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Need help adding Weather Underground station

Actualizado 2022-08-08 21:41:10 UTC 
Please add the Weather Underground stations:  KCAMENIF47 and KCAMENIF19 to the app as available weather stations.  I'm still getting the error code 'Please enter a valid station ID" when trying to utilize either of these weather stations.  Thank you.  
Ver: 1629   Respuesta: 1

Manual operation stopped working

Jeff Davidson
Actualizado 2022-08-07 22:23:56 UTC 

Manual operation of zones used to work, but not longer does. Sprinklers operate as desired although when I select manual operation/play, they say they are on, although never turn on, please help resolve this. 

Ver: 1169   Respuesta: 1

Weather Station

Rob Dog
Actualizado 2022-08-07 08:21:44 UTC 


Please can you add the following weather station to weather underground: ILONDO539


Ver: 1128   Respuesta: 1

Intelligent watering plan

Gregor Schuller
Actualizado 2022-08-06 17:43:10 UTC 


In my settings the watering time is set from 2:00 to 6:00 in the morning.

The system shows in the watering plan that some zones will start after 6:00 oclock. 

This needs to be fixed because of a mowing robot wich would drive against the irrigation system

Ver: 1220   Respuesta: 1

WU Station Request

Richard B
Actualizado 2022-08-06 14:17:21 UTC 

Can you please set my pws to KNYFORTS6?

Thank you. 

Ver: 1219   Respuesta: 1

Second plug had broken

Jannis Drew
Actualizado 2022-08-06 12:38:41 UTC 
This is the second plug that has broken. Who can I contact for a replacement? 
Ver: 1269   Respuesta: 1

Optimum moisture level

Spiros Koutmos
Actualizado 2022-08-06 06:35:33 UTC 
What is the optimum moisture level for grass and bushes? 
Ver: 1190   Respuesta: 1


Kevin Naylor
Actualizado 2022-08-05 14:39:53 UTC 
Why does this thing keep going offline?  I have added a signal booster to extend the Wi-Fi and when I reconnect it finds the network automatically and connects with no problem. Why does this thing keep going off-line? Beginning to doubt the quality of this product.
Ver: 1247   Respuesta: 1


Rob Nelson
Actualizado 2022-08-05 11:08:18 UTC 
Two days of street flooding rain. Forecast of more rain today. The system started running this morning. It is set to run automatically. Is there any intelligence? 
Ver: 1294   Respuesta: 1

Smart Zone Frequency and duration

Gregor Schuller
Actualizado 2022-08-05 07:45:41 UTC 


in my app I have three zones for watering the lawn.

two of them are about 140 sqm and they are in the sun the whole day.

The third zone is about 60sqm and is in the shade from 11 or 12 oclock.

in the two bigger areas the frequency and duration wich is shown in the app is OK (mode: frequently every 1.98 days for 19.29 minutes)

in the smaller area the app shows in regular mode every 1.2 days for 38.57 minutes. but that is two much water on this small zone in the shade.

Is there a solution to change this?

Best regards 

Ver: 1332   Respuesta: 1

Water Saving Results

Actualizado 2022-08-04 22:54:11 UTC 

In the Discover section, what is the displayed Water Saving data based upon please?

Can I modify this basis, for instance I know when I switched from spray to drip irregation and would like to know if this saved water and was it cost effective?


Ver: 1248   Respuesta: 1

Weather Underground

Kirk Davis
Actualizado 2022-08-03 13:52:50 UTC 

Can’t set my WU to my weather station. It says invalid like others have experienced. The Netro rain numbers are WAY off. For example, 7/31/2022 shows as .24 inches of rain. Both my stations show .83 and .85 respectively. Could you please set mine to station ID KNCWASHI55 ?  

Much appreciated 


Ver: 1287   Respuesta: 1

Dark mode/ font update?

Kirk Davis
Actualizado 2022-08-03 13:48:59 UTC 
Hoping to find out if dark mode and more legible fonts for the light gray in the interface will be more noticeable at some point. Hey this is the only app I have difficulty reading a font that size. Can you at least make it black instead of super light gray? Seems like a pretty quick change. Dark mode I’m sure is more difficult, so an interim step would be appreciated. Any idea when the next release will be out?
Ver: 1317   Respuesta: 1

Whisperer should correct sprite inaccuracies

Douglas Ely
Actualizado 2022-08-02 10:30:54 UTC 
I have areas of the lawn that are consistently brown during the summer. I bought a whisperer to tell sprite to correct itself but it doesnt seem to do that. If the soil moisture that is estimated by the Netro app is incorrect, why doesnt the whisperer update the algorithm? Example: I have tried to set the soil moisture to 80% low to 100% high.  The grass on the customers property is brown and they are not happy. When I check the app, The whisperer says that the soil moisture is 63% but the app says that the next watering is scheduled for 22 hours? It also needs to be able to keep a greatly increased watering schedule until it corrects the problem. It is getting hard to work with this. 
Ver: 1625   Respuesta: 1

Consistently underwatering

Douglas Ely
Actualizado 2022-08-02 10:14:34 UTC 
The app seems to work fine when there is natural rainfall and the lawns look green. When the stress of the summer arrives, the customers ALWAYS complain that there is not enough water on some zones. The boost feature is not sufficient. there needs to be a way for us to increase the amount of water that is applied without having to make a manual schedule. That would defeat the purpose of using Netro. There needs to be a way for the user to correct the algorithm. The app will say that there should be 80% soil moisture but when I use a moisture meter and take a direct reading the moisture is around 30%. 
Ver: 1700   Respuesta: 1

Severe water restrictions

Michael Wheatley
Actualizado 2022-07-31 02:18:20 UTC 
In California we are experiencing drought conditions.  I need to cut back the amount of water I use on my gardens.  I want to use you Smart Zone feature, and I want to describe my gardens accurately (shade, soil, sprinkler type …).  I know I can use the ECO setting, or I can say it is shadier than it actually is but I would prefer to use correct settings and the say “use 75% or 50% of recommended water.  That would be a helpful improvement for to your app.
Ver: 1362   Respuesta: 1


Francesco V
Actualizado 2022-07-30 22:01:37 UTC 
Many times i found the system offline. i had tried many things, i had changed wifi using mesh wifi with a second unità nearvthe Netro unit. I wrote for an answer in the chat. Seems not to be a solution. Probably I Will change irrigation system. Very disappointed of It. 
Ver: 1280   Respuesta: 1

Wrong scheduling?

Carlos Jimeno
Actualizado 2022-07-30 07:49:09 UTC 


I've got my Netro Sprite with 10 zones configured. All of them with the smart watering feature. And 8 of them with he ECO program. It seems that my unit is overwatering. When I check the calendar most of the zones are watered twice and if I skip some of the zones both events dissapear and the whole time is filled with more instances is the non slipped zones. 

I've configured the watering time from 7:00 to 9:00 and some days it covers the whole time and others it covers from 6:00 to 9:00. 

Any ideas to solve it?. 

Thank you very much. 

Ver: 1493   Respuesta: 1

Whispered wrong temperature range?

David Gomez
Actualizado 2022-07-29 17:51:27 UTC 

I had just installed 3 whisper and two of them are showing temperature o 3xxx °C, while the third one is correct.

Is this normal? Or will be auto updated?


Ver: 1870   Respuesta: 2

How do I add an additional "manager" or "player" - app & website keep giving an error

Alex Heath
Actualizado 2022-07-28 17:46:04 UTC 

Just got the new Spark 16 sprinkler controller and installed it yesterday.  I'm trying to add "New Manager" in the app (& tried it on the website too), but keep getting this error message:  "ERROR:  Can't find user [email]"   (I've omitted the specific email address of the manager/player I'm trying to add and simply used [email] as a placeholder for this thread)

I've also tried to add "New Player" and get the same error message.  

Has anyone else had this issue?  Am I doing it wrong?

Ver: 1193   Respuesta: 1