watering usage doesn't match
Here is something I cannot reconcile. I am dealing with a pretty big water usage reported by the utility. It says in the month of May I used 530 GPD (gallons per day). I seem to be watering every 3 days (set by Netro).
Compared to winter months when I rarely watered the lawn due to the rainy season, it is a jump of ~ 270 GPD.
When I check the Netro app, it reports I used ~ 3.5 CCF for the month of May. 1 CCF = 748 gallons, and that translates to roughly 87 gallons per day. This is less than 1/3 of what the utility is telling me. How can this discrepancy be explained? Any ideas/tips for finding why I seem to be using this much water? Thanks in advance!
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