
Google Home integration - no devices found

更新時間 2022-10-25 17:06:24 UTC 

Hello all!

I've just installed the Pixie smart house faucet timer and whenever I try to link the Netro service to my Google Home I get a message saying no devices can be found.

Is there some setting I need to enable to allow the device to be found by Google Home?

瀏覽: 1227   回覆: 2


Jean Paul Lasserre
更新時間 2022-10-20 14:57:19 UTC 

Even after several hours in full sun my Whisperer looks dead and does not send any signal.

Shirt or long pushes on the button does not change anything.

I suppose that while not that old I have to buy a new one.

Thanks for your advice

瀏覽: 1059   回覆: 1

Water pressure

Omer Zadikevitch
更新時間 2022-10-18 18:15:38 UTC 
It looks like the sprinklers are not jumping out because of the water pressure is maybe down right after I installed pixie
瀏覽: 1197   回覆: 1

Weather station

Tungster Tran
更新時間 2022-10-14 02:07:16 UTC 

Raining hard outside for at least 20 minutes but yet, Netro weather n others didn't detect it?

瀏覽: 1290   回覆: 1

No connection to WiFi.

Gianluca De Virgilio
更新時間 2022-10-02 21:48:54 UTC 

Good afternoon.

Sometime my controller lost the connection to the router Wi-Fi for some time ( one day or more) and then it riconnettes automatically. I don’t know why.

This morning it lost the connection , but after 10 hours it was still disconnetter. I tried to re connect it manuali, but the controller didn’t find my router. The router is very closed to the controller. When I connect my phone to the WiFi of the controller, i see “no connection”. So. Ok the controller is off line and I can’t connect it. what can I do? I already try to reset the controller turning of the elettrico power. 

瀏覽: 1454   回覆: 2

Discover and weather accuracy

Geron R
更新時間 2022-10-01 12:38:37 UTC 
I’m in the Orlando area and on Wednesday I just had hurricane Ian drop over 5” of rain on my lawn. Discover tab shows on Wednesday I had less than .3” of rainfall. I’m using the Netro weather station. Is there something I need to change or update?
瀏覽: 1221   回覆: 1

Veronica Slaughter
更新時間 2022-10-01 05:11:02 UTC 
I was wondering if there’s a relationship between the weather predicted on the app and the watering frequency. Here it shows daily temperature predicted at 90 degrees when in fact it’s 82 / 83 when 2 watering a week are sufficient. My app wants to water every day and unless I turn it off I don’t see a way to negotiate a more rational and way less costly rhythm. 
Any insight is so welcome! 
瀏覽: 1311   回覆: 1

Rescheduling the watering schedule

Rick Miller
更新時間 2022-09-29 23:49:53 UTC 
I set up my metro system this morning.  I made an error in programming the watering schedule.  How do I reprogram the Smart watering program?  I have been unable to do it.
瀏覽: 1269   回覆: 1

Irrigation, It starts by itself without any program

Rosario Russo
更新時間 2022-09-27 11:06:57 UTC 
Also I would like to point out that yesterday at midnight the irrigation started by itself, without having programmed anything, with the app I could not turn off I had to stattare everything through the electrical panel.
As ever this happens, should be a convenience this control unit controlled by the app instead of problems.
瀏覽: 1242   回覆: 1

Smart watering schedule is running for long periods

更新時間 2022-09-21 12:25:49 UTC 

My netro is using smart schedule. Even though i have ECO on each zone, zones are watering for more than 20 minutes. it rained last night and today morning it was watering for more than 20 minutes.

 How do i change this?

lot of water being wasted. 


Ananth Bandla

瀏覽: 1497   回覆: 2

quick stop every watering

Lee Hill
更新時間 2022-09-11 20:34:04 UTC 

I have seen quick stop watering on landing page in app once. Than not anymore. Is this a recent feature? Looks not stable. Meanwhile I cannot see stop button on manual run page where it was before. Shame that everone got wet on garden party.

瀏覽: 1241   回覆: 1

Watered while sensor above the skip limit

Alfonso Olias Sanz
更新時間 2022-09-07 05:47:06 UTC 

Hi today the smart schedule wateres while sensors above the 50% humid. I stopped manually. It is weird because the schedule shows to skip the zone but it watered anyway. Zone 3 and zone 4. Zone 1 is correct

May you check it?

瀏覽: 1323   回覆: 1

Adding weather station to weather underground

更新時間 2022-09-05 21:41:34 UTC 

Can you guys add weather station


瀏覽: 1294   回覆: 1

Random sprinklers turn on

Brian Strickler
更新時間 2022-09-01 12:33:12 UTC 

So has anyone else have random sprinklers turn on even though there is no program active for the sprinkler?

I had to turn off most of my programs because I have to reduce my sprinkler heads. And now I’m getting random sprinklers coming on.

瀏覽: 1227   回覆: 2


Bob Neal
更新時間 2022-08-31 17:11:55 UTC 
How to delete a schedule on my watering system.
瀏覽: 1279   回覆: 1


Brian Strickler
更新時間 2022-08-25 16:43:35 UTC 
How can I get station id 


Added to my controller 
瀏覽: 1184   回覆: 1

How can add zones

Veronica Slaughter
更新時間 2022-08-25 04:20:46 UTC 
I touch the “done with zone” by mistake now I can’t figure out how to add the rest. 
瀏覽: 1285   回覆: 1

Total reset

更新時間 2022-08-20 17:23:56 UTC 

How do you do a total reset?

Can’t change programs or add new ones .

Seamed to be stuck ?

瀏覽: 1143   回覆: 1

Wunderground Personal Weather Station

John Kollehner
更新時間 2022-08-19 20:49:40 UTC 


Can you add KTXHUMBL256 to Wunderground for me in Houston so my Netro can run off my weather station in my backyard.


John Kollehner

瀏覽: 1204   回覆: 1

Purchase in Canda for Spain use

更新時間 2022-08-17 15:34:16 UTC 


I did purchase Spark 8 in Canada but I will be using it in Spain. 

When I try to activete the unit, I cannot use my Spainish address for the location of the unit. The app is taking the location from my phone and when I put the Spanish address I get an error that I am located in Canada. When I turn off the location service of my phone I cannot move to the next step at all.

Any suggestions how I can solve this problem?

Thank you,

瀏覽: 1148   回覆: 1