Ron White
Updated at 2022-06-06 23:32:32 UTC
Same results here, no customer support.  I can’t even get my system to work…period!  We need to go to social media to spank them!
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Wency Pan
2022-06-07 06:13:35 UTC  
Hi Ron,

We have received your email and for some reason the previous email sent from Netro Support failed to be delivered. We have resent it to you again.

Netro Support

Wency Pan
2022-06-07 06:18:53 UTC  
Hi Ron,

We have received your email and for some reason the previous email sent from Netro Support failed to be delivered. I have resent the below steps through another gmail to you:

Please try below steps to add the unit to your account:

1. power cycle the unit. (unplug the power adapter, put the power adapter back).

2. Wait for about 2 minutes when the LED light of the unit start to slow blink.

3. Open the Netro app, add the unit to your account. Follow the instruction on the app

4. click "setup Wi-Fi" in step 3 of 5, it links to your smart phone Wi-Fi settings, connect your smartphone to "Netro_IRC_XXX". It is ok if there is any alert that no internet, because "Netro_IRC_XXX" is not real internet.

5. quickly return back to your Netro app, still in step 3 of 5, click "Next" button. Wait a little bit, then there pop up your home Wi-Fi among other available Wi-Fi.

6. select your home Wi-Fi and then follow the instruction to input your home Wi-Fi password.

5. The app will show trying to connect. Wait about 1 minute, the connection should be successful.

In the step to connect your smart phone with Netro internal wifi "Netro_IRC_XXX", it's normal to have an alert that wifi is not available, because this is internal wifi, not real internet wifi.

Please disregard this message, and get back to Netro app, to click Next button, it will pop up your home wifi, please connect your home wifi and input home wifi password, then the device will connect to your home wifi directly.

One tip is that, please disable your 4G data when you install the device, only use your home wifi.
We also noticed that some devices will have trouble in step 5 after connectting to "Netro_IRC_XXX" and return back to step 3, it may be caused by the low memory of the phone. It could be fixed by closing all the background apps and restarting the phone.

Netro Support