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Potted plant on terrace

Andrea Zorgniotti
Updated at 2020-09-14 07:46:03 UTC 

Hi I Have a big terrace with many plants divided in 3 zone controlled by Netro. To use the smart watering and have an acceptable time/frequence for watering (6 min every 2.5 days) I have to set user and from 80% to 85% umidity. If I set frequent or extra water the estimated frequency is 4/5 days. Considering in summer my setting seems nor giving enough water to plants what kind of setting do you suggest to increase the frequency (change msq, kind of sprinkle or whatever).

Thanks in advance for answer

View: 2074   Answer: 1

Way to add weather stations

Curt Lizzi
Updated at 2020-09-12 01:16:55 UTC 
I find the Weather apps to be very inaccurate with respect to rainfall at my home. Is there a way to add a near by weather station for better accuracy?
View: 2106   Answer: 1

Sensor watering adjustment doesn't work - bug

Roman Stanek
Updated at 2020-09-04 04:49:34 UTC 

I installed two sensors today and added watering adjustment so that every time the humidity goes below 10% another 10 minutes of watering is added. Unfortunately, there is a bug and the watering time is triggered right away even though the faucet timer connects only every three hours. The additional watering time needs to be scheduled after the next timer sync and not right away. It's a clear bug.


View: 2109   Answer: 1

Keeps watering even though it rains

Oleg Frayman
Updated at 2020-09-02 01:51:56 UTC 
My sprinklers keep watering even though skipping if it rains is selected with low threshhold
View: 1940   Answer: 1

Lost connection on holidays

Updated at 2020-08-12 08:45:08 UTC 


I'm on vacation and my internet connection has been cut off. I had planned before on netro waterings for the week. Is that without an internet connection in my house, the waterings programmed before will still be done?

Best regards 


View: 2182   Answer: 2

Smart watering

Alejandro Foubelo
Updated at 2020-08-07 01:27:29 UTC 

Hello, I set the app to run 3 manual programs on the odds day and I have the smart watering system active on all zones.

Will it skip my watering if there is rain in the forecast on an odd day?

View: 2054   Answer: 1

Confused about schedule

Bowie Xu
Updated at 2020-08-04 18:52:19 UTC 


I am a new user here and just installed the Netro in my house. The “Smart watering” schedule seems very odd to me.

As you can see there are 2 rounds for each zone and the time of zone 4 is about an hour in one round. Is this normal ?


View: 2337   Answer: 1

Watering "off the books"

Updated at 2020-08-02 23:26:54 UTC 

Right now the watering schedule the Netro program is using for my St. Augustine grass is killing my grass. I live in Dallas and Jully/August is brutal on lawns. If I water outside the schedule the program has established the schedule is changed. Is there anyway for me to water my with Netro and keep the smart watering schedule Netro has? Right now I by pass the Netro by manually engaging my water values, not using Netro. 



View: 2110   Answer: 1

Water turned off

Ken Laberteaux
Updated at 2020-07-31 01:08:39 UTC 

I had to turn off my water valve to my sprinkler system for a week (ending in a few days) and forgot to disable smart watering on my netro.  Netro thinks it did a complete watering last Saturday, and adjusted estimated soil moisture accordingly.  Netro isn't planning another watering for another 9-10 days.  However no watering last Saturday occurred.  

How best should I handle this?  Is there a way to delete past watering, which will lower soil estimated moisture, triggering a sooner watering than currently scheduled?  Or should I just do a manual long watering as soon as I can?

View: 2199   Answer: 1

Smart scheduling problem with sensor watering adjustment configuration

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2020-07-28 05:32:10 UTC 

I have an issue/conflict  with the watering adjustments for the sensors and the Smart Zone Sheduling

I have seen something weird. 

  • I Have set up the Watering Adjustment for sensors the following I describe o be sure about the problem
  • Moisture to Skip watering 50%
  • Moisture to Add watering 30%
  • Duration 5 minutes (only) -- it is a check
  • The Smart Zones are st up the following
  • Smart Zone - enabled
  • Mode - regular

The watering run today only 5 minutes, when the smart  schedule  defined by the system was above that. As you can see, tomorrow watering says different time runs per zone, but it will run a maximum of 5 minutes. This means that the sensor configuration overrides the Smart Zone. And it should not.

As far as I understand the Watering adjustemt is to add EXTRA watering when needed based on the moisture level. Attached picture

Prior to this setup I had the Duration for Watering Adjustment for 15  and 10 minutes, and you can see in the past days runs, that always run for 15 -10 minutes depending the zone/sensor. - Attached picture

In previous weeks, it was working fine and adding extra watering when need it to keep the moisture levels.

Any idea?

I DID THE CHANGES PROPOSED BY NETRO  and it is not working

Take a look the screen shots

Zones 3,4,5 it is below the 30% trigger

View: 2458   Answer: 1

I'm not understanding how "estimated frequency and duration" works...

Izio Sem
Updated at 2020-07-18 07:24:18 UTC 


Just installed Netro Sprite.

I enjoyed to set up the zones with advanced Smart watering, but I'm not confident with what is reported in "estimated frequency and duration". The frequency showed in the setting page seems too long (e.g. every 6 days)... but, if I see what is scheduled in the calendar it seems much closer to my expectation (e.g. every 2 days).   How daoes it work??



View: 2202   Answer: 1

Does Netro whisperer underestimate moisture?

Rick Agrawal
Updated at 2020-07-16 19:12:17 UTC 
I added a whisperer to one of our zones. Recently the moisture content was between 25-30%. We are having a hot summer with many days with 110 degrees. I believed it and watered for good 15-20 minutes. It turned out despite all those water the soil moisture went up to 45-50%. I went and checked again, the soil looks pretty good and appeared moist. 

Just curious if the whisperer tends to underestimate moisture?
View: 2192   Answer: 1

Watering Frequency

Andrei Stancovici
Updated at 2020-07-16 05:36:44 UTC 


I installed my netro yesterday and now after watering all zones it shows me that the next watering will be in 5 days. It seems to be to far away in the future since it's 35 degrees celsius and sunny all day

View: 2059   Answer: 1

Smart watering issue?

Updated at 2020-07-15 13:14:40 UTC 
My system is not watering using smart schedule. keeps changing the watering days. even though not enough rain. unable to change the weather station on the app.
View: 2179   Answer: 1

user manual in spanish

Updated at 2020-07-14 10:00:20 UTC 
can i get user manual in spanish for netro sprite?
View: 2288   Answer: 1

Not enough watering time

Homestead One
Updated at 2020-07-08 20:04:00 UTC 


I have anabled the smart watering for my netro.

I have 4 zones activated.

My question is why netro water big areas only for 1 or 2 min and the small areas for 5 mins. 

I have done all the settings(sun, shade, soil tile, grass tile, area in sqm). 

Please help. 

Thank you

View: 2220   Answer: 1

Watering adjustment for whisper

Updated at 2020-07-08 16:08:19 UTC 
What's a preferred setting for watering adjustment on the whisperer for just a grass lawn? (I currently have 20% add water 80% stop water) is that too low/high?
View: 2023   Answer: 1


Alan George
Updated at 2020-07-06 18:50:08 UTC 
Hi, I have a Hozelock Micro Irrigation system with multiple Universal Drippers that supply 40 Litre per hour. I would welcome any advice on the best way to set up the app, for a Netro Pixie and this setup. Should Smart Zone be used on basic or auto with user fixed schedules.  Any advice welcomed from experienced Nitro users on the best way to use my new Netro device. Thanks.
View: 2047   Answer: 1

Question about smart watering durations

Updated at 2020-07-05 15:42:38 UTC 

Hey, I'm a techie and I have a question about your "smart watering". What is the feedback loop that you use?

My zones are vastly different -- some have very small spray heads, and some have very large rotors that pump out a lot of water. At first glance, I cannot see any way to (a) indicate how much water is delivered per zone or (b) indicate how moist the soil actually is.

Assuming that I have not missed anything, I have a few suggestions:

  1. Provide a mechanism for indicating the water deliver rate for each zone
  2. Provide a mechanism for manually imputing the actual, measured moisture of the soil
  3. Provide a "hint" mechanism for each gone (e.g. "This zone is too dry" / "this zone is too wet") which would in tyrn influence the smart watering.
View: 1994   Answer: 1

Advanced smart watering not working

Michael Fortwengler
Updated at 2020-07-04 19:06:14 UTC 
I have advanced watering set up and it shows that it will water every six days for an hour broken into 10 minute segments. However, in reality, it only waters for 10 minutes and then shifts the schedule to the next day. It never waters more than 10 minutes even though the schedule says it will total an hour. My moisture levels always stay low in the 50% range and never automatically go to 100% unless I force a manual watering. This is very frustrating. 

View: 2075   Answer: 1