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j w

Reside en: Peoria, AZ, US
Usar: SPRITE-6
Crecer: Rye Winter Grass, Bermuda


How can I give my landscaper a way to manage the watering cycles?

j w
Actualizado 2019-02-27 06:39:15 UTC

Water pump shutting off

j w
Actualizado 2019-02-27 06:34:06 UTC
Is possible is either a bad solenoid or you need to adjust the flap on your automatic sprinkler this is located usually as a small screw you may also have backflow issues or you may want to check the resistance of your cable and make sure power is going to the terminals to the solenoid it may be just enough to turn it on and then stop this indicates usually either a bad wire or not or bad cable

Why is my sprite watering zones multiple times a day

j w
Actualizado 2019-02-27 06:30:29 UTC
It also calculates absorption rate of soil and nose to water multiple times a day I start my day at 4 a.m. it will start one zone for 10 minutes then wait 30 minutes and then do it again for 10 minutes sometimes based on when the sun comes up it will reschedule and do it right before the sun rises it tries to find the most optimal time for water moisture to be absorbed but there are many factors as to why it doesn't in these ways although I will say without a Sprite it's only guessing what the moisture level of the water is based on what it has already done make sure you select the correct soil

Solid white light can't connect to phone

j w
Actualizado 2019-02-27 06:28:19 UTC
Make sure your phone is connected to Wi-Fi or cell data and make sure you quit app and wait one to two minutes and then reopen app it takes about a minute or two for it to pull new data from the server.  Otherwise check the signal strength of   your wife I as it may be just Out Of Reach

EPA rebate status?

j w
Actualizado 2019-02-27 06:25:50 UTC
check with your city... I got a $200 rebate of my bill just by filling out a form and giving a recipt.