California Native Plants

Anthony M
更新时间 2018-08-08 22:15:43 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉
It would be nice if more California native style plants (dry climate) were included in the database - or at least that sort of watering style (much less frequent/deep) be available as an option.  I find that when relying on the smart watering with generic salvia hybrid selected for plant type, the water usage is actually higher than the manual program i had set before, especially now in summer months I feel it might be overcompensating.  I'd like to be able to rely on the "smart" aspects, but not sure it makes sense given the higher water usage so for now will probably be forced to go back to manual programming instead.. If anyone has some experience/suggestions on matching these types of plants up with what is in the database I'm all ears as well.  Thanks!
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