
Update frequency of watering schedule

更新時間 2019-03-21 16:27:21 UTC 
How often is the smart watering schedule updated? This morning it was raining quite a bit, but so far my watering schedule indicates a watering session for tomorrow. Not only does this waste water, but it violates one of my restrictions, namely, no watering the day after a rain. 
瀏覽: 2071   回覆: 1

Notice To Users of Weather Underground

Netro Inc
更新時間 2019-03-19 04:52:48 UTC 

Notice of obsoleting Weather Underground

Netro has changed the weather source Weather Underground to Dark Sky from the server side for users of Weather Underground. The reason is Weather Underground stopped its API service without any notice. The whole community is looking for solutions. So we have internally disabled the Weather Underground option and used the data from Dark Sky.

We will support AccuWeather and openWeatherMap in the next release of the app. We expect to launch it early next month.

We are sorry about the inconvenience. Please contact us if you have any questions.



瀏覽: 3374   評論: 0

Overriding smart waterinh

更新時間 2019-03-17 20:46:27 UTC 
I own a very small lot and would be interested only in setting up my own programs. How can I override the system's smart watering schedule? I installed a new Netro Sprite today and right off the bat it shows a lot of watering on the first day. Thank you.
瀏覽: 2204   回覆: 1

Whisperer records only up to 10% even in pouring rain

Scot and Michelle Cowan
更新時間 2019-03-03 17:04:51 UTC 
Have two Whiperer sensors in container pots setting up for bare root treesin large fabric bag containers. Sensors have detected a moisture level of only up to 16%. This morning after and during a one inch rain the soil moisture is only reading 3% and 6%. Clearly something is wrong. 
瀏覽: 2489   回覆: 1

Skipping skipped?

更新時間 2018-10-31 16:11:03 UTC 
Live in Hawaii and yesterday we had flood level rains and to my disappointment Netro watered this morning even though I have it set to skip if it rained the previous day. Anyone have this happen?
瀏覽: 2352   回覆: 1

Customization->set rain/temperature/wind threshold to skip watering

Netro Support
更新時間 2018-10-13 06:19:08 UTC 

Customization->set rain/temperature/wind threshold to skip watering

Netro automatically creates dynamic watering schedules according to local weather, so if you turn on the smart zone feature for your zone, season adjustment will be made with smart watering schedules according to weather.

There are different types of weather restrictions: rain, temperature and wind.

By default, If you turn on the smart zone feature, Netro will skip the schedules (including manual schedules from user programs) when there is a chance of significant rain(>0.2inch).

The default threshold to skip watering when temperature is too low is 0 Celsius degree (32 Fahrenheit) for all the Netro controllers.

You can now customize rain, temperature and wind threshold through Settings->Preferences.

瀏覽: 3575   評論: 0

New seeding

Douglas Ely
更新時間 2018-10-09 23:09:48 UTC 
Here in ocean city NJ, when we seed for new grass we need the water to come on twice daily to start germination. When I set my Netro to “new plant” and the soil type to “sandy clay” which is the top layer, the controller had only been watering every 2.21 days. The soil is dust dry. I don’t want to have to make gross adjustments. That is why I bought Netro. What’s wrong?
瀏覽: 2745   回覆: 3

New grass seed

Dan R
更新時間 2018-09-09 21:47:24 UTC 
It would be great to have a feature that runs the sprinklers three times a day for 7 days when I put down new grass seed. I can build a program for this and it does not take very long. It would be a nice feature to have this built into the app. 
瀏覽: 2389   回覆: 1

Program for new grass seed?

Brian Killian
更新時間 2018-09-04 11:18:30 UTC 
Does netro have a program for new grass seed?  I'm going to oversees later this month and was wondering how to set my sprinklers to get the seed to grow.
瀏覽: 2424   回覆: 1

How do you set weather cancelling programs

Richard Spooner
更新時間 2018-08-24 01:08:49 UTC 
Can’t figure out how to have the weather app stop the sprinklers
瀏覽: 2505   回覆: 1

California Native Plants

Anthony M
更新時間 2018-08-08 22:15:43 UTC 
It would be nice if more California native style plants (dry climate) were included in the database - or at least that sort of watering style (much less frequent/deep) be available as an option.  I find that when relying on the smart watering with generic salvia hybrid selected for plant type, the water usage is actually higher than the manual program i had set before, especially now in summer months I feel it might be overcompensating.  I'd like to be able to rely on the "smart" aspects, but not sure it makes sense given the higher water usage so for now will probably be forced to go back to manual programming instead.. If anyone has some experience/suggestions on matching these types of plants up with what is in the database I'm all ears as well.  Thanks!
瀏覽: 2595   回覆: 2

Rain vs moisture

Tungster Tran
更新時間 2018-08-06 01:15:02 UTC 


Wonder why the soil moisture doesn't change to 100% after a big rain in my area?  The soil moisture percentage is important since this might trigger the auto watering (water will kick in when the max moisture setting is greater than the actual moisture  percentage)


瀏覽: 2797   回覆: 1

Two zones on same spot

Ken Wiens
更新時間 2018-07-31 22:06:08 UTC 

I have 4 zones. Two of these cover the same piece of ground. One zone has pgm sprayers and the other zone has regular sprayers .But they cover exactly the same area. How do I tell the app this so that it knows that running the sprinklers for one zone waters the same trees and grass as the other zone? 

To try and clarify the question - these zones cover the same physical piece of ground, (they overlap 100%) but netro doesn't know that, so it will water one zone and think the other zone is still in need of watering - and thus water the same grass twice. (each zone once so the same grass twice).  Netro's algorithm for determining soil moisture levels can't work if it doesn't realize these two zones are the same physical piece of grass. 

瀏覽: 2834   回覆: 2

EPA Recommendations

更新時間 2018-07-14 11:30:12 UTC 

In the zone settings, the app offers different types of watering, for example, regular, deep watering, boost, etc. One is labeled EPA. 

What are the differences between the settings and watering times/amounts for: regular, boost, and EPA?

瀏覽: 2860   回覆: 1

Same Zone Settings, Different Results

更新時間 2018-07-14 11:23:00 UTC 

Hello - I have a 9 zone system. I have set all of the zones with the exact same settings for type, grass, etc. I do not have any sensors. 

However, the app shows the zones having different moisture levels, and waters certain zones differently than others, even though the settings and system location are the exact same. 

Can you help me understand why the system would treat these identically programmed zones differently


瀏覽: 2823   回覆: 1

Smart zone watering some zones multiple times

Jason Warren
更新時間 2018-07-10 11:29:26 UTC 

I have eight zones with smart watering enabled for all zones. I noticed this morning when looking at scheduling that a few of the zones will water multiple times in the same morning. For example, Zone one will water for 4 minutes, Zone 2, Zone 3 excetera. Then it goes back to Zone 1 for 3 minutes, and maybe zone for for 7 minutes. Is this normal?

I have inserted a screen shot.Notice the zone, "house left."

瀏覽: 2898   回覆: 1

Two locations

Robert Garlick
更新時間 2018-06-22 13:31:35 UTC 

I have a system working in Florida and I just wanted to do the same thing in Kansas and I bought it and I have wired it but I haven't plugged it in because I don't know how I'm going to control each different location and I'm afraid something might go wrong and I won't be able to water in Florida.

So how do I control each separate location with the same phone?

瀏覽: 2872   回覆: 1