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David Gomez

居住在: Dénia, Comunidad Valenciana, ES
增长: Pittosporum, Bermuda


Repeating same area in the same day

David Gomez
更新时间 2023-06-27 22:03:51 UTC
话题: Netro App
Why netro smart is doing watering repeated in the same day until 4 times?

Whispered sola panel deteriorated after 6 months

David Gomez
更新时间 2023-02-08 06:15:54 UTC
话题: 通用

After 6 months of whispere’s exposed to sun, the protective layer of screen is started yo be deteriorated, losing the transparency property and protection to UV, meaning is catching up less sun.

Answer from Netro support after several exchanges had not been at the right level, despite that last topic was really well addressed.

“Thanks for your info and it should not affect the normal use of the sensor. Please let us know if you see any further issues during use.

Check pictures and make your statement, but I am not convince about quality of manufacturing of the whispered elements.


Whisper connected to stand alone not showed

David Gomez
更新时间 2022-11-06 13:30:47 UTC
话题: Netro App

I had stablished a new whispered as stand alon( I área associated). In the installation it gave me an error and now, the option to asóciate again to stand alone is not visible. Neither the whisper to be deleted.

When trying to reconnect show whisper already in my account 

Why whisper sensor is lighting in red?

David Gomez
更新时间 2022-08-14 16:17:56 UTC
话题: 智能庭院

The sensor is programmed to stay in green in the night, but shows red light. No update if changing in setup. Battery at 98%.

Seems to be working fine.

Apps closed when introducing a station in weather underground

David Gomez
更新时间 2022-08-11 06:38:39 UTC
话题: Netro App
When I introduce a specific weather station (below) for weather underground, the app close suddenly. 

Is the name wrong? Am I doing something wrong.

I am looking for Denia - Spain


Montgo - IDNIA5

Whispered wrong temperature range?

David Gomez
更新时间 2022-07-29 17:51:27 UTC
话题: 安装

I had just installed 3 whisper and two of them are showing temperature o 3xxx °C, while the third one is correct.

Is this normal? Or will be auto updated?
