
Zone says Loading

更新时间 2021-02-24 14:03:11 UTC 
话题: Netro App
After the numerous power outages in Dallas last week, my sprinklers attempted to run this morning.   At its scheduled time, the zone shows "loading" but - no water.   ???
浏览: 1377   回复: 1

Smart Watering Algorithm

John Kollehner
更新时间 2021-02-09 13:52:56 UTC 
话题: Netro App

How does the algorithm work?   Specifically how far into the future do it look at the weather forecast?   Is this limited to just the next day or can this be adjusted to look beyond tomorrow.    Using the smart system, my sprinklers came on this morning, even though the forecast calls for a 70% chance of 1 inch of rain in 2 days.    If I were controlling the system, I would not have watered, given the price we pay for water.

浏览: 1745   回复: 1

Date Format

Brian Keenan
更新时间 2021-01-29 09:00:07 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Is it possible to change the date format?  seems to be in US format no matter what i put in the preferences. i.e i would like 21st December to be 21/12/2021
浏览: 1502   回复: 1

Rainbird esp-me with master valve to Netro Sprite

Geron R
更新时间 2021-01-19 23:06:52 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Currently I have 8 zones and the Master valve is on for all 8 zones. Does the Sprite app automatically open the master valve as it goes through each zone or do I have setup something first? 

Please advise

Thank you

浏览: 1502   回复: 1

Metro France cloud down?

Julian Hansen
更新时间 2020-12-29 01:07:40 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Hi My netro has been offline for more than 1 day can you estimate when it will be back online? Julian
浏览: 1689   回复: 1

Add "Year" moisture and light chart

Roman Stanek
更新时间 2020-12-27 18:34:40 UTC 
话题: Netro App

It would be helpful to see the moisture and light charts for the full year and not just for weeks or months


浏览: 1489   回复: 1

App stuck on Idle

Pam Manwaring
更新时间 2020-11-18 02:21:16 UTC 
话题: Netro App
App shows my Netro is "Idle". I've closed the app, unplugged the unit, plugged back in, hit reset quickly, connected to Netro wi-fi, then to my wi-fi entered password and app says it successfully connected but then is still in Idle mode. I can't manually or programmatically water. Help! All of my mature plants are dying here in the desert. Thank you.
浏览: 1501   回复: 1

Editing “Programmed” schedules

Stan Balafas
更新时间 2020-11-16 17:52:28 UTC 
话题: Netro App

I created, and subsequently edited the name of the scheduled program.  The editing doesn’t work properly.

I labeled each program with a time, then changed the time (side yard - 9am) then (side yard - 10am) and it won’t change.  I’ve had to delete the program and create a new one for it to properly be labeled.  

It’s not updating name when I change it.  The coding isn’t working to update, even when I select save.  Seems a pretty rudimentary problem.  

Thank ypu

浏览: 1568   回复: 1

Add zones manually in queue

Haris Eliades
更新时间 2020-11-03 04:04:49 UTC 
话题: Netro App


As i am not getting answers in another question, I'll post it here... :)

Is there a way to add manually the order of zones, and then repeat in the same queue a zone?


浏览: 1714   回复: 1

"Next in" shows "--"

Luis Aguilar
更新时间 2020-10-14 18:45:01 UTC 
话题: Netro App

What does it mean when a zone shows "--" under "Next in"?

It used to show 20 days until today..

浏览: 1618   回复: 1

Questions about Netro app

Luis Aguilar
更新时间 2020-10-11 17:47:55 UTC 
话题: Netro App

I have installed Netro Sprite with no sensors (they are not available in Amazon Spain any more).

I have a few questions after my first day:

1. App shows different humidity values for each zone. Where does that info come from if I don't have any sensor?

2. When I click on a specific zone, I don't see any irrigation in the chart.

3. I have a 'fir tree' in my garden, but I haven't found it in the database. In any case, if I have a fir tree surrounded by grass, what should I configure to make sure that both the fir tree and grass are taken into account.

浏览: 1634   回复: 1

Cancellare sensore whisperer dall’account

Simone Nolletti
更新时间 2020-10-11 11:46:06 UTC 
话题: Netro App


ho impostato il sensore whisperer nel mio account come libero, non collegato alle due centraline.

Vorrei cancellare il sensore ma non riesco a farlo la voce rimane sempre presente nell’account e non esiste un tasto per eliminarlo.

浏览: 1910   回复: 1

Switch Off automatically

Carlos Jimenez
更新时间 2020-10-09 20:18:31 UTC 
话题: Netro App
Hi, I just bought a new Netro Sprite 12 device.
But I had have some problems when I try to run with a differents solenoid valvules.

I found two cases,

1) I start my zone in test mode. Switch-on and ok, swich-off, doesnt run. I try to switch on again, nothing happen,  Switch-off and, solenoid vavule close. Why does not stopped?!

2) Star my zone and run, in a few seconds (sometimes less a one second), automatically stop. Why? Maybe wifi problem?

I dont understand what the problems are...

Pls coulsd you help me, as far as possible?

浏览: 1585   回复: 1

Zones not watering but show watering on App

Atif Khan
更新时间 2020-10-01 14:21:57 UTC 
话题: Netro App
I just bought a replacement controller for my old Hunter. All connections are done by color codes as per old controller and I see all zones in App but when I manually try to test each zone, only one of the 10-zones start. However, when I press STOP, it does not stop. What’s wrong in manual testing ?
浏览: 1563   回复: 1

Simple on/off

更新时间 2020-09-17 01:54:35 UTC 
话题: Netro App
 Isn’t there a simple way to remote trigger the device from the app without all the time constraints? It does not seem easy for me to, for example, turn on the device and let it run for three hours when I’m away from home and then turn it off remotely. I want to use this to hook up a fire suppression system.
浏览: 1579   回复: 1

Start time change

Franco Storato
更新时间 2020-09-16 06:00:59 UTC 
话题: Netro App


How can I change the start time for all the stations?

Thank you in advance, 


浏览: 1553   回复: 1

Email too long in android app

更新时间 2020-09-02 09:49:14 UTC 
话题: Netro App


I cannot log in Netro android app because my email is too long and it is not accepting all the characters. Please note that I do not have this problem with the IOS app.



浏览: 1608   回复: 1

Add manager

Fabio Pellizzoni
更新时间 2020-08-27 08:26:50 UTC 
话题: Netro App


I added my wife as a manager successfully but i don t know how i can let her see the device from her app. At the moment the she log in but the appis not connected to any device


浏览: 1722   回复: 1

Watering adjustment at specific time

更新时间 2020-07-30 22:20:53 UTC 
话题: Netro App

hi i have watering adjustment enabled based on water level on the whisperer. But is there a way to designate time for watering adjustment? Basically it comes on randomly when it senses that more moisture is needed but can be in the middle of the day when we're using the lawn. Regular watering times are already set to only do mornings and evenings...



浏览: 1761   回复: 1

Centralina offline

Stefano Sabelli
更新时间 2020-07-21 10:08:27 UTC 
话题: Netro App

Buongiorno a tutti, 

Qualcuno può aiutarmi a capire se la centralina anche se offline e quindi non comandabile a distanza continuerà a irrigare quanto già pianificato automaticamente?? 

Purtroppo non posso andare prima di qualche giorno e ho paura che si secchi tutto... 

grazie mille 



浏览: 1783   回复: 1