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IFTTT out of sync

Andy Fiore
Updated at 2022-08-30 07:08:46 UTC 

Hi and thanks for fixing my last bug.

Another problem I have is with IFTTT being out of sync with my Pixie, eg, I schedule the Pixie to operate between 4:30 am and 4:45 am but IFTTT, whichI use to switch on the pump, reports it active between 4:43 to 5:24 am.

The consequence is that I only get 2 minutes of water as the Pixie has already stopped the flow by the time IFTTT turns the pump on.

Please advise.

View: 1672   Answer: 2

App locks up

Andy Fiore
Updated at 2022-08-29 08:39:41 UTC 

I have recently found that my Netro APP locks-up waiting for my Pixie to respond while trying to set the schedule or even just entering the home screen.

It is locked-up at the moment (29/08/22 09:39).

I have deleted the APP and relaunched it but still get the problem.

I am running 15.6.1 on my iPhone SE and iPad.

Please advise.

View: 1625   Answer: 1

Manual watering

Hadeel Hammodat
Updated at 2022-08-29 02:22:09 UTC 
How can I set up watering schedule manually, I mean I decided how many minutes daily each zone I want to water?
View: 1578   Answer: 1

Weather Undergound Station Help

Kasper Huber
Updated at 2022-08-24 13:15:29 UTC 
Does not recognize my station (KARFAYET95) as a valid station. Please help. 
View: 1607   Answer: 1

How do I program to give my plants 50 gallons of water every other day?

Ethan R
Updated at 2022-08-21 09:13:22 UTC 
I want to give my dahlias 50 gallons every other day. How do I program that?
View: 1637   Answer: 1

Why gap in smart schedule?

Ethan R
Updated at 2022-08-19 00:35:41 UTC 
Why is there a 30 minute gap between these 2 auto entries from smart schedule 
View: 1660   Answer: 1

Not adhering to custom smart schedule

Ethan R
Updated at 2022-08-19 00:34:04 UTC 

I set the smart schedule to go on at 50%. The app says if it goes below low, it will water till it gets to high

It’s set to a low of 50 and you can clearly see it let it get below low which it said it wouldn’t

View: 1642   Answer: 1

Valeria Dp
Updated at 2022-08-18 10:11:54 UTC 

When appears the yellow  sign I  have to start manually the irrigation.

Why doesn't it start automatically?

Now I'm abroad and I have to check daily...

Thank you

View: 1578   Answer: 1

Update Feature

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2022-08-17 16:09:34 UTC 

In the mobile application and in the web application I can check the history of the irrigation over a period of a year

I would like to know if you store data for more than a year and if it would be possible to export the data. For instance, last 3yr, 2yr



View: 1698   Answer: 1

Sync warning even when online

Ethan R
Updated at 2022-08-16 19:08:38 UTC 
I get this warning when I try to add a manual run to the schedule, even when I just woke up the timer outside and even the app home page says it’s online  there is no way around the error, it blocks adding it
View: 1599   Answer: 1

Interval - three days

Elisabeth Dubin
Updated at 2022-08-15 21:18:46 UTC 

Update:  in my original post below, I thought the problem was using the interval function set to three days. Since I posted that, I have also noticed that another zone which used the weekly function set to Monday and Friday also was not operating for the last several weeks. The one thing these all have in common is that the time was set for 60 minutes. Could there be a bug where if you set the zone to water a full 60 minutes, it doesn’t work at all?

Original post: I’ve been mostly satisfied with Netro for a few years now, but this is the first season I tried using the interval of “every three days.“ I started the setting last month in a few areas, and my plants were doing poorly. It took me this long to realize that it just simply isn’t watering them at all. That’s right, my programs are set up for every three days, and when I look at the schedule to determine when the last watering cycle was, they just haven’t been watered at all since I switched to the interval of three days. For now I’ve gone back to my weekly settings where I chose Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but am I the only one who can’t use the interval function?  I have dead plants because of this.

View: 1624   Answer: 1

How to calculate Flow rate for drip irrigation?

Ethan R
Updated at 2022-08-11 20:18:04 UTC 
I use the facet tuner for drip irrigation to my dahlias. I want the custom setting to have it run at 40% until it gets to 90%

There is a flow rate with a default option. Is there any value in calculating my actual flow rate? Will it just estimate run time better or will it actually impact the run time?  Or will it run indefinitely till it gets to 90%?


View: 1535   Answer: 1

Damages due to constant water pressure on the system

Jorma Spitz
Updated at 2022-08-11 10:20:09 UTC 


I know this issue already got mentioned by other users over a year ago, but I would like to ask again for fixing this bug. I know that on a technical level fixing this will take only a few minutes. 

To my understanding the main valves is intended to avoid constant water pressure on the system. Unfortunately the closing sequence is mixed up and the main valve closes a second or two after the last watering valve closes. This means that there's contant water pressure on the system. At the moment I would need to manually open one of the valves three times a day to release the pressure (at 5:30AM, at 10AM and at 17PM). This is not exactly what I expect from a smart watering system. 

Just yesterday I had to replace a part of my systems because it broke due to the constant pressure. 

I know it's tempting to point at everybody else in order to refuse acknowledging that there is an important improvement to be made. But fixing this will probably cost less time than I used to write this text, seriously!

And while in my case it wasn't a Desaster because I was lucky that the pipe connection broke during manual activation of a watering program. But in other cases, if this happens without getting noticed, this could easily destroy a whole greenhouse of commercial food production.

That said, please fix this minor but important bug ASAP.

I really can't believe that you guys simply ignored the previous reports of this bug. But I hope you do the necessary steps to initiate the fixing of this bug.


View: 1583   Answer: 3

Apps closed when introducing a station in weather underground

David Gomez
Updated at 2022-08-11 06:38:39 UTC 
When I introduce a specific weather station (below) for weather underground, the app close suddenly. 

Is the name wrong? Am I doing something wrong.

I am looking for Denia - Spain


Montgo - IDNIA5

View: 1529   Answer: 1

Netro weather

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2022-08-10 15:48:18 UTC 

Hi there, 

I'm noticing a very large difference (greater than 5 degrees) in the temperatures forcasted  provided by NetroWeather. Maybe my region isn't covered or forcasted accurately by the netro weather service. I didn't know if I am only experiecing this issue or if it is more widespread. Why is the recommendation 5 stars? 

View: 1632   Answer: 2

Program bug

Updated at 2022-08-09 19:04:29 UTC 


program error.  In the Android version, the water consumption data in the weekly history is offset by one day and, moreover, the last day does not appear.

View: 1299   Answer: 1

Intelligent watering plan

Gregor Schuller
Updated at 2022-08-06 17:43:10 UTC 


In my settings the watering time is set from 2:00 to 6:00 in the morning.

The system shows in the watering plan that some zones will start after 6:00 oclock. 

This needs to be fixed because of a mowing robot wich would drive against the irrigation system

View: 1303   Answer: 1

WU Station Request

Richard B
Updated at 2022-08-06 14:17:21 UTC 

Can you please set my pws to KNYFORTS6?

Thank you. 

View: 1285   Answer: 1

Smart Zone Frequency and duration

Gregor Schuller
Updated at 2022-08-05 07:45:41 UTC 


in my app I have three zones for watering the lawn.

two of them are about 140 sqm and they are in the sun the whole day.

The third zone is about 60sqm and is in the shade from 11 or 12 oclock.

in the two bigger areas the frequency and duration wich is shown in the app is OK (mode: frequently every 1.98 days for 19.29 minutes)

in the smaller area the app shows in regular mode every 1.2 days for 38.57 minutes. but that is two much water on this small zone in the shade.

Is there a solution to change this?

Best regards 

View: 1422   Answer: 1

Water Saving Results

Updated at 2022-08-04 22:54:11 UTC 

In the Discover section, what is the displayed Water Saving data based upon please?

Can I modify this basis, for instance I know when I switched from spray to drip irregation and would like to know if this saved water and was it cost effective?


View: 1318   Answer: 1