Netro Inc
Updated at 2020-11-18 06:38:23

Hi Jens,

Thanks for your feedback and I will forward it to our R&D.


Netro Support

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Jens Wymeersch
2020-11-29 10:02:09  
Dear, thank you for your feedback. However I've noticed the same response since April. Would it be possible to get a view of a non-committed roadmap regarding the integration capabilities ? Thank you so much, Jens
Netro Inc
2020-12-05 02:41:20  
Hi Jens,

I asked our R&D. We do not have plans to support it this year and we will consider it next year.

Jorge Gonzalez
2020-12-03 10:46:36  
I'm in the same situation, I'm even considering selling the Netro and buying the Rachio to have it integrated into my Home Assistant platform.
Netro Inc
2020-12-05 02:41:31  
Hi Jorge,

I asked our R&D. We do not have plans to support it this year and we will consider it next year.
Jens Wymeersch
2020-12-17 18:56:37  
Jorge, I understand your feeling and I hope the guys from Netro read our comments. That said, the system works perfectly without me doing anything. I just would like to know... So if something isn't really broken don't change it !

Jens Wymeersch
2020-12-17 19:01:35  
Dear Netro folks, you start to loose the battle against your competitors if you are not able to provide some meaningful integration towards a platform like Home Assistant. You have been very vague on the plans and I feel like we'll have the same discussion in a few months. Can you please be more specific on your plans for next year regarding meaningful integrations ? Currently I only see things I don't use and are basically useless.
Netro Inc
2020-12-21 06:02:40  
Hi Jens,

Currently our plans is developing our own API and we will let you know when it is ready.

Netro Support

Jens Wymeersch
2021-01-28 08:39:25  
Hello, it's now about a month since I received an answer from you. Would it be possible to get an update ?
Netro Inc
2021-02-01 02:18:27  
Hi Jens,

We will release our own API in late February or early March this year. Currently we do not have plans for Home Assistant.

Netro Support

Jens Wymeersch
2021-02-20 16:55:35  
Hello, any news regarding the API ?
Netro Inc
2021-02-23 07:36:32  
Hi Jens,
It will be done in early March this year.
Netro Inc
2021-03-04 07:06:32  
Hi Jens,

We have released our own API and please visit this article to view Netro Public API Manual.

Netro Support

Jens Wymeersch
2021-03-18 15:01:53  
Great news ! I'm trying to find the link without success. Can you please share it ? Secondly, as a lot us use home assistant (which is python written application and is very open), would it be possible to examine how an integration would look like ?
Netro Inc
2021-03-19 01:12:23  
Hi Jens, Please find the link here

Jens Wymeersch
2021-03-19 11:21:00  
Any posibility to expand it to an integration within Home Assistant ?
Netro Inc
2021-03-24 02:55:06  
Hi Jens,
Currently we do not have plans to expand it to an integration within Home Assistant.

Jens Wymeersch
2021-04-03 20:09:06  
I see a lot of folks like me that would love to have Netro integrated with Home Assistant. Maybe you can reconsider ?