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Yellow triangle with ! Inside

Michael Pakalolo
Updated at 2019-08-24 16:15:54 UTC 
What does the yellow triangle with the ! mean next to the schedule 
View: 2337   Answer: 1

Zones run at the same time

Rich Christenson
Updated at 2019-08-15 11:05:09 UTC 

When I started running a scheduled daily program in conjunction with smart watering selected, for some reason zones will run at the same time.

Am I doing something wrong?  I have a one minute delay in my zones and when I didn’t have the program running the zones would run independently.

When I open the app while the two zones are running, it only displays one zone running.  I’m super confused.

View: 2633   Answer: 3

Low pressure in zones

Hussein Diab
Updated at 2019-07-29 16:36:31 UTC 
Hello, I've noticed that 2 out of my 6 zones suffer from low to no water pressure. I tried removing the nozzles to test but the water kept barely coming out. I know the solinoids are working because the water is coming from the zones, but how can I understand why there is super low pressure?
View: 2375   Answer: 1

Water stops running before the cycle is over

Updated at 2019-07-18 18:03:03 UTC 
Recently I have been having issues with zones 5-8 stop watering before the cycle is over, but keeps counting down and moves to the next zone and does the same thing. I have tried resetting the unit, re-linking the wifi, but doesn't seem to make a difference. Help!
View: 2346   Answer: 0

Controller consistently goes offline

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2019-07-12 15:05:29 UTC 

Hi there,

My controller has been losing connection to the internet everyday for about two weeks. The controller light stays solid and my app says the controller is offline. I can only reset the controller by physically disconnecting the power supply for 10 seconds and rebooting. This is getting anyoying and is  becoming a daily routine. I have a wifi extender 2 ft from the controller location as well. If I can't depend on the controller to stay online, what's the point of having an internet based sprinkler system? What steps can I take to make the controller stay connected to the internet?

View: 2698   Answer: 1

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Updated at 2019-07-11 18:14:39 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
View: 2351   Answer: 1

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Updated at 2019-07-11 18:09:47 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
View: 2276   Answer: 0

Whisperer Test

Dan Leng
Updated at 2019-07-10 18:29:27 UTC 
My new whisperer is connected inserted into the ground as per the instructions.  It has been there for two days through various watering cycles but the app says the topsoil moisture level is 0% ( the subsoil is 88%).  Is the unit defective or am I missing something?
View: 2856   Answer: 2

New Whisperer won't turn on, Single Red LED flash

Updated at 2019-07-07 14:40:49 UTC 
I just received my new Whisperer and when I push the power button, I get one single red LED flash and that's it.  It won't do anything else.  I put it in the sun for a couple of hours to see if the battery was dead, this didn't solve the issue.
View: 3420   Answer: 1

Hunter valve PG101 opens but never closes

Updated at 2019-07-04 07:12:42 UTC 
hey guys, my smart Sprinkler isn´t working correct. after installing the hole stuff and first testing, i was so happy that everything worked fine. but my hunter valves PGV100 never Closes anymore. for testing i ve connected the valves directly with my trafo 24VDC 1A and it worked fine. so i guess that the zonecontacts working not correctly. any ideas? is the DC Adapter really the reason? i need help, or i send the Netro back to amazon… Hey Leute, mein kluger Sprinkler funktioniert nicht richtig. Nachdem ich das ganze Zeug installiert und getestet hatte, war ich so glücklich, dass alles gut funktioniert hat. aber meine Jägerventile PGV100 schließen nie mehr. zum testen habe ich die ventile direkt mit meinem trafo 24VDC 1A verbunden und es hat einwandfrei funktioniert. Ich denke also, dass die Zonenkontakte nicht richtig funktionieren. irgendwelche Ideen? Das falsche Netzteil? Ich brauche Hilfe, oder ich schicke den Netro zurück zu Amazon ...
View: 2509   Answer: 1

Smart schedule failed/ watering outside perameters

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2019-07-01 16:32:17 UTC 

My controller keeps losing connection to the wifi. Is there a way the app can send a notification when that occurs? 

Also, my smart watering program skipped the zones during this time. I thought if the controller was offline the programs would continue as  scheduledt? it would be nice to know why the program was skipped, like a diagnosis log of the errors.

Additionally, the controller randomly started the irrigation programs outside my set time peramerters. I'm afraid the controller is glitching out. I believe this all occured when the controller was disconnected from the internet. 

View: 2571   Answer: 1

internet may not be available

Bruce Vermeulen
Updated at 2019-06-30 18:31:02 UTC 

We got our Netro two weeks ago and set up went just fine.

Yard was being watered, great.

Two days ago our power went out, came back on an hour later.

Netro light blinking slowly tried to reconect and all i get is

Internet may not be available, rest of the house is conected.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


View: 2397   Answer: 0

WiFi connection

Updated at 2019-06-27 00:49:26 UTC 
Has anyone had a difficult time getting the device to connect? When I get to step 5 of the setup process it says the connectivity is unsuccessful. Up to that point it says all the other connections were successful. I’ve reset my router and the controller. 
View: 2258   Answer: 0

Remove whisperer

Dan Orms
Updated at 2019-06-25 16:17:24 UTC 
How do you remove a whisperer so you can re-add it?
View: 2607   Answer: 1

Disconnecting Constantly

Kate Whelan
Updated at 2019-06-09 18:05:15 UTC 

My Netro Smart Sprinkler Controller, WiFi, Weather aware, Remote access, 6 Zone, Compatible with Alexa disconnects CONSTANTLY from the app/network and I’m about to put back on our old school controller. Today it disconnected IN THE MIDDLE of watering the lawn while I was feeding/putting my baby down for a nap and it ended up watering for 28 mins, flooding my backyard. Ugh. 

Any tips on fixing this? I do not have intermittent internet or power issues. Is there a hardware update? Aside from this, I LOVE it - but this is kind of a deal killer for me. I plan to call customer service on Monday, but thought I’d check here for tips to see if I can fix it sooner. 

View: 2823   Answer: 1

Not watering on any zone

A Miller
Updated at 2019-06-02 18:39:10 UTC 
The sprite worked perfect for about 3 weeks. Went out of town for a week, during that time it snowed for the entire duration of my trip. The unit worked as it should and didnt water. However when it should have picked up its schedule after weather cleared it did not. It will not run its zone at all. I have checked the resistance on all zones solenoids and they are fine at 28 ohm. I reconnected my old hunter system and all zones worked properly with that controller. So whats the next step?
View: 4332   Answer: 1

Constant Blinking

Seth McDonald
Updated at 2019-05-31 00:32:04 UTC 
My device appears to be connected and working, but I noticed the light on the unit is blinking constantly.  Is it supposed to be doing that?
View: 2583   Answer: 1

Don’t Stop !!

Eduardo Ariste
Updated at 2019-05-26 11:27:42 UTC 
I have a problem. May be is the installation. The programm start watering ok, but when finish the App programm never stop watering until I desconnect the cable 24V. Somebody can help me ? It’s possible the cable connection wrong? (I have only 1 zone and the connection is: yellow to C, brown 1 and blue 2 ). Thank you very much
View: 2410   Answer: 1

Have to reboot Sprite every day.

Updated at 2019-05-19 15:04:11 UTC 

My Netro worked perfectly last season.  I left it plugged in through the winter and disabled the zones.  At some point during the winter, the light started blinking, and I didn’t worry about it until last week when I went to reactivate the zones.  The app indicated the sprite was offline, so I rebooted and it came back online with a solid light.  System worked with no issues.

The next day, the light was flashing again and app indicated offline.  This time I pressed the rest button and rejoined the network.  Again, worked for a day.  The next day, same problem - this time I rebooted my router.  Again it worked, but offline again the next day.  Don’t understand why it keeps losing connection this year.

View: 2622   Answer: 1

Is there a way to just set a test run of 1 minute per station?

Roianne Cox
Updated at 2019-05-19 13:52:50 UTC 
When trouble shooting it would be nice to have a test run button so you could just run all the stations one minute. You can manually run each station but you have to do it for each station which is a pain. I have someone working on my system and I have to run it for them and stand there to run each station.
View: 2423   Answer: 1