Netro Inc
更新时间 2021-06-21 07:50:33 UTC

Hi Jacques, 

You can set moisture to skip watering at 100% through Settings - > sensors - > watering adjustment - > moisture to skip water.The humidity will never reach 100% so it will never skip your zones. 


Netro Support

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2021-06-21 14:16:01 UTC  
Thanks for this response; however, I want to retain the moisture adjustments for all other programs, just not the one that runs for a brief period during the middle of the day. Essentially the setting to skip based on moisture would be ignored for that program, but not the rest of them.
Netro Inc
2021-06-22 05:08:33 UTC  
Sorry, currently Netro doesn't support this feature. Restrictions have higher priority than programs, so if you retain the moisture adjustment, it will skip all programs.
2021-06-22 23:06:21 UTC  
Gotcha, not a problem. Thank you for the info!