
Netro sprite chpset.

Eduardo Pariente
更新时间 2023-06-09 18:15:24 UTC 
Hello everyone. 

I have problem with the chipset of the Netro sprite. Any suggestions?? 
Thanks you. 
浏览: 942   回复: 1

Netro sprite chpset.

Eduardo Pariente
更新时间 2023-06-09 18:15:34 UTC 
Hello everyone. 

I have problem with the chipset of the Netro sprite. Any suggestions?? 
Thanks you. 
浏览: 862   回复: 0

Whisperer sensor

Carolyn Seyfried
更新时间 2023-06-10 17:39:10 UTC 
Why doesn't sensor moisture percent change after watering grass
浏览: 992   回复: 1


Carolyn Seyfried
更新时间 2023-06-10 17:50:24 UTC 
Please help resolve problems with whisperer moisture sensor. Does it need to be regularly cleaned or something so it will work properly???
浏览: 903   回复: 1

更新时间 2023-06-11 05:21:33 UTC 
浏览: 992   回复: 2

Problem with APP connection

Davide G.
更新时间 2023-06-11 05:49:55 UTC 
话题: Netro App
浏览: 965   回复: 2

Unknown irrigation zone that did not work

Luis T
更新时间 2023-06-18 15:30:17 UTC 

Hi there,

I have an irrigation system in my garden with 7 zones. The solenoid valves and the irrigation controller are new. Irrigation was already in place when I bought the house, so I don't know where the underground pipes run.

When I open one of the zones, no sprinkler pops up. I don't know if the pipe is clogged or if the sprinklers were removed or just don't work. Digging in my garden is very difficult because the soil is very stony.

Is there any technique, trick or machine that will allow me to track the underground pipe in that area? I would like to rehabilitate it.


Any comments are welcome.


浏览: 1620   回复: 3

Connection issue

Federica Musmanno
更新时间 2023-06-27 12:16:35 UTC 


My netro is not connecting today, it is offline, is there any system update?

浏览: 941   回复: 1

Very low humidity given by my sensor but no watering planned

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2023-06-27 08:48:51 UTC 


My basic issue is the one given by the title of my question but behind there is a more simple question:

1. My zone is given as 99% humidity by GET /npa/v1/moistures.json

2 This zone is linked to a Whisperer Sensor indicating a humidity level of 36% (very low)

3 The next valid schedule is within 2 days. It seems very late for an advanced/new plant mode configuration and sunny conditions in the next few days

What is the value of humidity (99% or 36%) Netro is relying on to calculate the next watering schedule ?

Further more, if I set 36% using POST /npa/v1/set_moisture.json, the next watering is in 11 hours, what inspires me more confidence

Thank you in advance for your explanations, I am a little lost

浏览: 968   回复: 1

Automatic shutdown when it's raining

Jay Fahar
更新时间 2023-06-26 12:06:15 UTC 

I want to be able to turn off regularly scheduled watering automatically when:

  1.  it's raining or
  2.  it is expected to rain based on the weather forecast.
The automatic shutoff watering could be done by an App or a gadget connected to the Netro mechanism. Appreciate letting me know how I could do this?

浏览: 932   回复: 1

Malfunzionamento durata irrigazione

更新时间 2023-06-25 21:45:29 UTC 
话题: 通用


quando avvio l'irrigazione, sia in manuale che in automatico, la centralina attiva per circa 2 secondi la zona e la pompa e poi si spegne, mentre  dal APP sembra che proceda tutto regolarmente.

浏览: 1135   回复: 1

Not recognizing rain forecast or actual

120 Sweet Bailey
更新时间 2023-06-23 23:14:09 UTC 
My unit does not skip watering on days where it’s forecast for 1 inches or even it's raining.
浏览: 925   回复: 1


Ralph G
更新时间 2023-06-23 18:56:48 UTC 
话题: Netro App

In the whisperers manual it says it will show up in the weather section but I don't see it. Anyone else have this issue?

浏览: 964   回复: 1

Zones not watering

更新时间 2023-06-22 16:54:38 UTC 


I have 6 zones setup, all of them with the same characteristics and settings, yet 2 of the zones never water, meaning the next watering time is never set.

Your help is appreciated


浏览: 1006   回复: 1

Start-end time not working

Fabio Silvestri
更新时间 2023-06-21 05:20:31 UTC 


I set the working time gap between 4 to 8 Am, cause after that i will have the robot mowing.

Most of the time the Smart schedule respects those limits, but in some days The schedule keeps watering till 10am, and restarts at 6pm.

Is there any setting I'm missing? 

浏览: 1000   回复: 3

Cella fotovoltaica non funziona

Massimo Oldrini
更新时间 2023-06-20 07:57:16 UTC 


da circa un mesa la cella fotovoltaica non ricarica la batteria che piano paino si è scaricata e l’ho dovuta ricaricare con il cavo usb.

L’apparato va sostituito?

Acquisto 20/03/2023 con Amazon.

浏览: 965   回复: 2


Carlo Capraro
更新时间 2023-06-19 12:11:17 UTC 

Salve a tutti, aprendo spesso l'app mi sono reso conto che con frequenza mi da Off line, poi basta fare disabilita e riabilita e tutto ritorna nella norma. È normale?? Ci sono opzioni per ovviare a questo problema?

Grazie a tutti

浏览: 871   回复: 1

What is the boost factor in smart zones?

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2023-06-19 09:25:40 UTC 
浏览: 1069   回复: 2

Installation 3 Wisperer and a Pixie in my garden

更新时间 2023-06-12 12:25:08 UTC 
话题: 安装
Good morning,

I have three Wisperers and a Pixie. I can't install my three Wisperers in the same area as my Pixie. I managed to install Wisperer with my Pixie but the other two. How do I install all Wisperer with my Pixie?

If the Pixie is installed in a different area than the Wisperers, does it all work together to optimize my garden watering?


浏览: 1072   回复: 1

Delay settings

Roberto Pirovano
更新时间 2023-06-13 09:15:35 UTC 
话题: Netro App
I have a delay set on 5 days, I try to change it to reduce to 1 day but the system stay on 5
浏览: 928   回复: 1