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Joshua Berk

Reside en: Scottsdale, AZ, US
Usar: SPRITE-6
Crecer: Rye Winter Grass


Product request: leak detector

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2019-12-03 05:45:42 UTC
Tema: General
I would love to see a leak detector we could install onto the water lines that could communicate the amount of water used and detect leaks. Like the one Rachio offers.

I have a ton of errors again for the last two weeks!

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2019-05-23 18:39:21 UTC
Tema: Hogar conectado

I just went to check on my sprinkler system since all of my grass has been dying and realized I've had errors on every watering attempt for the last 2 weeks!! I'm worried that a) it's not working and b) when it does start working it's going to flood my lawn again like it did last time because it tries to overwater for all the times it missed!

why aren't there any app notifications when this thing happens I shouldn't have to monitor the system manually to find out that it has not been watering for so long!

Hot weather algorithm

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2019-05-17 16:15:51 UTC
Tema: Riego inteligente

I live in Arizona and it's not really hot yet but it's starting to get warmer and I noticed my rye grass is starting to die off and everybody else's is very green.  I think it's because netro isn't watering as often as it should be when it gets warmer. I'm aware I can set a manual schedule but that kind of defeats the purpose of why I bought Netro. So what I'm saying is I think an algorithm needs to be adjusted so hot dry climates get a little more watering for winter grass that's still in season before the Bermuda comes in.

Leak detection

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2019-01-03 15:27:07 UTC
Tema: General
Rachio has a new leak detection device you can install on the pipe that talks to the controller letting it know if there's water flow that shouldn't be happening. Do you guys have plans to do anything like this? Would absolutely be interested in it!

EPA rebate status?

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2018-11-04 07:39:58 UTC
Tema: General
Hi I was wondering if we could get an update on where Netro is with an EPA rebate? We're aware Netro has applied, but any word or ETA on getting certification for rebates?  Thank you

How can I give my landscaper a way to manage the watering cycles?

Joshua Berk
Actualizado 2018-10-10 06:22:09 UTC
Tema: Netro App
I would like to be able to share this account with my wife and my landscaper so they have access to turn things on and off when needed. Especially when I'm going to have my landscaper do work on my sprinkler system to fix the heads he needs to be able to test it easily without me being there.