
Can’t get water to work

Ally P
更新时间 2024-05-07 18:45:51 UTC 
I moved into a house with the Sprite 6 system and have it fully set up on my phone, however can’t get the water to actually run. I haven’t touched anything. Any advice?
浏览: 1816   回复: 1

How to remove rain delay

Gyanendra Kumar
更新时间 2022-08-18 19:35:45 UTC 
I have added rain delay by mistake. Now I want to remove it but I do not see it settings >> restrictions but next watering schedule is after 10 days, Please suggest how to change it.
浏览: 3226   回复: 1

New Braunfels Utilities stage 3 restrictions

Elisha H
更新时间 2022-07-19 18:08:31 UTC 
We currently are under stage 3 restrictions, every other week on certain days. Photo to follow showing our restrictions & the smart app restrictions. 
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Netro Spark question

Robert Dambrosio
更新时间 2022-06-12 20:59:09 UTC 
Can I program the spark to not water on Wednesdays. My lawn service comes on Wednesdays and I don't want them to mow a wet lawn.
浏览: 2995   回复: 2

Schedule intervals by the hour

Kyle Giacomini
更新时间 2022-05-23 14:33:07 UTC 

I want to set up a repeating program schedule to run every 4 hours to establish a new lawn. At this point I have found the repeating programs will only allow a minimum interval of 1day (24hrs). Is there a way to schedule a repeating program with a shorter interval time? 

浏览: 3097   回复: 1

Weather underground station iD

Gaspare Miceli
更新时间 2022-04-18 06:23:55 UTC 
I try to setup station I’d for weather underground (IVALDE12). The app says invalid station id. Does any of you have a clue? 
浏览: 3172   回复: 1

UK watering restrictions

Andy Fiore
更新时间 2021-06-01 11:26:19 UTC 

Can you tell me if your database of watering restrictions covers the UK?

If it doesn’t, can you tell me when they are likely to be added?



浏览: 3709   回复: 1

Disable a zone

fernando colon
更新时间 2021-04-10 14:15:21 UTC 
Ive been trying to remove/disable a zone however the app is not allowing me to do so.  Is there an alternatuve method?
浏览: 3576   回复: 1

Netro has updated max day regulation

Netro Support
更新时间 2019-12-25 01:46:02 UTC 

To the Netro Community,

Recently Netro has enabled the max day Restriction in Settings->Regulation for those cities which limit watering to one or two days per week. We are aware that many cities are under mandatory regulation and the penalty for violating the water regulations is large, therefore, we have enabled the max day regulation.

Users can go to Settings->Regulations to check and please feel free to report us if the regulation is incorrect.

For some local regulations, we are not quite sure if it is conservation plan or mandatory regulation. If the regulation is not needed, please write to us support@netrohome.com and we will check and update our regulation database accordingly.

Netro Support

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Location Based Watering Restrictions - Check-in Interval

Matt Grooms
更新时间 2019-07-14 18:58:52 UTC 

One of the great features of Netro is it's ability to look up my local (city/state) watering regulations, and apply them to my watering schedule. Bravo Netro!

Months ago, when I installed my Netro controller it looked up the then current (Stage-One) restrictions, and applied them to my watering schedule. However, since that time the watering restrictions have been eased (Year-Round restrictions) , and I'm allowed to water any day of the week. Well, Netro did not follow the changes and is still applying the old restrictions.

I attempted to trick Netro into rereading my local restrictions by turning the feature off, then back on. No luck.

So the questions are:

1) How often does a Netro Controller check the cloud database for updated watering restriction for it's location?

2) How often does Netro Central (you guys) check with communities for watering restriction updates and update your database so that deployed Netro controllers get accurate rules to apply?

I can see where it might be hard to keep up with small communities and rural areas, but my location (San Antonio, Texas, USA) has almost two-million people in the area. A single update on your part would provide a potentially large number of Netro users with current watering restriction information.



浏览: 4517   回复: 1

Netro + Netatmo

Luca Magnani
更新时间 2019-07-14 07:42:29 UTC 
Good morning
I have a netatmo weather station,
it would be nice to connect it to read the weather data precisely for my area.
Thank you in advance
浏览: 4635   回复: 1

Military time

Matty B
更新时间 2019-06-05 14:34:21 UTC 

Can the time be changed on the schedule to AM/PM and not 24/hr clock? 

AccuWeather.com if selected waters in the AM. If i switch it to the other 2 it changes the schedule to PM watering. What is the reasoning behind this? I would prefer AM watering but would like to use a different weather provider. 

浏览: 4359   回复: 1

Water Restriction Helps You Save Water

Netro Support
更新时间 2018-06-04 10:03:46 UTC 

Why should we conserve water? Water is under threat from many sides. It faces pollution problems, outdated infrastructure, rising costs, and unprecedented droughts and rainfall patterns as the climate changes. Only 1% of the entire water supply in the world is available for human and animal use. 97% is salt water and the remaining 2% are in forms of ice caps or glaciers. People all over the world use this 1% for agriculture, manufacturing, community and personal household needs, and for sanitation operations.

Nowadays drought conditions occur everywhere. There's been a lot of news and talk about the drought condition we're having and saving water. Depending on climate conditions, California, Texas, Nevada and many other states have strict rules about when and how much water is allowed for home irrigation. States and cities are forced to implement mandatory water conservation programs. However, Netro honors your local watering regulations if exact location is provided and will inform you when restrictions apply. With Netro, you will not need to worry about fees and penalties. Netro will automatically upload your local water conservation regulations to your controller and cut down your water usage based on these requirements. You can go to Settings->Regulations to see your local water restrictions.

You still pay for each drop of water in your home, whether you use it or not. By using water wisely and eliminating leaks, the extra water you save means money in your pocket. To conserve our water, we should be watching our water usage to prepare for future drought.



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