these controllers. Also what about anti water hamer setting?  
浏览: 910   回复: 1


Mark Killeen
更新时间 2023-07-10 22:48:23 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
浏览: 909   回复: 0


Mark Killeen
更新时间 2023-07-10 22:48:36 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
浏览: 911   回复: 1

Timer shows watering, but no watering!

Jay Fahar
更新时间 2023-07-11 12:26:26 UTC 
话题: Netro App

My scheduled watering starts at 7AM. Since we had rains for the past two days, the API apparently senses the moistures in the soil and stops watering as scheduled.  Today I monitired Netro showing zone-1 was ON. I looked outside and didn't see the zone watering!  I then went to the basement and listened for water flowing in the pipies. No noise!

I concluded that NETRO still shows scheduled watering, but the vales to all Zones are shutoff!!!?  This is a sofware bug and needs to be fixed?!

浏览: 1003   回复: 1


更新时间 2023-07-11 17:32:17 UTC 
How do I check if my pixie one is still in warranty?
浏览: 961   回复: 1

Random Manual Start

Mario Hardy
更新时间 2023-07-13 04:52:51 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Hi, I woke up twice this week to see that Netro has launched unscheduled manual run for one hour in the middle of the night.

How to make this stop???

浏览: 935   回复: 0

Random Manual Start

Mario Hardy
更新时间 2023-07-13 04:53:04 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Hi, I woke up twice this week to see that Netro has launched unscheduled manual run for one hour in the middle of the night.

How to make this stop???

浏览: 979   回复: 1

Whisperer v1 reporting temp over 800 degrees

更新时间 2023-07-13 16:20:23 UTC 
I have a v1 Whisperer that’s almost 3 years old. The temp readings are now showing up as over 800 degrees.  I’ve tried to reset it and it’s still reporting the same.  Perhaps another ‘harder’ reset?  Software update?  Out am I just going to need to buy a new one?
浏览: 972   回复: 1

Problème de localisation

Yoann Lienard
更新时间 2023-07-16 10:54:55 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Bonjour ,

Je ne peux pas installer mon capteur de plante parce que lors de l’installation je ne peux pas choisir la France l’application ne reconnaît que les états Unis. 

Comment faire ? 

Merci de votre réponse. 


浏览: 962   回复: 1

App show’s pending message

Greg Jones
更新时间 2023-08-07 18:46:13 UTC 
The app always shows a “1” indicating that there is an unread message.  I have opened any and all messages and can’t get rid of it…am I missing something?
浏览: 842   回复: 1

Allow manual run without needing to enable the system

Tim Quach
更新时间 2023-08-01 08:02:49 UTC 
话题: Netro App


In Perth Australia, we disable reticulation in winter, sure to winter rains.

In some cases, I've needed manual water parts of the garden sure to warm weather and lack of rain.

In order to do so currently, I need to set the system to enabled,  perform a manual run, and then remember to disable the system again. Sometimes I forget to do the last bit.

Can we allow for manual run without needing to enable the system?

浏览: 850   回复: 1

Manual Run, 1 zone is not stopping

Atif Siddiqui
更新时间 2023-08-02 04:51:58 UTC 

Hi, I installed the Sprite Netro today. Did a manual test. 

All zones worked fine except one of the zones started running but is not stopping. App shows stopped but the water keep going. 

Any ideas? Is it the metro issue or sprinkler valves? I powered off the Netro but still the water keeps on going.

浏览: 877   回复: 1

Using Bootlace ferrules.

Bob Howard
更新时间 2023-08-03 06:36:09 UTC 
话题: 安装
I'd like to use bootlace ferrules for all the wiring to the sprite as shown in your installation video (power connection). I'm using 0.5mm² x 7 core cable and 0.5mm² bootlaces and the unit won't grip them. I've tried other sizes with the same result. What size ferrule is required?
浏览: 1134   回复: 1

Date format

Bob Howard
更新时间 2023-08-03 23:27:42 UTC 
话题: Netro App

How do I change the date format from American? In Australia we use the following format: DD/MM/YYYY. Shouldn't the app be set to read the default setting of the phone?

浏览: 952   回复: 1

Offline / online notifications

David H
更新时间 2023-08-04 17:15:09 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Hi, what causes this and any suggestions to resolve?

I have unplugged it and plugged it back in. Still does it. 

浏览: 971   回复: 1

Cambio wifi

更新时间 2023-08-09 15:10:03 UTC 

Hola buenas tardes, he intentado cambiar la red wifi pero siguiendo las instrucciones, la red Netro-xxx no aparece.

Ahora la luz no parpadea y está fija pero fuera de línea.

Espero su ayuda.


浏览: 732   回复: 1

Option to Manually Run a designated Program with Alexa control

Louise Brinkman
更新时间 2023-08-10 05:52:23 UTC 
Have just installed the NetroHome Spark 16 station unit. All working, connected to wifi and Alexa.  Have written a Program called "A" to water zones 2-8 for 6 minutes, however, I do not want it to water according to a set time on any given day but when I choose to manually run the program  via voice through Alexa.  I've disabled smart watering on all my zones.  I've saved the program but Alexa does not support "open NetroHome and run program A"...how would I manually word it to Alexa to water zones 2 to 8 manually?  Or, how to save a "manual" program that I can run at whim via the app but preferably through Alexa when I choose to run it (without start times etc)...the app clearly allows a manual run but I don't want to run all 16 zones for certain minutes...just zones 2-8 for the same amount of time when I choose without commanding Alexa for individual zones or configuring through the app every single time....I bought the unit for voice control with Alexa, I don't want to fiddle with phone app each time. Please advise how to save a manual program without a regular start time that I can easily use with Alexa (I can write a custom command Alexa routine to run it).  Thank you in advance and looking forward to figuring this out.
浏览: 813   回复: 1

App is not installing

Martin Trevino
更新时间 2023-08-09 16:40:50 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Your updated 3.2.0 app is hung.  Not installing on my iphone.
浏览: 906   回复: 1

Netro phone app won't open

Christopher Scarborough
更新时间 2023-07-30 23:32:37 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Netro app won't open... It opens then closes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling.  Cleared data. App still won't open. I only have access throughout the beta web app
浏览: 850   回复: 1