Advanced smart watering not working

Michael Fortwengler
更新時間 2020-07-04 19:06:14 UTC
話題: 智能灌溉
I have advanced watering set up and it shows that it will water every six days for an hour broken into 10 minute segments. However, in reality, it only waters for 10 minutes and then shifts the schedule to the next day. It never waters more than 10 minutes even though the schedule says it will total an hour. My moisture levels always stay low in the 50% range and never automatically go to 100% unless I force a manual watering. This is very frustrating. 

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Netro Inc
更新時間 2020-07-06 09:24:15 UTC

Dear Michael, 

Our R&Ds have fixed the issue, it should not happen again. Please let us know if the problem remains. 

This is caused by a corner case bug. Here are some details if you want to know. Our cloud server updates the smart schedules at least once per day. Netro determines that your yard need to be watered for about 1 hour tomorrow, due to soak time, we split it into several schedules. On tomorrow morning a little later than 4:00am, your first smart schedules was executed. Our server starts to update your smart schedules. With the first executed schedule, the moisture is increased, above your threshold 50%. Therefore, the remaining smart schedules are cancelled. That's what you saw. Without your manual schedules, Netro will executed another smart schedules on 4:00am the day after tomorrow. So your yard will not be short of water, but watering frequently is not good for your grass. 

We have identified this problem and fixed the bug.