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Kevin Westling

Reside en: Port Saint Lucie, FL, US
Usar: SPRITE-6


Text overlap in App

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-12 14:46:02 UTC
Tema: Netro App
It's annoying that text overlap in the app. It's there a fix for this? sensor or not to sensor?

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-12 14:37:12 UTC
Tema: General

I'm only using a sprinkler system to water St. Augustine grass on a .2 acres in South Florida. The entire area is flat and has the same soil make-up (loam). Direct sunlight shines mostly all day on every area other than a small 10'x40' strip on the west side of the house that is shaded part of the day. I have no trees and no plants. I have a Sprite controller and 1 whisperer sensor which is connected to the 3 zones that get the most sunlight. The learned % is at 55%

I don't see any benefit in using the whisperer. Thoughts?

Whisperer won't blink white during setup

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-12 03:01:46 UTC
Tema: Instalación
Prior to installing a whisperer to my system, I set it up outside in direct sunlight for 5 days. When I try to add it to my Sprite, the light only blinks red once. I've tried multiple times to press the power button 6 times and it's still just flashing red just once. What am I doing wrong?

Manual Watering

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-06-04 00:42:16 UTC
Tema: Netro App
From the home screen, I use the manual watering option. Each one of my four zones won't go higher than 30 minutes each. I can go to the wheel adjustment, but it won't go higher for some reason and I'd like it to go to 60 minutes. 

Is SQ Footage needef in the app for each zone

Kevin Westling
Actualizado 2021-03-28 06:40:48 UTC
Tema: Netro App
I notice in the App, that there is a field called SQ  Feet. It's this info needed if im setting everything.