
Cambio wifi

更新时间 2023-08-09 15:10:03 UTC 

Hola buenas tardes, he intentado cambiar la red wifi pero siguiendo las instrucciones, la red Netro-xxx no aparece.

Ahora la luz no parpadea y está fija pero fuera de línea.

Espero su ayuda.


浏览: 732   回复: 1

Continued watering if offline?

Drew M
更新时间 2023-08-08 17:48:40 UTC 
My watering hub is offline. I’m away from home. Will it continue to water?
浏览: 831   回复: 1

App show’s pending message

Greg Jones
更新时间 2023-08-07 18:46:13 UTC 
The app always shows a “1” indicating that there is an unread message.  I have opened any and all messages and can’t get rid of it…am I missing something?
浏览: 842   回复: 1

Whisperer v1 reporting temp over 800 degrees

更新时间 2023-07-13 16:20:23 UTC 
I have a v1 Whisperer that’s almost 3 years old. The temp readings are now showing up as over 800 degrees.  I’ve tried to reset it and it’s still reporting the same.  Perhaps another ‘harder’ reset?  Software update?  Out am I just going to need to buy a new one?
浏览: 972   回复: 1


更新时间 2023-07-11 17:32:17 UTC 
How do I check if my pixie one is still in warranty?
浏览: 961   回复: 1


Mark Killeen
更新时间 2023-07-10 22:48:36 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
浏览: 911   回复: 1


Mark Killeen
更新时间 2023-07-10 22:48:23 UTC 
How do I set system so that it does not water between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am?
浏览: 909   回复: 0

Moisture and weather API

Andrea D.
更新时间 2023-07-07 23:20:33 UTC 

Hello there,

I'm making use of Netro API to:

  • Update the soil moisture of my zone in order to get precise and updated data
  • Update past-1-day, current and 5-day forecast
API calls works, but I get weird values for the zone: I put 38% as humidity and I see a 23% in the app, if I send 100% then I get 70%. How this works? There are some kind of calculations that take in account historical data? (I have a Whisperer sensor I've stopped using since it give quite random data).

As I've seen even meteo information change humidity value of the zone. 


浏览: 993   回复: 2

Can I run this thing unrestricted

John Zuzula
更新时间 2023-07-06 22:57:53 UTC 
Is this unit capable of running unrestricted? My shit is dying here and I'm not happy with the difficulty associated with running this thing! I find it way too complicated! I sincerly wish I hadn't purchased it!
浏览: 998   回复: 2

New Sprite will not connect to Wifi

Michael Burberry
更新时间 2023-07-05 22:39:33 UTC 
I just bought a Sprite 6 for my new house. It will not connect to WiFi. I checked the password, added a range extender, made sure I was connecting to the 2.4 channel, and opened up guest access, but it still won’t connect. I even unhooked the pump wires and tried to set it up right next to my router and still nothing.I have one set up at my old house and have never had issues.
浏览: 893   回复: 1

Previsioni meteo sbagliate

Manuel Mancini
更新时间 2023-07-01 15:59:30 UTC 
Le previsioni del tempo sono completamente sbagliate, quindi non si può usare in modalità risparmio acqua, addirittura o segna che piove sempre anche quando non piove per una settimana o proprio le date sono completamente sbagliate. A qualcuno funziona correttamente? Grazie
浏览: 915   回复: 2

Not recognizing rain forecast or actual

120 Sweet Bailey
更新时间 2023-06-23 23:14:09 UTC 
My unit does not skip watering on days where it’s forecast for 1 inches or even it's raining.
浏览: 925   回复: 1


Carlo Capraro
更新时间 2023-06-19 12:11:17 UTC 

Salve a tutti, aprendo spesso l'app mi sono reso conto che con frequenza mi da Off line, poi basta fare disabilita e riabilita e tutto ritorna nella norma. È normale?? Ci sono opzioni per ovviare a questo problema?

Grazie a tutti

浏览: 871   回复: 1

Rainy day shut off

Jay Fahar
更新时间 2023-06-16 13:18:25 UTC 

Wondering how to use the online weather forecast and be able to use that information to turn off the next day scheduled watering. 

I'm checking the rainy days manual and turn on/off the system which is cumbersome! Appreciate letting me know.

浏览: 940   回复: 1

Why does my app say the watering didn’t happen?

Beau Cook
更新时间 2023-06-12 23:10:58 UTC 
I have a sprit 6 I just hydro seeded so I have to keep the ground damp. I’m at work away from the house and the app says it didn’t watered in my last 2 programs. I tried to do a manual run and it wouldn’t work. Do I have to be home for it to work?
浏览: 916   回复: 1

Can’t open netro app

Marcos Sanz
更新时间 2023-06-12 16:35:22 UTC 

Hi, is impossible access app netro

浏览: 1068   评论: 1

Netro sprite

mekanicul Meku
更新时间 2023-06-11 09:43:07 UTC 
hello, can you turn off the led on netro sprite?
浏览: 854   回复: 1

更新时间 2023-06-11 05:21:33 UTC 
浏览: 991   回复: 2

Delay canceling / Verzögerungen aufheben - wie geht das?

Börke Titscher
更新时间 2023-06-04 08:32:03 UTC 


I am a newbie in using the App für sprite sprinkler. I have tried the function to delay the time plan. But don’t know how to cancel that? 

Thanx und greetings from Germany 

浏览: 939   回复: 2

Water shuts off timer still going

D Hitch
更新时间 2023-06-03 14:10:58 UTC 
Hi. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this issue. The timer on my nero still counts down but the water turns off. In one of my zones the water only lasts 1 minute 50 seconds. 

Thanks for any help. 
浏览: 935   回复: 1