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Reside en: Creazzo, Veneto, IT
Usar: SPRITE-12
Crecer: Tall Fescue, Fraser Photinia


Wifi reconnect issue

Actualizado 2022-05-03 21:04:03 UTC
Tema: General

Hi All,

I'm a satisfied Italian customer of Netro Sprite 12 zones since 2019!

Recently I set my router to shutdown the wifi during the night, the Netro sprite it's the only one device that don't automatically reconnect when wifi come up in the morning, the white LED still blinking. To reconnect at the network, I need to phisically shutdown and power on the Sprite.

Is there a "trick" or an update to cover this issue? HW Version: 1.2 , Firmware Version 1.1.3

Thanks in advance.


Photinia Fraseri Red robin area setup and others

Actualizado 2020-03-24 14:44:34 UTC
Tema: Riego inteligente

Hi , I'm an Italian happy owner of the netro sprite since last summer :)

Last year I used a classic static programs, this year I want to try the smart side of the platform, I've set my seven zones (square meters,type, etc), but I've some questions:

1) I've two zones with Photinia Fraseri Red Robin (zone3,7), in the database I've set the "Photinia Fraseri", but I've a doubt for the area in sqm, is it square meters or linear meters? If I try to set 50sqm or 25 the water not change, is it correct?

2) The algorithm put 107minutes every 14.5days, I've ask to my gardener and he told me that it's too much water (about double) for that plants in this period. Can i set up only this zone with customs specs?

3) I want to buy the Whisperer sensors, but in there is only the sprite, if I buy by netrohome portal the delivery may be slow, there are additional customs duty,etc. Any chance to see in

Thanks in advance