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Simon Clark

Reside en: Walton-On-Thames, England, GB
Crecer: Serviceberry, Boxwood


What is the exclamation mark on schedule?

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2022-06-04 07:26:36 UTC
Tema: Hogar conectado
What does the  exclamation mark mean in the schedule pages?  Does this mean that they haven't run?? If so this is a major fail on the part of an irrigation system and should surely at the least result in notifications to the phone or email to alert?  I've had plants die in the last week of very dry weather as I assumed this was watering daily as per the advanced settings. s

Whisper controlled zone down to 11%

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2021-04-28 20:59:55 UTC
Tema: Solución de problemas
I have a whisper connected to a zone that I have defined as new plant as it’s young vegetable plants. It says it will run every day for 9 minutes. 
However it’s not come on for the last week and when I checked today the moisture was down to 11%! 
Why hasn’t the zone been running? 
I can’t rely on your product if it doesn’t do the basics that keeps my plants alive. 

Notes section per zone

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2020-06-04 07:13:33 UTC
Tema: Netro App


Could we get a notes section in the zone setup so we can record extra information about the zone.  it could be wire colouring for install, notes about other setup / sprinkler install information or general notes about how that zone is performing and changes we might want to make.  


Pressure compensated drip hose

Simon Clark
Actualizado 2020-05-24 17:22:21 UTC
Tema: Instalación


I use Netafin pressure compensated drip hose on all my beds and there doesn’t seem To be an irrigation type for that. Is it OK using the drip setting which seems to be for micro drippers. 
