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Arvind Ramanadham

Reside en: Spanish fort , AL, US
Usar: SPRITE-6
Crecer: Centipede, Lilac


Not watering nearly often enough.

Rob and Susan Tartre
Actualizado 2020-06-24 20:13:25 UTC
Tema: Riego inteligente

I need the Netro system to water every day in this hot, dry climate. Our lawn is turning brown. It’s used to being watered every day. The smart watering system is watering every 4 days. I have both the frequency set to high and the moisture levels set to high. I do not have sensors. What else can I adjust to get it to run every day. I’m trying to figure out how to choose everyday using the smart system. Do I just need to set manual program? That kind of defeats the purpose of having smart watering (adjusting for rain, etc.)

Thank you for any help!!

Moisture level for lawn

Actualizado 2020-08-08 08:43:43 UTC
Tema: Conocimientos de jardinería

Dear community

I wondering what is the best moisture level to keep for lawn. The sensor is somewhere around 42%, after watering the garden. Is that enough, should it be more?

Thanks community for your help.

Whisperer Battery

Actualizado 2020-11-23 16:44:00 UTC
Tema: General

I have one whisperer,used in indoor looks like the solar is not enough for the charging. 

Any idea I can fix it?

Choice of irrigation hardware

Lyndon Whyatt
Actualizado 2021-06-09 21:01:28 UTC
Tema: Instalación

Hi I have ordered a Netro spark controller and three sensors. My next step is choosing 12VAC solenoids, a drip irrigation system for beds and pots and a misting system for my propagation bench.

I am new to this and would appreciate a pointer to recommended setups and suppliers.

Do I locate valves near to the Spark and run underground hoses to my beds or am I better off running cables to valves next to the beds? What are the pros and cons?