Wency Pan
Updated at 2021-08-23 06:22:10 UTC

Hi Michael,

We have also received your email and replied. Please let us know if it helps.


Netro Support

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paolo cellini
2021-08-26 14:10:59 UTC  
I have the same problem . It goes offline very often without any reasons and i have to reboot switching off on the electrivity

Dick Goddard
2021-09-19 14:18:54 UTC  
I have a similar problem. My schedule is to water my 9 zones each Wednesday & Sunday per city restrictions. The schedule starts at 3 am. The last two waterings ran as scheduled, but the Netro Sprite-12 went offline sometime prior to each run. Since the Netro Sprite-12 was offline the Netro App shows no record of the watering. It seems to me that the controller should know that it watered and update the server once it is back online, but it does not. It goes offline with no reason I can find. My security camera that is close to the Netro Sprite-12 (both in garage) has no issues. The WiFi signal in the garage is strong. Power cycling the Netro Sprite-12 solves the issue but if the Netro Sprite-12 cannot stay online then I've wasted my money on your product. FYI, the web app tells me it went offline but provides no date & time of the event. So that information is useless. It seems that you need some better back-end programming.