New in Netro. How to reduce watering?

Updated at 2021-07-14 07:00:23 UTC
Topic: Smart Watering

Hello, I have just bought and installed a new Netro in my garden. I am running the smart watering option and have 2 questions:

Madrid has a weather quite warm and dry, reaching more than 105 F, but these days we have 85 F (minimum at night 65 F)

1-. How to reduce te watering times but still use smart watering option (Netro is seting almost double time that I had with my manual program, my lawn was green enough). Those watering times would be aceptable for hot days, I suppose.

2-. The 4th zone is used for plant pots. Netro is setting 2 followed watering periods everyday of  3 or 4 minutes each . Thats is too much and the water flows out from the container below the pot. Wouldnt be better to water 2 times but separately during the day?



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