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Schedule is empty?

Jacopo De Simoi
Updated at 2022-05-29 02:44:51 UTC 

I just installed the pixie timer and i would like to test it. 

However even if i scheduled two test runs, none of them appears in the schedule yet.  Is the schedule updated only once a day? 

Manual run is not available (the timer appears strike-out) so i cannot even test that way.

Thanks in advance for your help



View: 1294   Answer: 1

Add 2 Whisperers to One Pixie on Netro App

Wayne Smith
Updated at 2022-05-24 20:51:31 UTC 


I am using one Netro Pixie Hose timer to water 2 freestanding planters via a hose splitter.  I am looking for a way to add 2 Whisperers to the Netro App to monitor both planters for watering needs.  The app appears to only allow one per zone.  Is it possible to add a second Whisperer to the same zone?  I am not concerned about overwatering as the planters allow for extra water to drain out easily.   I just want to make sure neither planter dries out.


View: 1128   Answer: 1

Meteo app

Enrico Marion
Updated at 2022-05-23 17:03:37 UTC 
Vorrei usare un altra app meteo come si può collegare 
View: 1185   Answer: 1

Manual run for more than 60mins

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2022-05-21 17:31:03 UTC 

Hi there,

Is there an option to set a manual run or a one time run for more than 60 minutes? I would like to perform a deep soak on some of my older trees. The smart schedules will only run water less than an hour as well. Is there an explanation why zones will not run for more than an hour? 


View: 1247   Answer: 1

What happened to manual start arrow for zones?

John Rowe
Updated at 2022-05-21 00:45:45 UTC 
I used to be able to start any zone I wanted from the Home Screen by hitting a big green arrow. Where did it go? This was very handy for cycling through zones at system startup and shut down in the fall. Now how do I do it?
View: 1732   Answer: 4

Updated at 2022-05-20 17:05:31 UTC 

Buenas tardes,

Que es más eficiente poner en lluvia en la aplicacion:

Pronóstico o expectativas.

y en umbral (milímetros), que cantidad debo poner.


View: 1014   Answer: 1

Home Tab

Updated at 2022-05-18 04:36:33 UTC 

Anyway to set home as the default instead of plant sensors when the app opens?

View: 1045   Answer: 1

WU hi and low temperature problem

Updated at 2022-05-17 19:49:58 UTC 

I have some trusted meteo station in my city, I've tried to add them via WU but the netro app reads wrong maximum and minimum temps. In WU all data is fine. Can you patch the problem?


View: 1069   Answer: 1

Manual Run

Dick Goddard
Updated at 2022-05-13 20:53:29 UTC 

I initiated a manual run of a zone for 1 minute. It did not stop. After 3-4 minutes I tried to find a way to stop it but was unsuccessful. I finally de-enabled my Sprite from the Home Menu of the App. There must be a better way. Plus I don't understand why it did not stop after 1 minute. Previous manual runs worked OK.

Please help

View: 1082   Answer: 2

Invalid station WU

Bayoule Bayoule
Updated at 2022-05-13 03:51:52 UTC 

Can you please set my pws to IBIARR8?



View: 1044   Answer: 1

Invalid station id WU

Richard B
Updated at 2022-05-13 00:47:24 UTC 

Can you please set my pws to KNYFORTS4?

Thank you!

View: 1004   Answer: 1

Is there a way to reset all settings back to default?

Updated at 2022-05-11 19:37:04 UTC 
Is there a way to reset all settings back to default?
View: 1006   Answer: 1

Interface language

Bayoule Bayoule
Updated at 2022-05-11 19:31:03 UTC 

How can I switch the language interface from french back to english?



View: 984   Answer: 1

Rain Delay Setting

Nicholas Lydakis
Updated at 2022-05-10 17:37:16 UTC 

What is the purpose of the rain delay option on the home page of the app - It is always set to 5 Days even after trying to change it.


View: 1278   Answer: 1

App do not accept any weather underground station IDs

Jonas Lindholm
Updated at 2022-05-09 02:22:56 UTC 
Hi. I’m trying to add my weather underground PWS station ID and it is not accepted. I’ve tried several stations and the app say invalid station ID for all of them. They are all online. 
View: 1012   Answer: 1

Recommended WiFi Doesn’t Match Options Given

Updated at 2022-05-06 00:09:34 UTC 
The setup recommends a WiFi that is not an option in my WiFi settings. There is a Netro WiFi I can connect to, but the app refuses to recognize it, saying I have to use the name they give me. 
View: 1044   Answer: 1

Manual schedule with Rain Forecast

Dhar Sawh
Updated at 2022-05-01 13:26:09 UTC 


Is there a way to get a manual schedule to honor the rain forecast and not water on those days?  I need to be on a manual schedule for one zone as I have a wide variety of plants in that zone and I have to force a shot everyday cycle.  However if it rains I would like the app to not water that zone on that day

Thank you,


View: 1066   Answer: 2

Updated at 2022-04-26 20:17:38 UTC 
How do I allow a third-party to have control of my sprinklers? The situation would be for example if a irrigation lawn specialist is coming over to adjust my sprinkler heads and I don’t wanna have to follow him around and turn on zones etc.
View: 1066   Answer: 1

Calendar won’t update

Yuanchao X
Updated at 2022-04-26 19:44:49 UTC 

I was trying to edit/delete existing schedules. But seems not working

1. There was always a green circle running when I save the change and it never go away

2. If I close the app and come back again, the calendar still show old schedule 

3 however if I try to edit the schedule now, it shows the program had been removed (as shown in pic)

View: 1018   Answer: 2

Cannot remove a tree from my zone #2

Davide M.
Updated at 2022-04-20 09:23:18 UTC 

Good day all,

in my zone #2 I set up a Magnolia tree.

If I remove the tree and set up lawn, the app apparently does it, but when I come back to check,  it mixes things up:

This seems to happen only with zone #2: how can I fix it and get rid of the Magnolia tree in this zone ? Does it affect my watering calendar ?

Thanks for help.


EDIT: wrong zone ID, correct is Zone #2

View: 1098   Answer: 1