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Can't get our Netro to reset

Neil Hobbs
Actualizado 2021-09-13 20:54:12 UTC 

We recently had chipmunks chew through  the fiberoptic connection for our computer hookup, not before we were advised to install a new Bell router with a different ID and password. But I can't seem to get the Netro system to recognize this new router and its ID, and it has gone offline. Several attempts to get it to go online failed.

The control panel has a slowly flashing white light indicating that it is in a holding mode, I understand.

Can you help me through a re-connection please? The system has been a life-saver to date....

Neil Hobbs, Sydenham, Ontario.

Ver: 1357   Respuesta: 1

Power Supply

Jason Willis
Actualizado 2021-09-12 12:27:04 UTC 
We had a huge lightning bolt crack by our house and now my new Netro watering system is offline. Is there any way I can get a new power supply to try and get the system back online. I am really bummed that it’s offline. 

Jason Willis
Ver: 1428   Respuesta: 1


Gerard Coulombe
Actualizado 2021-09-12 11:02:25 UTC 


Despite numerous trials i cannot connect the box to the website. 

Help needed


Ver: 1272   Respuesta: 1

Program Not Running

Wally Carnes
Actualizado 2021-09-09 02:37:52 UTC 
I have programmed the 8 zones in my Sprite water controller to run 20 minutes at each station. However, it keeps watering based on some manual settings as noted in the red circles below that I have changed over and over to coincide with the program. It still just resets to 1 minute on several stations. What do I need to do to fix this?
Ver: 1585   Respuesta: 2

Whisperer not working right.

Actualizado 2021-08-27 23:46:35 UTC 
My Whisperer seems constantly reading 91% moisture when I know for a fact it is NOT ?  Any ideas or how can I report this it is like 2 weeks old ?
Ver: 1325   Respuesta: 1

How are people rebooting the device when it goes offline?

Michael Gough
Actualizado 2021-08-21 14:21:39 UTC 
My Netro goes offline in the middle of the night every so often, no power outages or Internet outages, so wondering what people are doing wen this occurs short of unplugging and re-plugging it in.  I am thinking of installing a smart plug to reboot it each morning so I don't miss any watering cycles.  What are people doing?
Ver: 1302   Respuesta: 1

The app indicates that it waters and does not do it in reality

Daniel Encinas
Actualizado 2021-08-18 06:17:45 UTC 
Hi all,

My problem is that in the app it appears that it is watering each area and the reality is that it either does not water at all or water less time. I have been on vacation for a few days and I have found the dry grass and two trees without leaves. A disaster. I have been communicating with the support service by email for several days and I do not have a clear answer to this problem. Can anybody help me?

Thanks a lot,

Ver: 1321   Respuesta: 1

Sensor doesn’t work correctly

Paolo Sciarappa
Actualizado 2021-08-14 20:06:25 UTC 

In the daily pie chart the temperature seems correct, but in the weekly chart the temperature is different. The same for other parameters.

The graphic is very poor.

 Any suggestion.

Thanks Paolo

Ver: 1245   Respuesta: 1

One zone not working

S Yarrish
Actualizado 2021-08-06 00:50:19 UTC 
One zone suddenly stopped working. I can activate the zone by manually turning the solenoid. I have unplugged and restarted Netro. In the app, it shows the zone running but no water is flowing. Any ideas?
Ver: 1334   Respuesta: 1

photovoltaic protector film degradation

Jose Lao
Actualizado 2021-07-26 16:02:28 UTC 

whisperer solar photovoltaic protector film degradation is normal after 6 months?


Ver: 1499   Respuesta: 2

Keep Online

Actualizado 2021-07-24 11:09:25 UTC 
I really only use Netro to be triggered by IFTTT.  I know it's in Beta but has anyone had success with it?  Mine seems to resort back to syncing evey hour..
Ver: 1213   Respuesta: 0

Can't connect to Sprite anymore

Actualizado 2021-07-11 10:22:07 UTC 


Got my Sprite in March, but my whole irrigation installation got finished two weeks ago and then installed the Sprite for the first time. It was troublesome to say the least, android was not helping when switching between the Netro wifi and router, but somehow got it working. A couple of days later it was offline, but managed to reconnect. Today I checked again and it was offline, did everything the the troubleshooting page recommnend and nothing worked, even placed a wifi repeater just to be sure. Ended up resetting it and even that didn't work, the connection process always ends with a network failure message.

Edit a couple of hours later: been trying to connect again, the behavior of the app is like two weeks ago at the beginning. When trying to switch back after connecting to the sprite wifi, the login screen appears and off course the whole process is interrupted

Edit 11.07.2021: Made an attempt to reconnect again, worked but inmediatly after the Sprite was offline again...

This is of course very frustrating, please help getting the Sprite working properly.

Ver: 1387   Respuesta: 2

Zero Readings

Billy Wood
Actualizado 2021-06-26 00:28:05 UTC 
One of my whisperers gives a zero reading on all metrics about twice every 24hours. Other times it seems normal. Is it broken?
Ver: 1373   Respuesta: 1

Able to create zones with Pixie?

Mike Willet
Actualizado 2021-06-24 20:47:47 UTC 

I have 8 pixie faucet timers and 4 whisper sensors:

3 for backyard

3 for front yard

1 for drip irrigation in front

1 for drip irrigation in back

I’m trying to assign the 3 front timers in a single zone and sync with 1 whisper sensor. So far, the sensor only seems to sync with 1 timer and each timer shows up as a separate zone.

Also want the same for the back yard. Is this possible?

Can pixie timers be used to create zones?

Ver: 1342   Respuesta: 1

Reset whisper sensor

Yuriy Andamasov
Actualizado 2021-06-24 18:06:20 UTC 


How I can reset whisper sensor

Like hard reset

I got one reporting 129 c temperature 

Of course it’s hot outside but

Not like that 

Ver: 1415   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer Bad Readings

Billy Wood
Actualizado 2021-06-13 19:42:18 UTC 

I have one Whisperer up and running just fine. Based on this I purchased a second. The second produced readings that were inconsistent when the device was placed next to the first Whisperer (read about half on moisture when compared to the first). So, I sent it back to Amazon for a replacement. The replacement arrived and it also appears problematic. The light reading is normal, but the temperature is 486 degrees F and the moisture is 1 percent. The device is stuck at these aberrant readings and they are obviously problematic. I've tried deleting the device and reinstalling several times. The result is the same.

Any advice or assistance would be appreciated.

Ver: 1306   Respuesta: 1

Low pressure on pixie

Martin Le Ménach
Actualizado 2021-06-08 07:20:16 UTC 


I have pixie for one year, the first year is was working perfectly. Nevertheless when i reinstall it this spring, I observed a frequent problem : 

when pixie start watering, there is like a air cavitation noise in the pixie and the pressure of the springer is almost zero, I have to manually turn off the tap then reopen it ( while pixie is still on) to recover the full pressure in the watering system. Meaning that the system is useless if i am not at home to each time turn off then on the tap. 

Can you provide me some tips to troubleshoot, and fix this issue?


Ver: 1407   Respuesta: 1

Wi-Fi connectivity

Actualizado 2021-05-31 21:20:22 UTC 


I am having reconnecting to my home wifi after I changed the router.

I've followed the steps, reset thru the box and can see netro network come up. But it doesn't connect. Tried several times with unplugging the box completely but not resolved.

Appreciate your help.

Ver: 1474   Respuesta: 1

Wisperer not working

Andrea Paparotti
Actualizado 2021-05-31 14:42:20 UTC 
Hi all, one of my whisperer is not working after the winter season. If I press the button it just blind a red light and then nothing. I have left it under plenty sun for the last 3 weeks but nothing appened... Any suggestion? Thanks
Ver: 1486   Respuesta: 2

Netro Pixie Timer

Actualizado 2021-05-20 17:09:36 UTC 
Does the Netro Pixie timer work with low pressure or gravity watering systems? 
Ver: 1551   Respuesta: 1