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Whisperer and Rachio

Billy Clark
Updated at 2022-07-25 19:19:29 UTC 
I am a Rachio guy but love the sensors by Netro. I’m trying to figure out how to set my watering recommendations from Netro with Rachio. What I’m lacking is ability to set my zones up and amount of water flow from different head types. How can I do this with Netro?
View: 1158   Answer: 0

Erroneous "smart" scheduling

Jay Fahar
Updated at 2022-07-25 18:57:45 UTC 

I cannot "Edit" an existing schedule!? I wish I didn't have to delete my account and start the installation all over again!!! 

And after putting the new schedule data, the programming went bezerk! I've capture the weirdest program that was injected by Netro, not me!  

I've taken the snap shots of the wired vs good program off of my screen, but cannot share these images here!?

View: 1253   Answer: 1

Customized watering feature, specifications

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2022-07-15 12:27:12 UTC 
I would like to be able to customize the smart watering feature. Unfortunately, the application rate calculation for the sprinkler specifications seam to be incorrect. For example, I use hunter mp rotator rotary spray nozzles to irrigation a specific section of grass. They have a really low application rate at about 0.4 inches per hour. In comparison, I have another section of lawn where I use Rainbird RVan rotary sprays with an application rate closer to 0.68 inches an hour. Using the default settings for rotary sprays does not account for this range of application rates. When I use the customized mode smart zone function and I input the application rates for the sprinkler specifications, the calculation for duration increases to above 3000 minutes! Am I missing something? It would be incredibly helpful if I could be able to customize smart watering based on the application rates of my sprinklers.
View: 1445   Answer: 2

Pixie water pressure

Updated at 2022-07-15 09:03:05 UTC 
Hi - I recently installed a Smart Pixie faucet. Weirdly, my water pressure is ok when the faucet isn’t connected, however when I connect it, the water only drips out from the other end and so my plants get watered very little. Any ideas what the issue might be? Thanks 
View: 1226   Answer: 1

Waters excessively

Cindy Luvender
Updated at 2022-07-14 16:38:38 UTC 
I have a smart schedule enabled and it is watering excessively to the point of a $300 water bill. This doesn’t seem smart at all! I don’t know how to adjust the time frames on a smart schedule? It doesn’t appear to acknowledge the time frames that I have listed.
View: 1238   Answer: 1

Netro connection to IFTTT

Sarah Kottke
Updated at 2022-07-12 13:44:09 UTC 

I have an irrigation system setup to a eWeLink. Trying to use IFTTT to automatically turn on the pump when my Netro Whisperer sensor tells me I need to water. It doesn't seem like IFTTT differentiates the different types of alerts Netro sends out.

Anyone had luck? 


View: 1060   Answer: 1

Smart watering settings

SK Breuer
Updated at 2022-07-07 17:34:52 UTC 
What are the smart watering settings for each variable that result in the least water used? For example, I assume fully shaded for amount of sunlight would result in the least water used for that variable.
View: 1113   Answer: 1

Zone 6 - is always on when other zones are on

Updated at 2022-07-06 13:33:47 UTC 


I recently got a handyman to install the 6 Zone Netro system. My home lawn has 6 zones.

When the watering schedule is on, the issue I have is that the sprinklers connected to Zone 6 always come on when any of the other zones are working.

So, if I have 2 minutes set for each zone : When Zone 1 sprinklers are on, Zone 6 sprinklers are also on. After that When Zone 2 sprinklers are on, Zone 6 sprinklets are also on.

Is this due to faulty wiring connections are something else in the software?

thank you

View: 1014   Answer: 1

eater flow meter

Updated at 2022-07-05 14:11:11 UTC 
Hi! The spp can register water flow meter with Pixie?
View: 1048   Answer: 1

Rain presiction is wrong

Paul X
Updated at 2022-07-04 15:12:41 UTC 

I am in Poulades, Greece, and the current rain prediction is 67% when reality is there is not a cloud in the sky. BBC predicts rain at 1%. The system wants to water every 3 days which ties up with tje incorrect 67% prediction

View: 1888   Comment: 1

Val Smith
Updated at 2022-06-30 23:51:43 UTC 

View: 968   Answer: 0


pe ti
Updated at 2022-06-29 14:34:04 UTC 
May I use the whisperer to check grass?
View: 967   Answer: 1

Weather accuracy

Rafael Lliso
Updated at 2022-06-27 17:31:02 UTC 

Hi, Would it be possible to use Netatmo network as weather provider? Each member on this network has its own weather station and you can connect to see the real time weather on each station. As an example, my brother has one which measures temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rainfall,... It would be nice to use real time data instead of expected data.



View: 1074   Answer: 2

Sun Rise

Jannis Drew
Updated at 2022-06-20 20:36:54 UTC 


It would be nice in further development of the Netro app if there was an option to begin watering at sunrise. With the time of sunrise automatically adjusting day by day. 

View: 1170   Answer: 1

Irrigation cancelled over the last 2 days

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2022-06-19 07:58:52 UTC 

The system has cancelled watering over the last 2 days. I see at the scheduler window. But I do not know what is the reason. 

Where can I get the logs, or info?


View: 1273   Answer: 1

Smart schedule, cutting times in half?

Steve A
Updated at 2022-06-17 17:37:53 UTC 
I'm confused.  This year, after two previous years of no issues... The smart schedule is showing my times cut in half.  Example:. I asked it to water for about 25 minutes, starting at 5 AM.  When I look at the schedule it's creating, it's showing, water for 15 minutes at 5 AM, then another 15 Minutes at 5:45 AM

Why is it doing this?   I want the 28 minutes, contiguous.

Thanks for any info

View: 1163   Answer: 1

Not working

Victor Bermejo
Updated at 2022-06-17 05:45:18 UTC 

Actually something happened but the smart watering is not working properly anymore.

I already tried changing modes, types of floor, sizes of different zones, amount of sun, climate provider, I also tried using manual program, etc....but only can get a green and healthy grass spending a huge amount of water and money.

Still watering even when its raining.

The moisture level is 3% when its all wet.

Jumps schedules with error randomly.

Please come back to previous algorithm , app version or whatever. Everything was perfect till March 22.

Kind regards,

View: 1725   Answer: 1

multiple zones starting at the same time

Updated at 2022-06-14 11:23:54 UTC 
Is it possible to start multiple zones at the same time, or group zones so that all can start simultaneously. 
View: 976   Answer: 1

Insufficient watering

Gianluca Vettore
Updated at 2022-06-11 18:29:36 UTC 

my spark controller schedules insufficient watering of my lawn, so much so that it is very dry. on which settings (type of soil?) can I intervene to have longer irrigation times?

Thanks for your help.

View: 1026   Answer: 2

Rain restriction

Geron R
Updated at 2022-06-11 11:38:54 UTC 
It rained all day yesterday and will rain today. The app says it’s a thunderstorm today and to skip watering but I look outside and the system is watering the grass. How do I fix this?
View: 1048   Answer: 1