
Whisperer seems wrong

Tim Foster
更新時間 2019-09-22 15:02:12 UTC 
話題: 通用

I only got my system delivered yesterday, so this could be something that I doing wrong, I have one whisperer in the back garden and one in the front. I live in Merida Yucatan and so it's hot all the time. The whisperer in the back is in direct sunlight most of the day yet it's reporting the temperature as 24. The one in the front is shaded by the house yet that is reporting 33. Both seem to be reporting incorrect moisture levels in both the topsoil and subsoil. Yucatán drains through stone to underground water sources so I would expect both topsoil and subsoil to be showing very arid.

Can anyone advise?

瀏覽: 2396   回覆: 1

Netro Sprite + Netatmo Rain gauge + Wunderground

Tony D.
更新時間 2019-09-24 21:08:17 UTC 

Hello everybody,

I own a Sprite and a Netatmo weather station. By now I have configured the Netro App to use Wunderground as the meteo provider. More specifically I have configured my own Netatmo Weather station as a provider. I have to say that it works pretty good in forecasting weather conditions. I would like to know if somebody else is using this configuration and owns also the rain gauge module. In case, does provide the correct rain amount of rainfall in the Netro app Discover page. It would be nice if the Netro "AI" could use the exact rainfall from the rain gauge provided through wunderground.

Anyone experimenting with this?

瀏覽: 2465   回覆: 1

Ip address

Kris Y
更新時間 2019-09-25 20:13:08 UTC 

You mentioned you would add the ability to display the ip address in the next upgrade. Having dealt with networking issues for many years. I find it best to be able to assign static ip addresses to my home networked devices so I don’t have random dhcp issues causes by laptops or phones reconnecting and trying to take over an IP address that might be in use by a device that is a permanent resident.

Would you add the ability to assign the IP address to the controller? Many people don’t realize the significance of this but I find it important to a healthy home network.

瀏覽: 2341   回覆: 1

Solid white light after install - HELP

Carlos Oliveira
更新時間 2019-09-25 20:29:08 UTC 
話題: 安裝


I have just replaced a Rain bird image 6 by the Netro Sprite and I am using it's power supply.

The problem is that once I connect it after first install it gets to solid white light. I press reset shortly or even for 8 seconds but nothing changes.

Can someone help me ?

Thank you.

瀏覽: 2462   回覆: 1

Cold winter season and whisperer ?

Yves Desrosiers
更新時間 2019-09-26 11:12:56 UTC 
話題: 通用


We have to take back inside our home the whisperer when the cold season is back I guess ? At what  exterior tempeture we should do this ?

瀏覽: 3218   回覆: 3

更新時間 2019-09-29 13:59:02 UTC 

It’s like the app doesn’t know it’s connected 

To the correct WiFi although it is.  Bought a new sensor - not connecting since upgrade to iOS 13. Please advise. See pictures. 

瀏覽: 4344   回覆: 2

Need help on how to use Whisperer

Nguyễn Vinh
更新時間 2019-09-30 06:46:55 UTC 

After exposure >4 hours, the power button lights up red and shows no sign of connection. And one more detail is a Sprite capable of connecting with the Whisperer?

Pls answer me soon because I am in need of to use. 


瀏覽: 2428   回覆: 2

Sprinkler Not watering, app shows watering and counting time, controller light remains off

更新時間 2019-09-30 13:51:09 UTC 
Manually watering Zone 2, sprinklers stopped watering while the app still showing watering and counting the time, tried all other zones, none is watering though the app shows they’re. Checked wifi works, power to the controller works. The only thing I noticed is that the light on the controller is off all the time except when unplug and plug it back, the light flicks once and then remained off
瀏覽: 2371   回覆: 1

Installation Direct to pump

Tim Foster
更新時間 2019-10-03 11:23:32 UTC 
話題: 安裝

OK. I have my plumber installing this. Unfortunately, this is México and so beyond the basics, most plumbers are struggling about in the dark. We've figured most of it out, but we're a bit in the dark on a couple of bits.

I have the following:

A ground source well with a Franklin Electric submersible pump as my water source. This pumps directly from the ground to the zone controller.

The zone controller is an Antelco EzyValve4 solenoid (https://antelco.com/us/products/valves/automatic/ezyvalve-4). This has a water input and four zone outputs. Each of the four solenoids has two wires and their website shows how to connect 1 of the wires together as the common and then the other four for each controller. This is all good.

The problem is power to the pump. The Netro installation video says "if you have a master valve, connect that to the M slot". I googled a bit and found "A master valve is an automatic valve that is installed at the point where the irrigation system connects to the water supply. (Sometimes this circuit is called a “pump start circuit”. Both types of circuits work identical, and can be used for a pump and/or a master valve.) The controller turns the master valve on and off."

So, does this mean I connect the power from the pump directly to the "M" slot? and would this then turn on the pump when a zone is opened for watering? So, Zone 1 comes on to water the garden, does this also switch the pump on?

From what I understand the pump will be 110v, so do I need a relay unit between the pump wire and the Neatro (24v)?

Can anyone give me a confirmation that this is the right way to configure it please?

瀏覽: 2653   回覆: 2

Weird watering plan

Manuel Roca
更新時間 2019-10-12 11:34:00 UTC 
I don’t understand why smart watering is planning to water my 6 zone area in different ways if they have all the same type of soil, sprinkle head, size, and species. 

That give me not much confidence on the intelligence of the system. 

Any ideas? Do I have to reset all the system? 

瀏覽: 2237   回覆: 1

Whisperer sensor winter storage

Brian Hobbs
更新時間 2019-10-15 01:58:49 UTC 
What is the best way to store the whisperer for the winter.  Should in keep it exposed to sunlight via a window.  Is there a way to turn it off?
瀏覽: 2418   回覆: 1

Mode between and eco and normal

Sangjin Lee
更新時間 2019-10-17 03:41:11 UTC 

I am exploring different smart watering modes. The normal mode waters the lawn too long for me but the eco mode too little. It appears that the eco mode is exactly the same as normal but the watering time is half of normal.

In my case, I would like to set up a smart mode that waters 75% of the normal. How can I configure the smart mode to do that?

瀏覽: 2501   回覆: 1

What about blowout?

更新時間 2019-10-18 02:06:15 UTC 
New system owner. When having fall blowout performed, I found I needed to be present to run each zone. I didn’t find a way to provide access to the technician. Other systems on the market provide this function. 

Why doesn’t this one?
瀏覽: 2357   回覆: 2

Riego netro para tepes

Manuel C
更新時間 2019-10-23 09:36:27 UTC 


No se si hay algún que hable español. Espero que si. 

Como programo el suelo si quiero poner tepes de césped?


瀏覽: 3188   回覆: 1

Daylight savings

Craig Neidle
更新時間 2019-11-13 18:34:27 UTC 

My sprinklers are starting 1 hr past when they are programed due to daylight savings ending.

I would have assumed the clocks changed with the clock on my phone but that doesn't seem to be the case. 

Haow can i change this? 

瀏覽: 2528   回覆: 1


Manuel Roca
更新時間 2019-11-22 17:20:29 UTC 
This is an easy question 
Can I buy whisperers from Spain? Is there any country restriction?


瀏覽: 2412   回覆: 2

Black Friday

John Mayer
更新時間 2019-11-22 10:40:22 UTC 
話題: 通用
Hello Netro, will you have a black Friday offer? 
瀏覽: 4007   回覆: 1

Smart zone enabled

Steve Kalani
更新時間 2019-11-25 18:36:19 UTC 
話題: Netro App
So I have zones programmed to water at certain time on certain days... If I enable smart zone feature will it override the manual programmed setting or will the programmed settings still come on plus the smart zone feature.. Or do I have to remove /delete my programmed zones n just enable smart zone? 
瀏覽: 2241   回覆: 1

Works in Uruguay?

Sebastian Diaz
更新時間 2019-11-26 20:39:14 UTC 
話題: 安裝
Hello I bougth my first netro sprite but i can not find the country Uruguay and i the smart not work correctly, how i can resolve this issue?
瀏覽: 2289   回覆: 1

Whisperer settings

Manuel Roca
更新時間 2019-11-30 23:47:29 UTC 
話題: 通用
I’m wondering how many whisperer units I need to have if I my garden has 8 zones. Do I have to get 1 per zone? 

瀏覽: 2416   回覆: 1