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Rain vs moisture

Tungster Tran
Updated at 2018-08-06 01:15:02 UTC 


Wonder why the soil moisture doesn't change to 100% after a big rain in my area?  The soil moisture percentage is important since this might trigger the auto watering (water will kick in when the max moisture setting is greater than the actual moisture  percentage)


View: 3280   Answer: 1

Offline alert

Alex R
Updated at 2018-08-05 19:29:29 UTC 
Is there a way to get the Netro system to alert me if the system goes “offline” . I have had to instantes where the system was off line and my plants almost died 
View: 3659   Answer: 6

Two zones on same spot

Ken Wiens
Updated at 2018-07-31 22:06:08 UTC 

I have 4 zones. Two of these cover the same piece of ground. One zone has pgm sprayers and the other zone has regular sprayers .But they cover exactly the same area. How do I tell the app this so that it knows that running the sprinklers for one zone waters the same trees and grass as the other zone? 

To try and clarify the question - these zones cover the same physical piece of ground, (they overlap 100%) but netro doesn't know that, so it will water one zone and think the other zone is still in need of watering - and thus water the same grass twice. (each zone once so the same grass twice).  Netro's algorithm for determining soil moisture levels can't work if it doesn't realize these two zones are the same physical piece of grass. 

View: 3306   Answer: 2

Accuracy of dark sky in Canada

Ken Wiens
Updated at 2018-07-31 03:16:54 UTC 

The dark sky android app is not available in Canada  so I wonder how accurate their weather is here.  To try and determine this for myself, I looked at the netro temperature graph..  Today it is 34C at my house  but the temperature summary graph in  Netro says it is only 22C. (for my friends still using Fahrenheit that is about a 24F difference )  Does anyone know when Netro gets the temperature that it uses in the graph? Other thoughts on dark sky accuracy in Canada? 


View: 3135   Answer: 1

Netro and Alexa

Ken Wiens
Updated at 2018-07-30 22:29:36 UTC 

I've loaded the Alexa skill for Netro. When I tell Alexa to ask Netro to water a zone, it just looks up references for "metro" instead. Much as I appreciate Alexa looking up train schedules for me, I'm curious if others have had this problem.  I've tried pronouncing  it "net row" and "neat row" but  neither gets recognized. 

This isn't a critical issue, as I'm not sure I would ever see the point in voice control over my sprinklers  but thought I would set it up to try anyway

View: 3114   Answer: 1

Netro app fails to run

Duncan Krause
Updated at 2018-07-29 17:50:52 UTC 

app does not run on iOS 11 iPhone 7 

Any ideas 

View: 3054   Answer: 1

EPA Recommendations

Updated at 2018-07-14 11:30:12 UTC 

In the zone settings, the app offers different types of watering, for example, regular, deep watering, boost, etc. One is labeled EPA. 

What are the differences between the settings and watering times/amounts for: regular, boost, and EPA?

View: 3271   Answer: 1

Same Zone Settings, Different Results

Updated at 2018-07-14 11:23:00 UTC 

Hello - I have a 9 zone system. I have set all of the zones with the exact same settings for type, grass, etc. I do not have any sensors. 

However, the app shows the zones having different moisture levels, and waters certain zones differently than others, even though the settings and system location are the exact same. 

Can you help me understand why the system would treat these identically programmed zones differently


View: 3266   Answer: 1

Smart vs. manual program

Mike Bujor
Updated at 2018-07-13 22:36:12 UTC 

Hi just wanted to know if I running only customs programs for watering I can take advantage of the Smart Watering feature. In other words, I only have my own watering program, NO smart programs, and need to know if the controller will skip these programs when raining. If NOT will the sensor allow provide that feature?

Thx - Mike

View: 3434   Answer: 3

Never waters lawn

Mossy Bank
Updated at 2018-07-12 01:52:11 UTC 
I have had the netro for a  week and it has yet to water the lawn. Today, it states 12 more days until the next water. I have Bermuda grass in Alabama, it is 90+ degrees daily. Seems like it will never water. It has only rained for 5 minutes the last week, but the app thinks it has rained more often.
View: 3100   Answer: 2

Manual Watering

Updated at 2018-07-10 17:54:41 UTC 
is there an option to set up and kick off a manual ad-hoc run without having to schedule it?
View: 3497   Answer: 2

Smart zone watering some zones multiple times

Jason Warren
Updated at 2018-07-10 11:29:26 UTC 

I have eight zones with smart watering enabled for all zones. I noticed this morning when looking at scheduling that a few of the zones will water multiple times in the same morning. For example, Zone one will water for 4 minutes, Zone 2, Zone 3 excetera. Then it goes back to Zone 1 for 3 minutes, and maybe zone for for 7 minutes. Is this normal?

I have inserted a screen shot.Notice the zone, "house left."

View: 3313   Answer: 1


Richard Hall
Updated at 2018-07-09 15:56:46 UTC 

i’ve had the controller installed for almost 2months now and it works fine. I like the idea that it seems to know how much to water and keep the lawn  green. However I have pets who use the backyard and would like the watering to be between 9 pm and 5 am.  I think the system can be setup for manual watering times BUT that defeats getting an expensive smart system to replace a low end rainbird system.  

Is there anyway to set up time constraints on the system and still run on automatic,

Also lack of a manual and good instruction is a pain. 

View: 3260   Answer: 1

Two locations

Robert Garlick
Updated at 2018-06-22 13:31:35 UTC 

I have a system working in Florida and I just wanted to do the same thing in Kansas and I bought it and I have wired it but I haven't plugged it in because I don't know how I'm going to control each different location and I'm afraid something might go wrong and I won't be able to water in Florida.

So how do I control each separate location with the same phone?

View: 3326   Answer: 1

Soil type?

John Broadbent
Updated at 2018-06-16 14:27:36 UTC 
The app has a number of soil choices- I don’t know which to choose. I assume different soil has different water retention. Is there a list which shows how much water the different soil types require?  Or is there a way to tell which soil you have?
View: 3985   Answer: 2

Subsoil Moisture-Netro app

Rick Priory
Updated at 2018-06-16 13:09:48 UTC 
How is the subsoil moisture determined on the Netro App for each zone?
View: 3293   Answer: 1

Weather override

U Koul
Updated at 2018-06-15 17:39:02 UTC 
Smart watering disables my program as it thinks its going to rain, how do I override it - if the weather forecast doesnt pan out or we dont get enuf rain
View: 3599   Answer: 3

Great job Team!

Updated at 2018-06-11 17:43:40 UTC 
Topic: General
This is a great product with a great application as well. Thanks to the team and the developers for working hard to make this right. This is fantastic!
View: 3395   Answer: 1

New app (Android)

Ken Jennings
Updated at 2018-06-08 16:39:10 UTC 

Not really a question but a shout-out about the changes to the app.  l found the wonderful new additions that the Netro team just made.  I suggest everyone check out the new additions.  I have tweked a couple of my zones and Very pleased.  Suggest everyone check it out!

View: 4133   Answer: 1

Tips for Watering New Garden Plants

Netro Support
Updated at 2018-06-04 12:37:29 UTC 

How you water your new plants can make all the difference. Deeper, less frequent watering will grow plants whose roots are deeper and healthier, so they are more resilient to drier conditions and stress. Water a plant immediately when you plant it. If watered properly the first growing season, your plants should be well established the following growing season. Their roots should be deep and tough enough to seek out water on their own. You will only have to water these established plants on hot, dry days or if they are showing signs of distress.

The following are general guidelines. How often and how long you water will depend on your soil and other factors.

1.Year One

When planting water plants as soon as you get them in the ground. Allow the water to soak in and drain, and water again, until the soil is thoroughly moistened.

2.For the first week or so after planting

Water just-planted plants frequently - daily or every other day - as the roots will not be able to access soil moisture from a very large area until they begin to grow.

3.After the first week or so

Unless the weather is extremely hot and dry, you may be able to decrease watering frequency, perhaps to two or three times per week, for the next month or so.

4.Years Two to Three

You should need to water deeply only once or twice per week in dry weather if you have selected the right plant for the right place, prepared the soil and planted correctly, and mulched your plants. Exactly how often and how long you water will depend on your soil and other conditions.

5.After Year Three

Properly planted and watered, plants should be fairly well established by now, and can thrive with less watering than you may expect.

Helpful Tips

• Know your soil type, as this greatly affects watering frequency and duration.

• Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry between waterings to encourage deep roots.

• Group plants with similar water needs together.

• Consider using soaker hoses, as you can get water where you need it and lose less to evaporation.

• Young trees will need deep regular watering during their growing periods. During periods of little or no rain, water deeply once a week until they become established. Water established trees during heat waves and drought conditions.

• Spot-water plants with different needs than the rest of the planting bed.

• Remember that shallow-rooted plants such as rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers and bedding plants may continue to need more frequent watering than most other plants.

• Mulch for moisture. Mulch reduces water loss and adds humus to your soil to retain more moisture.

• Check for soil moisture before

Before you water:

Generally, you want the soil to be dry an inch or two below the surface before you water, so probe with a spade or trowel to check.

At least one hour after you water (or longer with clay soil):

Probe into the soil again to see how deeply the water penetrated. Did it penetrate all the way to the root zone? If not, you may need to increase your watering time. But if the area looks well-saturated, you may want to cut back the next time.

View: 6151   Comment: 4