Need Sprite to water less often

更新时间 2022-08-24 20:24:11 UTC
话题: 智能灌溉

I have a netro sprite.  I live in Dallas.  My lawn as drought tolerant bermuda grass.  The grass can easily get by with 10 minutes of watering once a week.  When I look at the logs I see that the sprite is watering the each zone 5 to 15 minutes a day.  I enabled water regulations which  restricted water to Wednesday and Saturday.  Even with this change, the schedule still says 14 to 18 minutes of watering for each zone on the watering days.  I do not have a whisperer

My settings :

grass type:: warm season grass

soil type: clay

sprinkler type: rotor head

shade: none or some shade

smart zone: enabled (Level=advance, mode=eco)

area = 1000 sq ft (I tried reducing this value but then the estimates under "smart zone" go to zero)

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