
No wifi connection

更新时间 2023-03-27 18:00:53 UTC 

Dear Sir

I just bought a Netro Sprite 6 and I cannot connect to my wifi. I am in the middle of the installation and just would not connect. I am using Google network and  Unifi Long Range system (2 wifi networks) and I double checked the password. Tried both of them.  It worked with the humidity sensor but not with the controller. I really tried for 20 times. I will need help for the connection or I need to send it back.


浏览: 775   回复: 1


更新时间 2023-03-09 07:21:43 UTC 

How can I program the app so that it does not do automatic shedule watering, only those programmed manually, I only want the gespa dalt and gespa baix dryers to irrigate 1 minute a day.


浏览: 894   回复: 1

This smart controller system is filled with bugs. I'm returning this this awful junk evice

Vincent Coutinho
更新时间 2023-02-18 16:26:02 UTC 
This thing creates a smart schedule and never follows through.  Give me my money back you thieves.
浏览: 1494   评论: 2


balvant patel
更新时间 2023-02-02 16:06:49 UTC 

One zone #9 sprinklers does not start watering when zone #9 is started on the console  display. Display showes watering synbol and E2.

What is E2 means?

Pl. reply ASAP


浏览: 875   回复: 1

Whisperer light

Jean Paul Lasserre
更新时间 2023-02-01 09:56:18 UTC 

Whether on Auto or OFF the light is always on and drains the battery as there is not much sun.

What should I do ?


浏览: 840   回复: 1

I have one pixie installed but can’t add the second one

Jim Barnes
更新时间 2023-01-25 13:36:55 UTC 

I have tried the guest network, I have tried restarting the router.

Sometimes it comes back and says the device is already there but it is not

I have tried two different pixies with the same results.

Please help!!!

浏览: 893   回复: 2

Change Username

Casa Luna
更新时间 2023-01-13 10:08:35 UTC 

I have changed my email and password, but I can not find anyoption to change username.

Is it possible?

Thanks in advance :)

浏览: 877   回复: 1

Home Assistant

Jens Wymeersch
更新时间 2023-01-12 09:25:04 UTC 


I see in this community a lot of request to get a meaningful integration with one of the major hubs on the Market. 

Looking at the integration with amazon, google can't be described as meaningful. For example, I'm not interested to command the water of the lawn via voice. I expect that Netro knows when to water and when not. What is interesting is to get a notification is somethings wrong. 

For example, the app tells that the sprite has watered the lawn but the whisperer indicates that the ground is dry. Another example would be that there are problems with the whisperer.

Hence I'm wondering when we can expect an integration to for example home assistant. 

浏览: 1090   回复: 2


更新时间 2022-12-26 09:03:17 UTC 
Would it be possible for the Netro app to send notifications, for example when it waters, when it loses the Wi-Fi network, etc?
浏览: 945   回复: 1

Irrigazione incontrollata

Martina Brasesco
更新时间 2022-12-22 15:13:34 UTC 


ho installato da qualche giorno il mio NETTO per irrigare le piante del giardino, e nonostante non fosse previsto nella pianificazione, è partita l'irrigazione spontaneamente senza sosta. Ho dovuto chiudere il tubo dell'acqua per fermarla. Cosa devo fare?

浏览: 893   回复: 1

Netro's Alexa commands in ITALIAN

Roberto Felici
更新时间 2022-12-11 13:31:01 UTC 


I just connected my new Netro Pixie set-up to my Alexa system.

While the irrigation command works, instead the stop irrigation does not.

I use the sentence "Alexa, chiedi a Netro Home di smettere l'annaffiata", but Alexa answers "Non lo so" (I don't know).

Does anybody know the working Italian command to stop irrigation?


浏览: 907   回复: 1

Netro Plugin for Jeedom

Christophe Benoit
更新时间 2022-11-30 22:07:13 UTC 

Hello guys,

Thanks to Netro public API, I have developed a plugin for Jeedom which allows us to take control of our great netro devices within this famous home automation system. if you are interested, don't hesitate to take advantage of it, it's free of charge !

Please find the documentation right here for further details : https://kcofoni.github.io/jeedom-docs/plugin-netroarrosage/docs/en_US/


浏览: 1776   评论: 1

Defective Whisperer

Jean Paul Lasserre
更新时间 2022-11-26 10:04:00 UTC 

As following my message you asked for my delivering address I assumed that you were going to send me a new Whisperer.

As I have not received anything up to now any ad it is quite a long time should I take advantage of the offer you sent by mail for Black Friday and buy a new Whisperer.


浏览: 1021   回复: 1

Network error

Sadar Yacob
更新时间 2022-11-25 15:04:34 UTC 
I cannot connect to the Netro App on my Android phone anymore. Can you please check and let me know why it wont let me connect? I restarted trh device a few times now.
浏览: 1218   回复: 2

Random manual runs in the log

Ilya Lifshits
更新时间 2022-11-20 12:36:44 UTC 

Hello ,

I have random manual run in the log some times few seconds sometimes few minutes 

I’m 100% sure it’s not manual, I.e. nobody manually activated watering 

I have noticed recently but if I got back to the history I see it’s going on for a while … 

How it be fixed ? 


浏览: 993   回复: 1

Sprite 6 will not connect

Robert Christel
更新时间 2022-11-19 18:45:59 UTC 

I’ve tried all of the trouble shooting and suggested steps to reconnect my Sprite 6 to my home network.  I’ve been trying for weeks.  I need to speak to someone in person to try to resolve this.  I either need a phone number to call or need someone to contact me at (414) 949-1944.



浏览: 987   回复: 1

Manual Mode not working

Gary C
更新时间 2022-11-08 23:30:48 UTC 
Unfortunately, this is not watering at all. Please reach out to me! GCarman2000@gmail.com
浏览: 1199   回复: 2

Netro light

Alessandro Zannini
更新时间 2022-11-05 20:16:40 UTC 
Hi, anyone knows if the white lights on the hardware could be turned off? Thanks 
浏览: 1031   回复: 1

Percentage Adjustment

更新时间 2022-10-29 18:31:12 UTC 
Hello, I’ve often thought it would be nice to have the ability to control my smart watering a little further by say, having a percentage adjustment? I’ve played with the settings and gone from Normal watering to Eco to Frequent but find that the differences are more distinct than I want them. Is there a way or maybe an update coming that will allow me to simply put that I want to water 70, 80 percent, etc? I could much more easily manage my water bill and usage with that handy feature. Please let me know if I’m missing it somewhere! Thanks!!
浏览: 1202   回复: 1

I am far away from home and the system is not on line

Daniel Gajardo
更新时间 2022-10-27 01:22:57 UTC 

If the system lost the connection, it keeps the last schedule?

I am worry about the wstering and I am far away from home.


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