Wency Pan
更新時間 2021-09-08 03:14:50 UTC

Dear customer,


Are you using the latest beta version? The beta version is using the UTC time so it has the time display error. This error will be fixed in the next release of the app. The actual watering date is 09/08, which is correct. 


Sorry about the inconvenience.


Netro Support

瀏覽: 1895    讚: 0

2021-09-09 14:38:54 UTC  
Makes absolutely no sense. I have been using the beta for a while and has watered on date shown on calendar. Why all of a sudden it’s a problem?. When is next release date?
Wency Pan
2021-09-13 08:46:29 UTC  
Dear customer,

We are sorry about the inconvenience and we will fix this bug. We expect to release the next version next month.

Netro Support