Looking for business partners in EU

Netro Inc
更新时间 2023-05-04 02:54:48 UTC
话题: 通用

Dear all,

We are looking for individuls in the EU (Spain or Italy preferred) who can work with us on shipping, inventory management and marketing. It is a paid, part-time and low-intensity work. 

Please email to carolguo@netrohome.com if you are interested.


Netro Inc

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Guido Minciotti
2023-05-07 07:29:24 UTC  
I own a garden and property management company in Central Italy. I recently started working with your systems. I'd be happy to talk about your proposal 😊
Jia Guo
2023-05-08 07:20:19 UTC  

Thank you for expressing your interest in distributing Netro products in Europe. If possible, we would greatly appreciate it if you could provide us with your email address. This will enable one of our professional team members to contact you in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your cooperation, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Guido Minciotti
2023-05-10 04:19:32 UTC  
Hello and thank you for your answer.
You can be in touch by writing to info@theolivetree.it

Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes.
Guido Minciotti