Netro Inc
Updated at 2021-04-22 02:14:24 UTC

Dear customer,

Netro will skip the schedules(including manual schedules from user programs) when there is a chance of significant rain(>0.2inch which is 5.08mm). The rain data is very small from this screenshot and it did not skip your smart watering. 

Besides, we take the forecasted precipitation and multiply it by the probability of rain. If the result is 0.2 inches or higher, than we will cancel watering schedules. For example, if rainfall is 0.2 inches but probability is 50%, then 0.2*.5 = .1, 0.1 is less than 0.2, so the watering will go as scheduled. But if rainfall is 0.4 inches with 50%, then the Smart Zone will cancel the watering schedule for that day.

Netro support three weather providers, which you can choose in settings->controller->weather provider. The default one is DarkSky which is usually the best of three. But you can try others to check if it is more accurate. 


Netro Support

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