Problems with the internet

Morrie Wayne
更新时间 2019-07-15 16:50:35 UTC
话题: 通用
We have a hot spot for our internet connection from Verizon. The hot spot keeps going off line and we don’t know what to do to correct it. Our Netro unit is in Florida and we are in Ohio. We don’t have any one close in Florida to help us with our problem. Might there be a inexpensive internet we might be able to acquire, or do you have another solution? We appreciate any suggestions you might have. We are happy with our Netro unit. Morrie Wayne. Address in Florida is. 1673 Abasco Ct. The Villages, Florida 32162. Address In Ohio is 18379 Squirrel Run Dr, Cleveland, Ohio 44130. My cell # is 440-856-9242. Thanks for any solution to our problems.
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