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Photo of the zone not displayed in home section during manual irrigation

Carlo D'Ippolito
Updated at 2020-04-27 13:16:32 UTC 

Good morning after the update of 2 days ago, when I start the irrigation manually, in the home section of the application, it no longer displays the photo of the area.  I checked in the zone settings and the photos are present.

Waiting for a solution



View: 1963   Answer: 0

Netro-Community using App

Lou Infeld
Updated at 2020-04-19 13:46:12 UTC 
When I am in the Netro-Community through the App and I click on an answer to a question, there is no way to get back to where I was before I clicked on the answer.  Using the browser web site to do the same thing, I can use the browser back button.
View: 2843   Answer: 1

Restriction means exactly..when not to water..but if I want specify the opposite?

Luca Manfrin
Updated at 2020-04-16 07:47:25 UTC 


Using restrictions I discovered that I can only specify when NOT TO WATER but in my specific case I want to tell the system to water in between a certain time range.

Then I had to set up a restriction between 00:00 and START TIME

and add an other restriction between END TIME and 23:59

this was very tricky and not flexible.

It would be nice to have (in restriction page) a drop down menu to choose if specified timelapse is to water or not to water. 

Imagine if I want to specify the irrigation days and not the NOT IRRIGATED DAYS..could be very annoying.

I had to specify irrigation time range because I need solar power to irrigate and  I want to irrigate during most productive hours (I know that the best would be irrigate at early morning but also this is a money saving strategy). And probably I have to monthly move that range. 

Then please check if it s possible to upgrade it.

Thank you for your support

View: 2111   Answer: 2

App Notifications for watering

Brett Lilly
Updated at 2020-04-13 18:42:28 UTC 

Mine is less of a question and more of a request. I would like notifications from the app that tells me when the Sprite has started watering or has skipped a watering. After setting up my Sprite this weekend, it skipped the first watering for low temps, but I had no idea of that. Also, I run my sprinklers in the early morning and it would be much easier to read the notification that it did water than have to go into the app and check it manually. This is the only thing I will miss after switching from a Rachio controller, otherwise it is everything I need.

I understand you don't want to spam us with notifications, but you could add a "Notifications" tab in the settings page where we could choose the notifications we want to receive. I would at least like the choice.

View: 2069   Answer: 1

Resetting Netro Whisperer

Updated at 2020-04-09 19:34:52 UTC 
How do I do a factory reset on my Netro Whisperer?
View: 3391   Answer: 1

Irrigation time striketrough

Luca Manfrin
Updated at 2020-04-07 12:34:22 UTC 

Why sometimes the irrigation time is striketrough? it seems to be a temporary condition, but is not clear the reason. 

when triketrough I can t press play and watering

thank you

View: 2095   Answer: 1

Watering notification into SMARTPHONE notification drawer

Luca Manfrin
Updated at 2020-04-07 10:07:29 UTC 

It could be useful to have watering notifications and few commands into smartphone notification drawer when system is watering.

like a song into my smartphone!





View: 2111   Answer: 1

Can I check to which weather forecast local station my device is linked when Dark Sky service is on?

Luca Manfrin
Updated at 2020-04-07 09:22:40 UTC 
Can I check to which forecast local station my device is linked when Dark Sky service is on?
View: 2238   Answer: 1

How to stop watering if device is offline?

Luca Manfrin
Updated at 2020-04-07 09:19:37 UTC 
How to stop watering if device is offline?
View: 2149   Answer: 1

Run Netro in one zone now

Stan Bumgarner
Updated at 2020-03-28 20:15:35 UTC 

I want to test one zone now. I don't see a way to do that.


View: 2054   Answer: 1

2 or more zone at same time

Mirko Paganelli
Updated at 2020-03-28 15:32:05 UTC 
Hello, Is it possible to water 2 or more zones at the same time? 
View: 2067   Answer: 1

How to stop watering indefinitely

Updated at 2020-03-24 21:16:47 UTC 
How do I disable all watering indefinitely through the app?
View: 2077   Answer: 1

App Crashes on adding product

Updated at 2020-02-24 20:24:10 UTC 


I just received my Pixie and Whisperer and wanted to set them up using my iPhone. 

Therefore I launch the app and go to "Add Product", select the Pixie and then I'm promted to enter my location and a name for the timer.

When I click on "next" the app crashes and returns to the home screen. 100% reproducible. I tried to enter different adress and name, but couldn't make it work. Crashes every time. 

Reinstall also didn't solve the problem.

Netro App: 2.4.0

iPhone 11 Pro

iOS 13.3.1

German (also tried English)

Let me know, if you need anything else to reproduce/solve this issue or if there is something that I could do to prevent it. 
So far, I couldn't find anything in the forum here.

BR Lukas

PS. I just tried also on my iPad Air 2 - same crash.

View: 4495   Answer: 4

Soil Types

Tim Foster
Updated at 2019-12-14 13:28:44 UTC 

The app asks me to define my soil type and gives me a small list to choose from. I'm no gardening expert by any means and so I'm not really sure I've got this right. I selected the most draining type based on nothing more that guesswork really. We're in Yucatán, México so the entire area is limestone rock, but this website ( gives more detail about the soil types in Yucatán. All this has done though is confuse me more. 

Is there any reliable way that I can determine my soil type in Netro? The website says it's likely to be one (or a combination) of Gleysols, Histosols, Vertisols, Solonchaks, Leptosols, and Cambisols

View: 2267   Answer: 1

Can't add new managers

Tim Foster
Updated at 2019-12-03 20:00:25 UTC 
I can't add my wife to the system. Her email is first but the app says "invalid email" when I try to add her.
View: 2322   Answer: 1

Smart zone enabled

Steve Kalani
Updated at 2019-11-25 18:36:19 UTC 
So I have zones programmed to water at certain time on certain days... If I enable smart zone feature will it override the manual programmed setting or will the programmed settings still come on plus the smart zone feature.. Or do I have to remove /delete my programmed zones n just enable smart zone? 
View: 2239   Answer: 1

Schedule setup

Rich Christenson
Updated at 2019-09-21 14:51:31 UTC 

I’ve setup several schedules and in creating another new one, I run into errors about a schedule conflict.  I’ve disabled the other schedule so it won’t run but even then I get the error.

I would think that the app would be smart enough to not create a schedule conflict with a disabled schedule?

View: 2282   Answer: 1

Unit measurements

Homestead One
Updated at 2019-09-17 20:29:09 UTC 
Is there a chance to swap the measurement units to km/h? 
View: 2336   Answer: 1

Feature request

Tony D.
Updated at 2019-09-12 20:32:30 UTC 

I wasn't able to find a way to read the IP address assigned to the Sprite and/or Whisperer could you consider adding a page in the app where you can read the value?

Thank you,


View: 2445   Answer: 1

Manual run time screen

Rich Christenson
Updated at 2019-09-06 10:25:49 UTC 

How can I adjust the manual run time for all zones?  They all seem to be different (one is one minute).

View: 2671   Answer: 1