Still irigates on rain days

Anyhony Harwood
更新時間 2021-06-24 11:30:50 UTC
話題: 智能灌溉
Today I see .40 for rain but yard still got irrigated. The smart water is set for .20 and to skip today, previous, tomorrow. Also set for expectation. Am I missing something? 
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Netro Inc
更新時間 2021-06-25 01:56:44 UTC

Dear Anyhony, 

We found you have selected rain expectation. Netro takes the forecasted precipitation and multiply it by the probability of rain. If the result is 0.2 inches or higher, than we will cancel watering schedules. For example, if rainfall is 0.2 inches but probability is 50%, then 0.2*.5 = .1, 0.1 is less than 0.2, so the watering will go as scheduled. But if rainfall is 0.4 inches with 50%, then the Smart Zone will cancel the watering schedule for that day. It is possible that in the early morning the rainfall did not reach 0.4 inch.   We found Netro skipped your schedules later in June 24. 

Of course, all weather forecast could be wrong. Netro tries the best to provide accurate watering schedule even with incorrect forecast. First, we periodically update the weather data, once the weather data is changed, we update the un-executed schedules ASAP. Second, we re-check the weather data for the past, update our model, and adjust following schedules accordingly. For example, Netro may not water today due to large rainfall from forecast data. The next day, Netro re-check the weather data, if no rainfall found and your soil is dry enough, Netro will water accordingly. 


Netro Support