
Netro off line

Junglim Huh
更新時間 2019-05-25 02:59:21 UTC 
I have been away for about 3 days now, and there has been a power failure at home. Netro has been offline since then for couple of days now. I know my wifi connection is good because my nest is working fine. What is up with this connection not being able to reconnect after accidental signal drop. 
瀏覽: 2277   回覆: 1

I have a ton of errors again for the last two weeks!

Joshua Berk
更新時間 2019-05-23 18:39:21 UTC 

I just went to check on my sprinkler system since all of my grass has been dying and realized I've had errors on every watering attempt for the last 2 weeks!! I'm worried that a) it's not working and b) when it does start working it's going to flood my lawn again like it did last time because it tries to overwater for all the times it missed!

why aren't there any app notifications when this thing happens I shouldn't have to monitor the system manually to find out that it has not been watering for so long!

瀏覽: 2232   回覆: 1

Manual mode fail to shut off

Junglim Huh
更新時間 2019-05-16 02:05:13 UTC 

Today, I went around the house to start the season, checking springklers, and one zone wouldn't stop in manual mode. I tried to be closer to home to get better Wifi signal. It still would not stop even if I turn on/off other zone. Shouldn't  manual stop override any previous malfunctions? I had to shut the main sprinkler valve for now because there was no way to stop the water for one particular zone.

Any fix for this? I am planning on a leave and that was the whole reason I got Netro, but this worries me if water won't shut off while I am away.

瀏覽: 2174   回覆: 1

Problemi con Google home

更新時間 2019-05-12 08:36:40 UTC 

Prodotto perfettamente funzionante ma non riesco ad aggiungere l'app a Google Home. Quando cerco Netro sulla lista delle applicazioni compatibili non la trovo. 

Qualcuno è riuscito a configurarla? 



瀏覽: 2159   回覆: 1


Howard Blankenship
更新時間 2019-04-24 14:46:54 UTC 
Many good questions here in the community but unable to see the answers - why?
瀏覽: 2046   回覆: 1

Smart home integration

Matt Griste
更新時間 2019-03-29 22:29:57 UTC 
How do i add the netro service to my google home. I cant seem to find much info about it and it doesnt show up
瀏覽: 2460   回覆: 2

MAC address

Lee Hill
更新時間 2019-03-29 15:45:44 UTC 
where can I read MAC address of netro controller?
瀏覽: 2314   回覆: 1

Not able to water

Tungster Tran
更新時間 2019-03-27 13:18:49 UTC 
I just updated the app yesterday and noticed that I am not able to water my lawn any more.  Kept trying to water it manually and it kept shutting it down or the zone was never turned it on.
瀏覽: 2201   回覆: 1


Matt Lasser
更新時間 2018-10-31 16:01:30 UTC 
Listen.  This timer is really bad.  How do I let a service man run my timer I don’t want to give him my phone at least with the Rachio I can grant temporary access this is not worth the money at all
瀏覽: 2351   回覆: 1

Is there a way to water multiple times during the day?

George Zraick
更新時間 2018-10-27 20:05:15 UTC 
I have this fern area in a desert climate. Is there a way to do short spirt misting multiple times a day?
瀏覽: 2472   回覆: 1


更新時間 2018-10-17 16:59:29 UTC 
My controller is blinking. Hasn’t done that before. Ideas?
瀏覽: 2295   回覆: 1

connecting to wifi..

Phani Gade
更新時間 2018-10-15 17:20:42 UTC 
Hi: i am having issues connecting to wifi.. i have been using the Netro for more than one year..still having issues with connecting to wifi. it gets connected for some time and disconnects. it is been happening. is it issue with Netro it self or something i have to do. i see all the bars on my phone at netro.. 
瀏覽: 2174   回覆: 0

Alexa skill with multiple Netro controllers?

James Nyazai
更新時間 2018-08-29 21:13:54 UTC 
I have 2 Netro controllers named Front Yard and Back Yard. Alexa can water the Back Yard just fine by specifying a zone and a time to water for. But how do I switch controllers so Alexa will water zones on the Front Yard controller?
瀏覽: 2404   回覆: 0

Reset moisture level

Geoffrey Maslin
更新時間 2018-08-22 23:07:11 UTC 
Is there a way to reset the moisture level for a zone. It is currently showing 100% but soil is dry. 
瀏覽: 2553   回覆: 1

Offline alert

Alex R
更新時間 2018-08-05 19:29:29 UTC 
Is there a way to get the Netro system to alert me if the system goes “offline” . I have had to instantes where the system was off line and my plants almost died 
瀏覽: 3182   回覆: 6

Smart vs. manual program

Mike Bujor
更新時間 2018-07-13 22:36:12 UTC 

Hi just wanted to know if I running only customs programs for watering I can take advantage of the Smart Watering feature. In other words, I only have my own watering program, NO smart programs, and need to know if the controller will skip these programs when raining. If NOT will the sensor allow provide that feature?

Thx - Mike

瀏覽: 2967   回覆: 3

Never waters lawn

Mossy Bank
更新時間 2018-07-12 01:52:11 UTC 
I have had the netro for a  week and it has yet to water the lawn. Today, it states 12 more days until the next water. I have Bermuda grass in Alabama, it is 90+ degrees daily. Seems like it will never water. It has only rained for 5 minutes the last week, but the app thinks it has rained more often.
瀏覽: 2675   回覆: 2