
Netro Support

Reside en: Camarillo, CA, US
Crecer: Kentucky Bluegrass, Maple


Zones Shut Off But Show Running in App

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-16 06:37:34 UTC

Hi Kirk,

We can take the device back and replace the fuse with a larger one which will solve the issue. If this sounds like a good solution for you please write to us support@netrohome.com and let us know your home address for shipping purpose.


Netro Support

Zones run at the same time

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-16 02:04:21 UTC

Hi Rich,

Could you please try manual water one of the two zones on the Home page of the app and see if two zones still run at the same time? If it still happens, please write to us support@netrohome.com

The blue play button in zone area on the Home page is for manual run for your zones. 


Netro Support

Removing plant sensor

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-15 06:21:03 UTC

Hi Alessia,

We saw you have deleted this standalone sensor. 

If you want to move the stand alone sensors to a zone, please go to the home page. There is a drop down menu and please select your Sprite controller, then go to Add a Product-> Plant sensor and then select the zone and complete the following procedures to add the sensor. You will need to press the button 6 times on the back of the sensor to change its mode to Setup mode (light blinking slowly).

Please let us know if you want to delete the "Plant Sensors" in the drop menu and we can help you delete it from the server side.


Netro Support

Spanish translation

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-14 01:30:09 UTC

Hi Juan,

We are looking for professional to review our translation and we will be very happy if you could help us review the translation. We have sent you a file through email.

Thanks so much for your help.

Netro Support

One day restriction

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-13 06:07:14 UTC

Hi Lou,

Currently Netro does not allow restrict watering on a spedific date. There are two options as a workaround. 

1. Create a restriction.

2. Put Sprite in "paused" mode (Settings->Controller->toggle the "Enabled" button).


Netro Support

Suport MQTT? Suport REST API?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-12 02:28:04 UTC

Hi Sergio,

So far we have supported Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice control in English. We currently do not open MQTT to users. We may consider support API in our future development plan.  


Netro Support

Sprite doesn't open valve

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-07 08:15:46 UTC
Hi Tony,

Could you please send us a picture of how you wire your new 24VAC valve to support@netrohome.com?

Do you have a multi-meter to test the voltage? To test if the controller is working properly,  please use a multimeter (AC voltage mode) to test the voltage between the common wire and the zone wire when the zone is active. Normally the voltage should be between 24V and 28V.

I am a little worried that connecting the Netro controller to a DC valve might cause a problem, although chance is small.

Netro Support

Runs for 9 hours at a time

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-07 06:56:59 UTC

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for contacting us. Netro will try to water your zones between your preferred time in Scheduling. However, Netro will still water your zones out side of your preferred time if Netro think the smart watering is not enough.

To ensure your preferred watering time, you can add a restriction. We just checked your account and we found you have created a restriction ''no watering between 4 am to 11 pm" 

FYI,to adjust smart watering, please go to settings->zones->select a zone->smart zone and choose your preferred watering mode. You can choose eco mode to decrease the watering amount. You can also choose "customized" mode to adjust watering by providing the preferred moisture level and flow rate of your sprinklers.

Netro Support


Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-06 05:23:31 UTC

Hi Daniel,

Could you please send a picture of your current wiring to support@netrohome.com and we will check.


Netro Support

changing watering zone times?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-06 02:30:16 UTC

Hi Haru,

Netro calculates the smart schedules based on environmental conditions including the soil type. Some zones are watered multiple times a day, you probably selected clay, clay loam or loam as the soil type which accepts water slowly, often as little as 1/4 inch per hour and that is why we break the watering into many pieces to avoid water runoff.


Netro Support

Can my whisper control 2 zones?

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-05 06:15:23 UTC

Hi LF,

Please upgrade your app to the newest version and this is already available. Please go to Settings->Sensors, select your sensor->Zones and choose the zones you would like this sensor to monitor.


Netro Support

water amount

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-08-01 06:39:21 UTC

Hi Gérard, 

Do you mean about sensor waterproofing? Whisperer will work during rain, but it cannot be submerged into water. Please let us know if you have further questions. 


Netro Support

Program should be within the same day

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 08:46:48 UTC

Dear customer,

Thanks for contacting us and we have forward this issue to our R&D. We are investigating this issue and will get back to you soon.


Netro Support

Yellow Triangle Symbol

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:51:14 UTC

Dear customer,

When Sprite finishes running a watering schedule, it will send a confirmation to the cloud server. In this way, the could server knows whether the schedules are correctly executed or not.


The exclamation mark means the cloud server did not receive the confirmation from the device. There are two possible causes:


1. the device is not powered up when it was supposed to be powered up to run that schedule. Therefore, the corresponding zone is not watered (what is why we use the exclamation to alert users)


2. the schedule run fine but it was during a temporary network outage or exception so that the confirmation cannot be delivered to the server. Wireless connection can be unstable for a short peroid time so it is not uncommon to have a glitch in the communication.

Please write to support@netrohome.com if you have any further questions.


Netro Support

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Wrong translation - Italian app

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:42:33 UTC

Dear Sergio,

Thanks for contacting us and we will fix this issue in the next release of the app.

Thanks for your support and we really appreciate it!


Netro Support

30 minutes = 10 minutes X 3

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:41:10 UTC

Hi Paul,

As far as doing multiple watering runs, the only way to do that would be to create multiple programs. To water 10 minutes 3 times each, you will have to create 3 program. Please make sure to space the start times out so the start times do not overlap. 


Netro Support

wrong translation in French

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:39:25 UTC

Dear Gilles,

Thanks for contacting us and we will fix this issue in the next release of the app.

Thanks for your support and we really appreciate it!


Netro Support

going backward from topic item

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:36:21 UTC

Hi Gilles,

Please press the green button on the upper left corner to go back to the previous page. Please see the attached screenshot.


Netro Support

Connection-during Initial Set Up-Sprite Smart atering System

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:31:29 UTC

Dear customer,

When you see this message, please tap the "Return" button to go back to the Netro app and continue the following the steps. Please let us know if it helps. Please write to support@netrohome.com and we will help with your setup.


Netro Support

Hunter sprinklers

Netro Support
Actualizado 2019-07-29 06:26:44 UTC

This page lists some instructions about replacing the common types of Hunter system with Netro smart watering controller. 
