
Nuova interfaccia penosa!!

Andrea DiPi
更新時間 2021-11-05 03:00:01 UTC 

La nuova interfaccia fa pena!!!

Per agire in manuale ci ho messo 10 minuti X capirete dove l’avevano messo!!!

È molto meno intuitiva, poi che mi facciano vedere la foto delle piante non importa!!! Manco posso mettere le mie!! 

瀏覽: 3666   評論: 1

Home page

Jean Paul Lasserre
更新時間 2021-11-04 12:39:30 UTC 

The home page does not show the usual info

- no info from whisperer which is working (blue light)

- no info from the controller which is also  working (solid green light)

Deleted the App and installed it again

Nothing changed

瀏覽: 1542   回覆: 1

New App Version - How to Manual Run?

Greg Thomason
更新時間 2021-11-02 12:54:58 UTC 


I can’t see the manual run option any longer since the app seems to have updated.  Where has it gone please?

瀏覽: 1553   回覆: 3

Disconnect irrigation

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2021-11-02 10:24:53 UTC 
Should I stop irrigation during Winter? Or let the smart irrigation decide.
瀏覽: 1531   回覆: 0

Battery Dead

Alan Stout
更新時間 2021-10-31 16:55:02 UTC 
I use my on a Bonsai tree inside , how can I recharge the battery, I’ve placed it facing a light bulb and tried to charge by placing it outside for a afternoon but it still says 0% battery 
瀏覽: 1464   回覆: 2

How to connect to Google?

Sheryl New
更新時間 2021-10-20 19:28:25 UTC 
I can't connect to Google
瀏覽: 1548   回覆: 1

Smart watering

Alisa Benningfield
更新時間 2021-10-17 04:02:18 UTC 
I am trying to set water restrictions. My watering days are Tuesday Thursday and Saturday before 6:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. I set up watery restriction on the app but it is not working correctly because right now it's set to water on Fridays and I don't know what I'm doing wrong
瀏覽: 1389   回覆: 1

Sprinkle head

Kelsie Nguyen
更新時間 2021-10-13 13:48:22 UTC 
Do the netro tells me my my sprinkle head is broken
瀏覽: 1489   回覆: 2

Service-outage Notice: Technical Problems with Google Home/Assistant and iOS Notifications

Netro Inc
更新時間 2021-10-07 05:53:59 UTC 

Dear Netro users,

We are experiencing technical issues with Google Home/Assistant and iOS notifications due to a recent server update. Currently these services are unavailable. All other features in the Netro app and website are working normally.

Our R&D team is working on the solutions with priority and hopefully they will back online in a few days. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Netro Inc

瀏覽: 2968   評論: 0

netro home no longer supported

更新時間 2021-10-06 15:27:34 UTC 

i have google home assistant and have linked the netro sprite. No problem on this for the past few months but today I  noticed that when I ask google to talk to netro home, google assistant would not respond and say netro home is no longer available.

I tried to re link netro on my google assistant and is able to do so without issues, yet during the command, I still get the same error that netro home is no longer available.

Any advice.

thank you.

瀏覽: 1455   回覆: 1

Netro sensor stopped working

Lyndon Whyatt
更新時間 2021-10-02 21:03:34 UTC 
Hi, my Netro Smart Plant sensor has stopped working. I’ve tried a hard reset for 8 seconds but no LEDs come on.
瀏覽: 1545   回覆: 1

Inaccurate readings

Julie Huynh
更新時間 2021-10-02 00:54:34 UTC 

My Netro Whisperer is starting to give what seems like random moisture reads. It does from 49 to as high as 85 and saying moisture level increased when nothing was watered.

瀏覽: 1771   回覆: 2

Can you implement this improvement?

更新時間 2021-09-29 23:10:23 UTC 
Under the tab which has the history of moisture that can be sorted by today, week, month - please make the today tab the same as the week and month tab. It is much easier to see and more useful to see if the data is laid out from left to right in a line graph, rather than in two different circles for AM and PM - you have to switch back and forth which isn't ideal, and it's harder to see when the moisture drops are happening.
瀏覽: 1442   回覆: 1

Connecting Pixie to Google Home

更新時間 2021-09-28 18:41:34 UTC 

I have the Pixie set up and working and showing in the Netro App. When I go to link Netro to Google Home the error message I get is no devices were found in your Netro account. The Pixie is definitely in my account.

Any help appreciated.

Thank You,


瀏覽: 1551   回覆: 2

Battery Charging issue

Billy Wood
更新時間 2021-09-23 14:08:21 UTC 
I have a Whisperer that the battery runs down on, even when placing it in good sunshine. I can place it under a lightbulb a couple inches away for a couple of days and it charges up. But after placing back in th yard it goes down again. This is after placing it right next to another Whisperer that charges just fine. Have tried deleting and reinstalling. Is there something else I should try?
瀏覽: 1568   回覆: 1

No actual data in APP shown

更新時間 2021-09-21 07:10:31 UTC 

I installed my Whisperer and it seemed to work but after a couple of days when I checked the APP it just shows 0 at all three datafields. I see values in the overview (weeks, month etc.) though. What can I do to correct this? 

瀏覽: 1484   回覆: 1

Zone name

Michele Russo
更新時間 2021-09-21 02:24:05 UTC 

Hello. I cannot chance The nome of zone. Only Zone1- Zone 2 but IS more nice with name. Can you help me ?

瀏覽: 1394   回覆: 1


更新時間 2021-09-20 15:06:51 UTC 


My watering unit is programmed to water my lawn as necessary under the programs algorithm. However, I have numerous days when the watering is done twice— for exam0e it will run all the zones and immediately run the same zones again.  Anyone know how to fix that?

瀏覽: 1563   回覆: 1

What does the attention icon means?

Shai Amiel
更新時間 2021-09-20 10:25:23 UTC 
What do the attention icon means it appears sometimes next to the smart schedule 
瀏覽: 1416   回覆: 1

Moisture reading not working

Nancy Lamm
更新時間 2021-09-18 22:32:21 UTC 
It has rained for past 2 days and it still says moisture in grass is 50-60%. I don’t have sensors but my understanding is it supposed to change due to weather forecast! It doesn’t so not very smart!
瀏覽: 1436   回覆: 1