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Matt O.

居住在: San Ramon, CA, US
使用: SPRITE-12 ,
增長: Tall Fescue, Common Asparagus Fern


Plant sensor readings

Dan Orms
更新時間 2019-06-18 03:16:48 UTC
話題: 智能庭院
I have two plant sensors and they are registering subsoil readings but nothing for sunlight, temperature or moisture. Any thoughts?

watering usage doesn't match

Sangjin Lee
更新時間 2019-06-21 22:49:22 UTC
話題: 通用

Here is something I cannot reconcile. I am dealing with a pretty big water usage reported by the utility. It says in the month of May I used 530 GPD (gallons per day). I seem to be watering every 3 days (set by Netro).

Compared to winter months when I rarely watered the lawn due to the rainy season, it is a jump of ~ 270 GPD.

When I check the Netro app, it reports I used ~ 3.5 CCF for the month of May. 1 CCF = 748 gallons, and that translates to roughly 87 gallons per day. This is less than 1/3 of what the utility is telling me. How can this discrepancy be explained? Any ideas/tips for finding why I seem to be using this much water? Thanks in advance!

Disconnecting Constantly

Kate Whelan
更新時間 2019-06-09 18:05:15 UTC
話題: 故障排除

My Netro Smart Sprinkler Controller, WiFi, Weather aware, Remote access, 6 Zone, Compatible with Alexa disconnects CONSTANTLY from the app/network and I’m about to put back on our old school controller. Today it disconnected IN THE MIDDLE of watering the lawn while I was feeding/putting my baby down for a nap and it ended up watering for 28 mins, flooding my backyard. Ugh. 

Any tips on fixing this? I do not have intermittent internet or power issues. Is there a hardware update? Aside from this, I LOVE it - but this is kind of a deal killer for me. I plan to call customer service on Monday, but thought I’d check here for tips to see if I can fix it sooner. 

Yellow Triangle Symbol

OnePlus Venom
更新時間 2019-07-26 14:11:58 UTC
話題: Netro App

Hello everyone,

I just noticed a yellow triangle symbol next to a watering schedule that was set for today.

Any idea what that yellow triangle means?