
Reset, but still not connecting

lorenzo s
更新时间 2024-12-19 23:36:08 UTC 
话题: 安装

Please help. I'll provide a reward for getting my N-12 to work.


浏览: 1026   回复: 1

Whisper doesn’t work only connected USB

Rogier Hoftijzer
更新时间 2024-05-15 17:16:55 UTC 
话题: 安装
Who can help me? I have three Whispers. 2 working properly. 1 who has worked last year only ‘works’ when connected to USB. Loading works fine. Connecting will work. But when placed in the garden it doesn’t work anymore and loses connection and no lights etc. 

What is wrong? WiFi signal is good outside. He is fully loaded? Is the battery broke? He’s only one year old….. one summer season outside. Whole winter stored inside.

Please help me.

浏览: 2639   回复: 1

Wifi password reset

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新时间 2024-04-29 06:27:43 UTC 
话题: 安装

I updated the wifi password in the router. I was able to set up the password in the netro controller but not in the whisperers. I followed the steps provided by the app, pressing 6 times very fast the whisperer button.

But the whisperer wifi did not appear. I tried with 2 of the 5 whisperer I have, but process is not working

浏览: 1983   回复: 2

sensor calibration

Des Mullin
更新时间 2024-04-06 03:36:00 UTC 
话题: 安装

Hi I have 2 sensors and both read incorrectly. i put both ends into a bucket of water. 1 reads 50% other reads 75% both should red 100%. is there a way to calibrate them.

Update after 2 hrs both reading almost 100%. Do they self calibrate ?



浏览: 2162   回复: 1

Garden Types

更新时间 2023-12-19 14:05:15 UTC 
话题: 安装
Would it be possible to create a category called Market Garden ( I grow leafy greens and herbs using drip irrigation) for those of us who use Netro for this use. 
浏览: 2666   回复: 1

Copy setting to new spark device

John Wright
更新时间 2023-09-17 19:57:29 UTC 
话题: 安装
My original netro spark died and I have received a new one.  Is there a way to copy the zone settings from the old to the new
浏览: 2677   回复: 1

Using Bootlace ferrules.

Bob Howard
更新时间 2023-08-03 06:36:09 UTC 
话题: 安装
I'd like to use bootlace ferrules for all the wiring to the sprite as shown in your installation video (power connection). I'm using 0.5mm² x 7 core cable and 0.5mm² bootlaces and the unit won't grip them. I've tried other sizes with the same result. What size ferrule is required?
浏览: 2554   回复: 1

Pixie-Z1-H - How to install?

更新时间 2023-06-14 15:54:05 UTC 
话题: 安装
  • I have received a new Pixie-Z1 and a hub
  • Downloaded the Netro iOS App from the UK app store
  • In the App I added the hub connecting through Bluetooth and configuring WiFi access for the hub
  • Hub shows constant green light

Now how can I add the Pixie-Z1 hose faucet to my account? The App only shows the option for the Pixie-1, which doesn't work because the Pixie-Z1 uses the Zigbee connection, not WiFi.

浏览: 2951   回复: 1

Installation 3 Wisperer and a Pixie in my garden

更新时间 2023-06-12 12:25:08 UTC 
话题: 安装
Good morning,

I have three Wisperers and a Pixie. I can't install my three Wisperers in the same area as my Pixie. I managed to install Wisperer with my Pixie but the other two. How do I install all Wisperer with my Pixie?

If the Pixie is installed in a different area than the Wisperers, does it all work together to optimize my garden watering?


浏览: 2522   回复: 1

Pros and cons Spark 8 and Pixie

Adil Ridvan
更新时间 2023-06-08 04:44:28 UTC 
话题: 安装

Just wanted to provide some feedback. I had B-hyve XR Smart Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Timer for 2 years. I noted that it does not water on a schedule sometimes. Either because the internet was down, and it did not reconnect or something else. The contractor who replaced it told me that there is probably an internal battery, and it should have been replaced. Too late.

I Googled the best irrigation timer and found that Orbit B-hyve is the best, followed by Netro. Never heard of it. I chose it because it retains programs in case of Wi-Fi outage. I bought Spark 8 zones and installed it today (my contractor did). Also 2 Pixies.


Clean modern packaging, clear web interface, app has installation instructions and troubleshooting tips.


Why white cover? I could not see indicators with daylight. How to pair? Did some of your staff try to install it in bright daylight outdoors?

Does it have an internal battery which eventually needs to be replaced? How is the memory retained? I believe this was a problem with B-hyve..

What about Pixie? Is rechargeable battery forever?

Web interface still needs improvement: for example – my order is in a different place than my account, Pixie should state that there is no backup program, other logical flaws.

Created a program on Spark, but when tried to edit time it did not allow, stating that the same program already exists.

Backup should automatically copy the program with the option to edit. Why should it be entered as a separate program if this is a backup in case of Wi-Fi outage?

The outdoor cover can have a transparent wall to see indicators.

Thank you.


浏览: 2578   回复: 1

Cannot connect

Jerry Gadd
更新时间 2023-05-23 19:15:35 UTC 
话题: 安装


I am not able to successfully connect to my new pixie

1. Pixie lifht flashing white

2. Login to App

3. Add Product

4. Select device

5. Enter name and addess info

6. Begin

7. Connext phone to Netro wifi

8. Next

9. Select homw wifi

10. Enter password

11 next

... Connecting... 

Pixie light flashes white, eventually turns red

App errors

Wifi password is correct, and i am in same room as router aand pixie is next to me. 

How dobi check port is not beinf blocked hy router? I have Huaweu Q2 Pro, dont see anything tonsuggest iit is. 

浏览: 2544   回复: 1


Georges Bouvier
更新时间 2023-05-23 07:32:12 UTC 
话题: 安装


Does Netro supply an equipment with 2 output

I need watering 2 different areas?


浏览: 2442   回复: 2

valves under relay

更新时间 2023-04-22 17:48:29 UTC 
话题: 安装
good evening, I have 4 valves connected under relay and 3 direct, the 3 direct valves work correctly but on the first 4 I always get an E2 error. is it possible to disable the open valve control?
浏览: 2671   回复: 1

Whisper will not factory reset!

Ross Brown
更新时间 2023-04-13 10:43:03 UTC 
话题: 安装
Hi I have had to send back my spark due to a problem with one zone not operating, I’m now trying to do a reset on my whisper, I have pressed the power button quickly 6 times, on numerous occasions and cannot get it to reset, any help would be much appreciated. New Spark arrived and working well, l just can’t seem to reset the Whisper no matter how many times I try the on/off 3 times. Are there any other action I could do or do I return it for a replacement?
浏览: 2546   回复: 1

Wiring multiple controllers

John Wright
更新时间 2023-04-10 19:05:31 UTC 
话题: 安装

I have an existing 18 zones irrigation controller which I am replacing. I require 2 controllers. No master valve or pump.

It is possible to connect both commons to the existing common connected to the 18 zones?


浏览: 2582   回复: 1

Netro Sprite + Netro Pixie Z1

更新时间 2023-04-10 09:58:51 UTC 
话题: 安装
Is it possible to connect the Netro Pixie Z1 to the wifi and to the App using the Netro Sprite without the need for the Netro Hub?
Thank you
浏览: 2494   回复: 1

cannot connect my pixie to mi wifi with unifi Access point

christophe Minery
更新时间 2023-03-24 18:42:53 UTC 
话题: 安装

Someone can help me to connect to my unifi Wifi tm sensor Pixie ?

All goes OK unitl last step.... when it tell me that I connect connect to it


浏览: 2451   回复: 1

Set watering days

Mel Culley
更新时间 2023-02-12 02:31:35 UTC 
话题: 安装


I am struggling to set up the watering days

There isn’t an option for 4 / 3 / 4 rostered days which is are allocation here in Perth Australia

Please advise


浏览: 3433   回复: 2

Help! Pump Relay Question

Kirk Davis
更新时间 2022-09-01 13:43:25 UTC 
话题: 安装
My unit has been working great . However, the relay no longer trips when a zone is activated. Am I supposed to have 24v A/C between M and C (on the right side of the panel, not the zone side) when a zone is active? I can trip the relay if I pull it from the Netro. Some sort of voltage output map would be helpful. 

I have new grass seed down, so please help soon. 
浏览: 3525   回复: 1

Suspect a shorted solenoid

更新时间 2022-08-25 16:00:32 UTC 
话题: 安装

I bought a Netro Spark to replace an existing controller (a Raspberry pi based Open Sprinkler system) which exploded probably due to a shorted solenoid.

I read that the Spark can detect solenoids that are drawing too much current; is it safe to connect the Spark to shorted solenoids without worrying about damage to the controller?

Should I test all the solenoids with an amp meter first just to make sure?

浏览: 2860   回复: 1