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Exclamation warnings in calendar what do they mean?

Jesse For
Updated at 2020-05-29 08:33:36 UTC 

For the last week all the watering events in my calendar show an exclamation warnings symbol. But I have no way of knowing what that means. I have no alerts from the system. My grass looks like it's dying. What is going on? 

View: 2700   Answer: 1

How do I reset all the programs in the watering schedule and clean up the calendar ?

Updated at 2020-05-28 18:56:02 UTC 
How do I reset all the programs in the watering schedule and clean up the calendar ? 
View: 2636   Answer: 1

Moisture level showed by sensor

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2020-05-25 16:08:09 UTC 

Sensor 2 says moisture level is 7% after very heavy rain, but the weekly view says 92% 

View: 2946   Answer: 1

Pixie sync Sprite

Sebastian Diaz
Updated at 2020-05-19 02:50:59 UTC 

Hello, i have a netro sprite with 6 zone, i need controlate when i watering zone 4 (example) on sprite... open the pixie too. It is possible ?

Thanks you Sebastian

View: 3109   Answer: 1

Zones are not activating since I changed 1 of the solenoid

Yves Desrosiers
Updated at 2020-05-17 18:31:27 UTC 


Had to replace a solenoid on the valve on one of my 2 zones and when I do a manual 5min watering on zones 1 or 2 none of them start. I can hear the click of the main valve opening but none  of the zone 1 or 2 valves is opening...if I use the override on the valve to open manually, the water does pass...seem the controller is not sending any open command to eather solenoid of zone 1 or 2 ..

Thanks for your help :)

View: 2748   Answer: 1

Program set for 20 minutes per zone but watered for only 5 min

Updated at 2020-05-17 13:18:19 UTC 

Hello All, I have three zones and created a program to do a deep water for 20 min. Starting from 5AM and ending at 6AM which is expected to run every 3 days. This morning was the first time I ran it and noticed on my home screen it said watered for 5 min. Any reason why this changed? I'm thinking smart watering has to do with this? If so, I'd like to try and keep this feature for the rain aspect (not to run when it will rain). I read if you disable smart watering (which I can't find this feature anymore), then it will still run the  program when it rains,anyway if I'm in the right ballpark to have your cake and eat it too. 

Thanks in advance

View: 2685   Answer: 1

Link to smart light

Noam Leshem
Updated at 2020-05-16 17:53:06 UTC 
Is it possible to link an activity such as a scheduled zone watering to switch a specific smart light? I have 6 smart lights in my kitchen and would love if they where linked to my 6 watering zones. 
View: 2813   Answer: 1


Andrea Colombelli
Updated at 2020-05-14 19:45:52 UTC 
hi, which setting is recommended for irrigating hedges?
View: 2739   Answer: 1

Default rain settings

Updated at 2020-05-12 21:31:24 UTC 

What is the default setting for not watering the day before and after a rain day? I think it was to skip the day before and of, but not the day after (wish I could reset defaults). Why is the default what it is?

Also, why is the rain delay trigger 0.2? What would happen if I changed it to 0.1?

View: 2840   Answer: 1

where is the rst button

Updated at 2020-05-12 18:00:51 UTC 
help just getting this set up. came with my house. the light is not blinking. can’t find a start button
View: 2651   Answer: 1

Suited for exterio?

Joan Peiro
Updated at 2020-05-09 01:50:15 UTC 
Can I install the Sprite control unit at exterior location? Can it be installed at exterior weather exposure (rain) or sun light?
View: 2933   Answer: 2


Andrea Merito
Updated at 2020-05-08 07:20:50 UTC 


 I have a problem with a Whisperer, it turns off, when turned on it detects the data, after an hour it should detect the data again instead it turns off.  I bought 3, the other 2 work perfectly.  I send you photos of zone 6 where the Whisperer is connected.  I did the reconfiguration again but nothing has changed.  I need help.



View: 2682   Answer: 1

Master valve

Sasha Obradovic
Updated at 2020-05-07 20:56:46 UTC 


Is there a way to use only master valve Without engaging any other zones?

View: 2969   Answer: 1

Whisperer Changing Colors

Updated at 2020-05-06 02:32:37 UTC 
My Netro Whisperer sensor LED changed colors from blue to red on its own.  Is this normal?
View: 2751   Answer: 1

Sprite app says its watering but it is not

Jen Morgan
Updated at 2020-05-03 18:02:31 UTC 

It has been working for 3 weeks, but now it does not. 

I have checked all 7 zones. No wiring issues. Has proper voltage. 

It just won't come on. How do I get it to work again. This is a new unit. Sprinklers are all fine and had a tune up when the Sprite was installed. 

I have unplugged it and plugged it back in. I need help soon, I have new sod and many new plants in my yard and gardens. 

View: 2697   Answer: 1

Sprinklers don’t work

Richard Mundy
Updated at 2020-05-02 18:59:26 UTC 


Although the app tells me I’m on line my sprinklers will not activate. I’m not sure if there been a recent update, however had the same problem last year with firm wear. I’m based in the UK, so not sure if this makes a difference 

Please help

View: 2904   Answer: 1

Carlo Monico
Updated at 2020-04-26 06:59:36 UTC 

Buongiorno, ho installato correttamente la centralina Netro.

Ora ho installato due sensori whisperer, li ho collegati alla centralina e vedo i dati correttamente ma non riesco a collegarli alle due zone che ho creato.

Leggono solo i dati ma restano indipendenti dalle zone irrigate.

Ho provato a resettarli e reinstallarli ma non mi viene mai chiesto in che zona abbinarli.

Nella home Page della centralina Netro, entrando nella cartella sensori non vengono visti.


View: 2597   Answer: 1

Plant Sensor

Updated at 2020-04-25 21:56:51 UTC 
I turned my irrigation system on this year, and the controller is working great. However, the plant Sensor hasn't checked in since last year; so I went to reconnect it to my wifi. When I press the button 6 times, all I get is a flashing red light.
View: 2960   Answer: 2

Power outage detection and more

Gian Piero Pepino
Updated at 2020-04-25 09:23:06 UTC 
I’ve just bought my first Sprite and Whisperer and really eager to receive them and start them running in my garden.
In Italy, where I live, we often have this situation: during “off summer season” we live in town, but the garden is located in an holiday site, for instance at the seaside house (this is my case). It may happen that we experiment, sometimes, but unpredictably, a “power outage” accident. 
As far as I know, Netro has implemented a “cloud application”. Is it possible to be promptly advised that a “power outage” has just occurred? That would be quite useful, since if I’m promptly known of the issue, I can immediately take a properly action to recover the outage (with the help of a neighbour for instance). This may also be some kind helpful to support the diagnosis around the cause of the issue. I think that the “use case” might be the following: if Sprite is not set to “off mode” and have “no answer” to the check, send a message “possible power outage on Sprite id XXX”. Desirable channel of communication: email, whatsup, sms, … I’d really appreciate to know what you think about my proposition. I really deem it could be a very appreciated “complementary, but valuable service”.
Second question: is there any update on the list of the Meteo Forecasting Providers thar are supported by Netro? I’m interested particularly in and
Thank you very much for your attention and support
Gian Piero
View: 2700   Answer: 1

Best sync option?

Updated at 2020-04-22 02:56:17 UTC 

Got a Pixie. Set my sync time to 6 hours for now. Hopefully I won’t have to tinker much.

Is there any compelling reason I should set it to 1 hour or 3 hours if I don’t plan to mess with the settings? Does Netro have a recommendation?

View: 2621   Answer: 1