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Carlos Oliveira

居住在: Fão, Braga, PT
使用: SPRITE-12
增长: White Crape Myrtle


Upgrading from 6 to 12 zones

Carlos Oliveira
更新时间 2020-06-05 21:10:19 UTC
话题: 安装


I am upgrading from 6 to 12 zones controller.

Is there a way to move all the historical data and zone settings to the new device ?

Thank you

No 2.4GHz wifi

Carlos Oliveira
更新时间 2020-05-16 11:29:24 UTC
话题: 安装


My netro has been working fine for the past many months.

Suddenly it stopped working and light blinks.

I try to configure the Wifi again and it states 

I am sure my 2.4 GHz network is available there as I have 2 other devices 10 Cm away from the netro and are working fine at 2.4GHz

I can confirm that in my Orbi Router.

Any ideas ?

Thank you


2 different water sources

Carlos Oliveira
更新时间 2020-05-09 14:51:27 UTC
话题: 安装


I have the netro connected to one water source.

Now I am going to install a vertical garden with very low flow and I want the source of water to be a different one from the main source for the garden.

Is there a way I can connect it as an independent solenoide valve that doesn't need to have the master turned on ?

Thank you,


Solid white light after install - HELP

Carlos Oliveira
更新时间 2019-09-25 20:29:08 UTC
话题: 安装


I have just replaced a Rain bird image 6 by the Netro Sprite and I am using it's power supply.

The problem is that once I connect it after first install it gets to solid white light. I press reset shortly or even for 8 seconds but nothing changes.

Can someone help me ?

Thank you.