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Netro sprite-6 with power adapter 600 ma?

Nuno Fs
Updated at 2024-06-28 12:33:25 UTC 


Just bought a Netro sprite-6 and a power adapter 600 ma but the sprinklers go up but not down, why? Could it be the amperage?

I exchange the power adapter for a 800 mA and i still have the same problem. 

If i do a manual irrigation and turn  it off in the middle it doesnt turn off,but if i tried once more to turn it on it turns it off....


View: 83   Answer: 1

programs overlaping (smart scheduler and watering adjustment)

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-06-25 10:19:26 UTC 

The smart schedule overlaps with the watering adjustment program that runs when the moisture goes below a %.

Yo can see here that zone 5 run 10 minutes the program and then 37 minutes the scheduler.  It has no sense and it is a waste of water.

  1. After the watering adjustment run, the smart scheduler should recalibrate the timing based on the humidity of the land.
  2. I have the whisperers, the whisperer should monitor the humidity and stop the smart watering once it reaches 99% of humidity but it seems the program runs all the way.

This could be improved in the application.

Thanks for your support and keep up the good job

View: 135   Answer: 0

Need a notification, other than in calendar, when watering doesn't work.

Jake Tanner
Updated at 2024-06-16 22:53:34 UTC 

Apparently there are times when the wifi connection to one of our Pixie devices is not reliable.  Yes, I should work on that.  However, it has worked flawlessly in the past, and this is something new.  Nonetheless, when the water schedule fails because of no wifi signal, there should be some kind of notifcation OTHER than having to open the app, go to the calendar, and look for the tiny red icon.  The app is right there on the phone, and could generate a notification.  The app has the email address and could generate a notification.  The current method is borderline dysfunctional, and mostly useless.

The main screen can say "Watered 10 hours ago"  .. but the calendar OBVIOUSLY shows that that even did not happen.


View: 162   Answer: 1

Rain skip only

Shawn C
Updated at 2024-06-02 21:09:04 UTC 

How do I setup the Netro to only check for rain and skip the rainy days ?  I don’t want it to enable smart watering and change my watering schedule but I would like it to detect and skip rainy days.  Thanks!

View: 247   Answer: 1


Javier NM
Updated at 2024-05-12 06:32:07 UTC 
Is there an article explaining the different watering modes of smart watering, more that the one line info on the menu? I am looking at information like levels of humidity pursued, depth of watering, or circumstances under which each mode is recommended.  Thank you
View: 491   Answer: 1

Wafering even when raining

Fabio Silvestri
Updated at 2024-05-07 19:59:22 UTC 

I don't understand the logic behind watering after training. Yesterday and today we had heavy Rain, but the Smart schedule plans to start in 9 hours. In the app I also set to stop watering the day before and after Rain, but that seems to have no effect. Temperatures are low as well, i wouldn't expect watering to start before at least 10 days.

View: 524   Answer: 1

Whisperer 2 problems

Updated at 2024-04-17 20:54:19 UTC 

As you can see the humidity sensor give some strange readings... 

How can change those values in such way without touching the sensor or watering. I'm scared of the reliability of such things... 

View: 591   Answer: 1

Skip watering did not work

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-04-17 12:50:29 UTC 

I have the whisperer to avoid watering over 40% humidity, but the system did not skip it

View: 542   Answer: 1

Water time

Updated at 2024-04-17 04:36:26 UTC 
How can I get this to water a certain time.  Like my gardens at 6am?
View: 501   Answer: 0

Waters too much

Updated at 2024-04-17 04:34:42 UTC 
I inputted my own program. I want it to water the durations I entered.  It doesn't.  How can I turn the so called smart feature off?
View: 553   Answer: 1

Zone 1 watering everyday
Updated at 2024-04-13 05:55:10 UTC 


I have 9 zones configured, all the same. Zone 1 water everyday while the rest no. How can I fix it? It does not need water everyday 

View: 568   Answer: 1

pixie - water inside box and battery housing

Updated at 2024-03-02 09:46:44 UTC 

Pixie stopped to connect. Removed battery and found water inside battery housing. All contacts except one of battery are very rusty.

Trying to clean. Water also inside battery / battery box

Is it safe to dry and charge?

How to prevent water from entering the box?

View: 695   Answer: 1

Wifi icon

Carmelo Anaya
Updated at 2024-02-27 10:19:11 UTC 
What does this WiFi icon mean?
View: 699   Answer: 1

Internet off - sprinklers on/off intermittently

Luke Johnson
Updated at 2024-02-17 22:49:05 UTC 

We have an internet outage - Netro knows the smart watering cycle and continues to turn on through the stations at the correct time, however runs intermittently. 5 seconds on, 1 min off. Is there anything I can do to help stay on?

View: 700   Answer: 1

Stop manual mode

Martina Brasesco
Updated at 2024-02-04 15:19:31 UTC 


ho appena installato il mio nuovo NETRO, ma non riesco a stoppare l'irrigazione che è partita automaticamente non appena lo ho installato. Potreste aiutarmi?

View: 685   Answer: 1

Moisture watering adjustment

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2024-01-09 20:27:04 UTC 

Hi there I have one of the whisperer that doesn't allow to adjust watering below 50%, 

Sensor number 2 in my installation. 

All the rest I can chose lower values

View: 757   Answer: 1

Netro does not use the rainfall amount from connected weatherstations

Updated at 2024-01-07 22:48:08 UTC 

UPDATE 8/1/2024

I can confirm that the system is working well. The system forecast about 25mm of rain for yesterday , but we had 34mm based on Weatherflow. This morning, the system had corrected the amount in Netro. Well done to the dev team for rolling out a fix so quickly, once the problem was identified.

I can now say that Netro is a smart watering system!

UPDATE: 5/1/2024

Netro have been fantastic. They have updated their system already to make Weatherflow work as you would expect. However, I am yet to see the results of this.

Rain is anticipated tomorrow (7/1/2024) and the following day.

I will monitor the system to ensure that the correct rainfall amount is in the database early enough for the schedule to be adjusted by their algorithms.

UPDATE: 4/1/2024

I have been working with the Netro techs to isolate the problem.

The issue is that yesterday's rainfall is not being calculated using the local time zone. Instead, it is using UTC midnight to midnight and an offset of 1 day. This means that the data can be 1.5 days out for someone like me who is GMT+11.

There may also be an issue with the timing of when then the rainfall for yesterday is retrieved. The Weatherflow API needs to be called just after nidnight so that the Netro scheduling can adjust, ready for early morning watering.


I thought I would write an article to explain why Netro is not a smart weatherstation.

I have two Netros and 7 Whisperers, and use them in all aspects of watering - to water lawn, vineyard, fruit trees, vegetables and even to fill our bird baths.

But the most frustrating aspect of Netro is that is does not use the correct amount of rainfall, even when connected to a smart weatherstation such as Weatherflow Tempest or WU (I have my Tempest send data to WU).

Why is this a problem? Because the rainfall estimate provided by the forecasting models do not predict how much rain your specific area will receive. They provide two numbers: a percentage chance of receiving rain, and a minimal amount of rain that you will receive, if your receive rain at all. What does this mean?

If the prediction is that you are 60% likely to receive rain of 10mm, this does not mean that you will receive approximately 6mm of rain. It means that you are 60% likely to receive rain and 40% likely to receive no rain at all. If you receive rain, you are then likely to receive a minimum of 10mm.

Netro mistakenly combines these values to tell the system that you received 6mm of rain. And then might not water. This can lead to plants dying, as was our case, when rainfall was predicted every day for a week and we did not receive a drop. Other areas around us received varying amounts of rain.

The frustration is that Netro has a connection to both Weatherflow and to personal weatherstations via Weather Underground, and therefore has no excuse as to not use the correct value of rainfall.

Their solution is to use the Discover feature to correct yesterday's (and today's) rainfall manually. I would recommend 100% to use this feature.

Unfortunately, Netro still applies a percentage to the corrected number which means that the amount of rainfall collected is still less than the actual amount received.

I have solved this problem by automating this process via Home Assistant, which knows yesterday's rainfall from my Weatherflow Tempest and sends the value to Netro via their API. This has resulted in a much more intelligent watering regime.

So, to Netro and their techs, well done on a great system, but it won't be truly great until you implement the most important aspect of any smart watering station - the ability to know how much rainfall fell on a client's land, and therefore how much to water.

View: 1393   Comment: 11

PM time

Updated at 2023-12-31 19:38:05 UTC 

Hello, need help.

I cannot enter PM times on program.

Always return to AM. Not possible program at night. 

Thank you. 

View: 757   Answer: 0

Whisperer maintenance

Updated at 2023-10-11 02:34:36 UTC 
Hello, I am leaving in Italy  have several whisperer devices in my garden and I would like to know if it is better to remove them during the winter season when my watering network is off? Thank you.
View: 936   Answer: 1

Yellow exclamation mark

Updated at 2023-10-07 23:05:24 UTC 
I just noticed a yellow triangle with black exclamation mark on one of my zones. Will you please tell me how yo fix this?
View: 1004   Answer: 1