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Sangjin Lee

Reside en: San Jose, CA, US
Usar: SPRITE-6


Mode between and eco and normal

Sangjin Lee
Actualizado 2019-10-17 03:41:11 UTC
Tema: Riego inteligente

I am exploring different smart watering modes. The normal mode waters the lawn too long for me but the eco mode too little. It appears that the eco mode is exactly the same as normal but the watering time is half of normal.

In my case, I would like to set up a smart mode that waters 75% of the normal. How can I configure the smart mode to do that?

watering usage doesn't match

Sangjin Lee
Actualizado 2019-06-21 22:49:22 UTC
Tema: General

Here is something I cannot reconcile. I am dealing with a pretty big water usage reported by the utility. It says in the month of May I used 530 GPD (gallons per day). I seem to be watering every 3 days (set by Netro).

Compared to winter months when I rarely watered the lawn due to the rainy season, it is a jump of ~ 270 GPD.

When I check the Netro app, it reports I used ~ 3.5 CCF for the month of May. 1 CCF = 748 gallons, and that translates to roughly 87 gallons per day. This is less than 1/3 of what the utility is telling me. How can this discrepancy be explained? Any ideas/tips for finding why I seem to be using this much water? Thanks in advance!

not watering after installation

Sangjin Lee
Actualizado 2018-12-15 18:56:48 UTC
Tema: Solución de problemas

I installed two Netro Sprites to replace the previous controllers. The installation itself went fine, and I was able to verify that the first one waters the zones fine.

However, the second one does not water any zones. All the status indicators are fine, I hear the water getting turned on, and everything but no watering. What could be wrong? The wiring seems pretty simple. One common wire, 4 zone wires, and the power. All the wires are securely in. What are the ways to troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance!