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Why is there no on/off

Eric Berndt
Actualizado 2022-06-01 19:01:43 UTC 
I need to go outside to toggle this thing on off manually which defeats the purpose of having it.
Ver: 2089   Respuesta: 2


Bertin Grégory
Actualizado 2022-05-31 15:50:10 UTC 
Serait-il possible d’activer 2 zones en même temps réfléchi
Ver: 2609   Respuesta: 2

How many zones for the Whisperer Sensor

Andy Ricco
Actualizado 2022-05-31 06:12:27 UTC 


I can only add a maximum of 3 zones to my Whisperer Sensor. I wanted to add all my 6 zones to it? Is that possible? 


Ver: 1523   Respuesta: 1

Setting up the schedule

Sasha Obradovic
Actualizado 2022-05-30 22:11:58 UTC 
Tema: General


I’m trying to setup schedule for watering for next five months, But watering schedule shows only for two next months. I check the settings and I do have a selected five next month. is there something I’m not doing right?

Ver: 1774   Respuesta: 2


Ron Ferrars
Actualizado 2022-05-30 14:12:27 UTC 
Change the minutes on smart schedule
Ver: 2677   Comentario: 1

Schedule screen

Dick Milde
Actualizado 2022-05-30 14:02:03 UTC 
On my schedule screen sometimes I have an “!” mark. Sometimes it’s a “i” If I tap on the zone it takes me to preferences. Did I make a change that I am not aware of? What does this mean?  Thanks. 
Ver: 1350   Respuesta: 1

Schedule is empty?

Jacopo De Simoi
Actualizado 2022-05-29 02:44:51 UTC 

I just installed the pixie timer and i would like to test it. 

However even if i scheduled two test runs, none of them appears in the schedule yet.  Is the schedule updated only once a day? 

Manual run is not available (the timer appears strike-out) so i cannot even test that way.

Thanks in advance for your help



Ver: 1558   Respuesta: 1

Netro screwed up

Jack Davis
Actualizado 2022-05-28 16:14:25 UTC 

I'm not sure what Netro did to the App over the winter but it does not function worth a damn. We turn on one zone manually and shut it off and try and turn on another zone and the first zone state is also on. 

One of our customers has a problem where all zones come on a one time.

Bring back the last version!!!

Ver: 1508   Respuesta: 1

Connection issues

Ant Va
Actualizado 2022-05-27 09:57:09 UTC 

Good morning,

Randomly my device loses connection and keeps blinking.  I have to turn it off and on for it to get the network back.  The Sprite is five meters from the router and next to other devices that have a good connection at all times.


Ver: 1628   Respuesta: 3

New Pixie, not getting past step 3?

Actualizado 2022-05-27 02:32:57 UTC 

iPhone -

- Get app

- Crete account

- Go to connect timer

- Next

- Enter name and stuff, next

- Turn on unit, next

- Connect to Netro_* wifi, next

"Please connect to wifi network "Netro_*"......

I have disabled the IP security on the iPhone side. 

Please advise.

Ver: 1271   Respuesta: 1

Discover irrigation

Jean Paul Lasserre
Actualizado 2022-05-25 06:52:34 UTC 

In the past week watered alternatively once a day and twice a day for all zones.

In Discover the irrigation cbm are stuck at 0.01 and worse show 0 for the last few days.

Ver: 1481   Respuesta: 1

Pixie wifi connection

Luis Borrás
Actualizado 2022-05-25 05:58:44 UTC 

Hello, I have 3 pixies installed,  two of them are separated 10cm from each other, so they are in same place, but one of them is most of the time offline... what can I do??

Today has rain a lot and the pixie has been watering for more than 1.5h... that's a lot of water waste. 

Please give me a hand how to solve this. 



Ver: 1324   Respuesta: 1

Add 2 Whisperers to One Pixie on Netro App

Wayne Smith
Actualizado 2022-05-24 20:51:31 UTC 


I am using one Netro Pixie Hose timer to water 2 freestanding planters via a hose splitter.  I am looking for a way to add 2 Whisperers to the Netro App to monitor both planters for watering needs.  The app appears to only allow one per zone.  Is it possible to add a second Whisperer to the same zone?  I am not concerned about overwatering as the planters allow for extra water to drain out easily.   I just want to make sure neither planter dries out.


Ver: 1400   Respuesta: 1

How does Netro calculate watering mm

Bayoule Bayoule
Actualizado 2022-05-24 18:50:51 UTC 

I have declared drippers. How does netro calculate watering mm? Does it not dépend from drippers sizes?



Ver: 1296   Respuesta: 2

Night watering

John Kot
Actualizado 2022-05-23 21:15:34 UTC 
Tema: General
I’ve read that night watering is not good so why does the device order a watering cycle after 9pm?  Smart watering is enabled on all zones. 
Ver: 1731   Respuesta: 1

Meteo app

Enrico Marion
Actualizado 2022-05-23 17:03:37 UTC 
Vorrei usare un altra app meteo come si può collegare 
Ver: 1468   Respuesta: 1

Schedule intervals by the hour

Kyle Giacomini
Actualizado 2022-05-23 14:33:07 UTC 

I want to set up a repeating program schedule to run every 4 hours to establish a new lawn. At this point I have found the repeating programs will only allow a minimum interval of 1day (24hrs). Is there a way to schedule a repeating program with a shorter interval time? 

Ver: 2097   Respuesta: 1

MQTT port is blocked

Jose Juan Dios
Actualizado 2022-05-22 11:51:44 UTC 
Tema: General


I have a problem when I checked the server status. The app says that the port MQTT is blocked.

Can you help me please?


Ver: 1637   Respuesta: 1


Ramón Sellés
Actualizado 2022-05-22 10:28:57 UTC 

Hi there,

I've been trying to program the Pixie for a year, I've done everything and I can't get it to work, apparently it doesn't want to communicate with my router. I get it to synchronize with the router and the green light tells me so and even the router tells me that it is synchronized, but later, neither with the manual system nor with schedule programming can I get it to work, a yellow triangle appears with a signal ! and indeed it has not watered. I understand that it is frustrating that a device of the apparent quality of this does not work.

Ver: 1312   Respuesta: 1

Manual run for more than 60mins

Kyle Giacomini
Actualizado 2022-05-21 17:31:03 UTC 

Hi there,

Is there an option to set a manual run or a one time run for more than 60 minutes? I would like to perform a deep soak on some of my older trees. The smart schedules will only run water less than an hour as well. Is there an explanation why zones will not run for more than an hour? 


Ver: 1562   Respuesta: 1