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Sprinklers run repeatedly

Sunil Sivanand
Actualizado 2022-08-12 01:18:11 UTC 

I see that my sprinklers keep repeating the watering cycling through the zones. I have ser it for manual run. However, once started I cannot stop it from cycling. So I have keep the system disabled and enable only when the watering is to be done. I also have to keep watching to shut it down when the last zone is done.

I do not see any setting that could cause this behavior.

Ver: 1246   Respuesta: 1

Aparece E2 en ventana de Spark y no funciona la zona de riego

Juan Brea
Actualizado 2022-07-26 18:08:13 UTC 
En el Spark aparece la zona de riego (05) y en el tiempo aparece (E2) y la zona no riega, ¿me pueden indicar que signfica la E2?. Gracias
Ver: 1295   Respuesta: 1


Juan Pascual
Actualizado 2022-07-23 08:12:17 UTC 

Buenos días desde España

Hay alguna solución para esto?

Mil gracias 

Ver: 1415   Respuesta: 2

Zone won't shut off

Actualizado 2022-07-18 18:53:38 UTC 
I am having issues with my zones running when they aren't scheduled to and I can't shut them off. The runs are not showing in the app either. I unplugged Zone 1 from the controller (currently the zone that is running unscheduled) and it didn't shut it off. What do I do?
Ver: 1351   Respuesta: 2

Plant sensor

Miro D
Actualizado 2022-07-14 10:42:35 UTC 
My plant sensor shows O K light in the overview for the whole day even if there was sunny day and plenty of light. Is there a reason?
Ver: 1296   Respuesta: 1

More data

Jim Shaffer
Actualizado 2022-07-13 13:06:30 UTC 
I got a $977 water bill this week. Unfortunately, the Netro web site only provides daily figures for one month. I wonder if it's possible to request 90 days' data to help me with this issue?
Ver: 1252   Respuesta: 1

Android devices logout issue

Wency Pan
Actualizado 2022-07-12 06:35:45 UTC 

Android devices logout issue


Recently some android devices (Samsung galaxy S20/21) has battery optimization feature which prevents the app running at back stage. So it will have logout issue.


If you smart phone do have this feature, please disable the battery optimization and deep sleep mode in the installation. Put unused apps to sleep.

Check this article for turning off battery optimization



Check this article for turning off battery optimization for putting unused apps to sleep. 



Then close all the apps and reboot your phone to see if it works. 



Netro Support

Ver: 1992   Comentario: 1

Pump Problem

Actualizado 2022-06-28 16:18:58 UTC 

I have a 2.5 acre site half of which is controlled by an Orbit timer and now the other half (the field) is controlled with the new S-12 .

The water is pumped out of a seasonal pond and the pump is turned on whenever the zone(s) are turned on through a standard switch from the timers to the pump.

The problem is that I get a pump fault on the Orbit timer if the pump wire is left hooked up to the Netro timer. They are wired such that both 

timer"s pump connection is to a common wire to the switch. This was not a problem when I had two Orbit timers. What can be done? - run a separate wire to the switch? Do something in the software? Need to know soonest.



Ver: 1259   Respuesta: 1

New Whisperer Issue

Alfonso Marin Salgueiro
Actualizado 2022-06-24 15:15:07 UTC 

Hello everyone from Spain.
 I have received my new whisperer but I can't get it to give me the temperature and humidity data correctly.

I am concerned about the excess water that I may waste.

Can somebody help me?

I attach a photo.

Thank you very much.

Ver: 1437   Respuesta: 1

Controller offline every few days / minutes - no longer turns water on

Ken Wiens
Actualizado 2022-06-19 17:14:35 UTC 

I had a controller for a couple years that worked fine until completely dieing this spring. I replaced it with a new unit, installed in exactly the same place. The new unit goes offline every few days. Usually power cycling it a few times brings it back online.  I've even had to install a smart plug in line with the power supply so I can reset this remotely - but why does the new controller go offline every 2-3 days when the old one never did?

Added information:

At the suggestion of support, I tried a reset (pin in the front) and this did what was expected - it reset it. Some of the times it goes offline it goes into reset mode by itself - and this appears to just do the same as it was sometimes doing by itself. 

Also, it now often stays offline all the time and nothing I do other than a reset seems to bring it back online.

Just to provide further information, sometimes when it won't go online, I get the slow blinking indicating it is in setup mode. This then requires me to remove and re-add the controller - which then requires me to completely setup my garden again ( a lengthy job). It would sure be nice if I didn't have to completely reconfigure the garden each time I re-add the controller.

My updated for today - after todays factory reset, following by another garden reconfiguration, I did a manual run for each of my 4 zones. From the app, it looks like everything ran - but a physical check showed that no water was applied. The app thinks it turned on the water, but it didn't.  I'm really starting to think maybe I have a dud controller.

It now goes off-line every few minutes. Signal strength tests using various tools show the wi-fi signal is very strong right at the controller

Fyi - I did remove the common and the zone 1 wire, ran a 24v current across them and zone 1 began watering - so I know that everything downstream from the Netro controller still works.

Ver: 1742   Respuesta: 4

end Battery life?

Actualizado 2022-06-15 13:23:27 UTC 
I use Netro Pixie for over a year. Now my battery % goes 3%-11%, 45% maximum, even in sunny days. May i conclude the battery needs to be replaced? Please confirm and tell me where to buy for prompt delivery in Belgium.
Ver: 1412   Respuesta: 1

Tech support

Robert Dambrosio
Actualizado 2022-06-13 00:41:59 UTC 

I've been playing with my Netro controller for 6 hours now. I create programs and the first time when I look at the schedule the zones are not shown in order and then they repeat for a second time with a different intervals after the first run ends. I try cancelling the duplicates and both occurrences disappear. I could not figure how remove the duplicates only so I tried resetting the controller. I took about 5 tries before it worked.  Then I did the wifi setup and setup a new program. Just a basic 11 zones with a start at 6:00, weekly and start on jun 16,2022,and I enable it and save. When I check the schedule. Nothing shows up for 6/16 and on the home screen it says next run not scheduled.  All of the 11 zones say next in -- without any entry.

Ver: 1388   Respuesta: 1

Netro light

Actualizado 2022-06-09 14:46:24 UTC 
Is possibile turn off the withe light on the netro device?
Ver: 1314   Respuesta: 1

The battery for my pixie has failed

James Berg
Actualizado 2022-06-05 01:03:46 UTC 
My pixie battery has failed after 1 season of use.  It doesn’t hold its charge, and therefore the timer goes off line.  How do I get a new one?
Ver: 1979   Respuesta: 1

How many zones for the Whisperer Sensor

Andy Ricco
Actualizado 2022-05-31 06:12:27 UTC 


I can only add a maximum of 3 zones to my Whisperer Sensor. I wanted to add all my 6 zones to it? Is that possible? 


Ver: 1230   Respuesta: 1

Sleeping mode

Actualizado 2022-05-18 10:11:40 UTC 

My pixie sprinkler keels since 24h on status sleeping even if it should go on line twice a day, usually did until yesterday, it does not water nor using programs nor manually. I am far from my home what can I do?

Ver: 2253   Comentario: 1

water valve does not work

Paolo Raviolo
Actualizado 2022-05-03 15:55:47 UTC 

I set up the pixie timer, everithing seems ok but the valve does not opens, nor with program nor in manual mode, no water at all.

can you help me?

Ver: 1261   Respuesta: 1

Pixie shows "communicating" and timer counting down but valve not open?

Douglas Ely
Actualizado 2022-05-01 15:54:22 UTC 
When trying to use the Pixie to manually water the garden, I go to the Netro app and select the pixie. It shows "sleeping", 99%charged. I then select "manual run" and set a time. The app then grays out and says "communicating" as the timer begins counting down my preset manual time but the valve stays closed. Why? When does it open? 
Ver: 1460   Respuesta: 3

Location outside USA

Eduardo Prieto
Actualizado 2022-04-30 09:45:16 UTC 

I live in Spain and ubication selector do not let me specify my correcto location. I assume It is requieres to provide the Meteorological service the place where to predict weather, so if location is incorrect, the weather too and the watering planning is not optimized properly.

Please work It out un Next app releases.

Ver: 1246   Respuesta: 1

Incorrect rainfall accumulation

Actualizado 2022-04-29 16:35:33 UTC 
I live in Katy Texas and have been using the Netro water controller in smart mode for over 2 years with no problems.  We received at least 1.5in of rain on the April 25, so I was dismayed to find my sprinkler system watering my yard on the morning of the 26th.  The rain graph in the app is showing 0.03in for the 25th and is clearly wrong.  I have tried changing to all the different weather providers, but the total rain accumulation doesn't change.  The frontal system that caused the rain passed over the entire area, so this is not a situation of local shower only affecting a localized area.   
Ver: 1230   Respuesta: 2